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His Mystery Girl

His Mystery Girl



“The day you stumbled into my arms you became MINE and I will protect what is mine with my life” he subconsciously lowered his head and smacked her lips with his. The tip of his tongue intruded her cavern and captured the little snake within. He twirled it around with his and drowned in all her whimpers. He is pouring all his emotions and letting her know that she is His and only “His to Touch, His to Feel, His to Protect and His to Treasure” with his life. He had always told himself not to attach feelings into any relationship and that having a fling was sufficient. Allowing himself to feel could very well break his heart in the long run, could it not? Seina Wilson is the epitome of Innocence and Beauty. One day she finds herself in a hospital with no retention including her name and she doesn’t recall anything about her. She does not know what to do and that’s when Kendrick Lee Peterson enters her life like a tornado. Kendrick Lee Peterson had a heart of stone. He was noble, proud, and arrogant. He was the king of the business world. In the business industry, he could cause a uproar with a wave of his hand. His way of doing things was cold-hearted and firm. In private, one could negotiate deals with him, but they could never think of entering his heart. Kinship and love were all out of his reach. He was apathetic, he was cold, and he kept his world shut away. Two different worlds collide. Secrets Reveal. Does he stand for Seina or will he still push her like all other women? Can Kendrick protect Seina from the Unknown Monster? Will Seina get her memory back and know her true identity? After knowing the true identity of Seina will Kendrick accept her? It's gonna be one hell of a roller coaster ride with lots of twists. Please follow their journey of love.

Chapter 1 Prologue

“Why did you do that?”I asked making my way to him and standing near him looking into his eyes which are burning with madness and rage. I don't understand why he is so possessive when it comes to me. He made sure no one comes around me and it was smothering me.

“He is making you uncomfortable while touching you and you're asking me why I did. Are you fucking insane?" Ken screamed at me while making his way to his desk.

“You don't need to protect me. You have done enough I can take care of myself”

“I will do anything in my power and no one means no one will ever lay a finger on you. They need to go through me if they need to reach you and that will never happen till I am breathing” said Ken with so much rage in his eyes.

“And why is that” saying that I moved towards him. I wanted to know why he is protecting me that much.

“You want to know” saying that he started taking predatory steps towards me as if I were his prey and he is ready to hunt me down, with each step towards me, I am moving back until I am sandwiched between the wall and him.

He placed his hands on either side of my head and he is towering over me making me smell his cologne which is my beloved and keeps me away from my nightmares. He is so close that he can hear my heart beat which is not normal and if I move a little my lips will touch his thinking of that I feel something stirring in my stomach and just with his utter closeness I am losing my mind and he is gaining total control over me and my body and strangely I am loving it.

“The day you tumbled into my arms you became MINE and I will protect what is mine with my life” he paused and looked into my eyes and then my lips and without a second thought, he captured my lips in a rough kiss which not like other kisses we had shared. He is pouring all his emotions and letting me know that I am His and only

"His to Touch, His to Feel, His to Protect, and His to Treasure”me with his life.

What the hell did I get myself into?

Seina Wilson is the epitome of Innocence and Beauty. One day she finds herself in a hospital with no retention of her name and she doesn't recall anything about her. She does not know what to do and that’s when Kendrick Lee Peterson enters her life like a tornado.

Kendrick Lee Peterson is known as the walking Greek God by girls but no one knows the fact that he hates women with passion. In the Business World, he is known for his Coldness, Heartless Billionaire but if they go on his bad side they have to deal with the real Beast. No one goes against him if they go with a snap of his fingers, he abolishes them completely and brings them on the road with no option except pleading. People know him for his ruthless ways and do not want to mess with him even though the government kisses his feet. After all, he is one of the world's richest businessmen.

Two different worlds collide.

Secrets Reveal.

Does he stand for Seina or will he still push her like all other women?

Can Kendrick protect Seina from the Unknown Monster?

Will Seina get her memory back and know her true identity?

After knowing the true identity of Seina will Kendrick accept her?

It's gonna be a hell of a roller coaster ride with lots of twists. Please follow their journey of love.

Warning: This story contains some mature themes, including kidnapping, torture, pain, violence, coarse language, and some elements of BDSM, which could be triggering to some people. (This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental)

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author.

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