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Rise of the fallen kingdom

Rise of the fallen kingdom



Rosety was the princess of the kingdom of Farkland and soon to be ruler. but with an unexpected event happening, which led to her losing her family as well as her kingdom. she went in search of help from kingdom to kingdom in order to search for someone who will form an alliance with her and she can finally avenge her people's death and finally take over her own kingdom. but what happens when she was met with the most Arrogant emperor there was and that emperor wants nothing but to bed her. will she be able to resist him or will she give in?. she she finally get the chance to save her kingdom?. Keep reading to find out just what happens in Princess Rosety's life 👇👇👇


It all started in a kingdom far far away.

Where there is beauty and fame.

Where water flows and trees grow.

Where the skies are always blue and land green, rich of all that mother nature has to offer.

The kingdom lived in perfect harmony.

The royals are not harsh upon the commoners and the commoners are so respectful towards their leaders.

Where the noble and the peasants stand in the same ground.

That is the kingdom of Farkland.

A land known far and beyond.

This kingdom is ruled by the most wise king Luskova along with his queen, Dahusni.

They are most gracious of all leaders ever known.

And it is no different with their daughter, Rosety.

She posseses the heart of gold and a mind so pure as the first dropping rain in winter.

She is also the fairest of them all.

No beauty has ever been seen that surpassed hers in years and none will be seen in years to come.

That's the kingdom of Farkland to you.

The land of freedom and equality.


Today, activities were going on about up and down in the streets.

Everyone is busy packing up his best stuff to get to the palace.

The market square is full of people, all looking neatly dressed and talking in jubilation.

Children were running about up and down, trying to chase each other down the street while their mothers call upon them to come back otherwise they will be left out of the festivities today and that made most of the children rush back their mothers, not wanting to miss out on all the fun.

What's the great occasion you ask.

Yes, today is the princess's birthday.

She is turning eighteen.

And today also happens to be the day she will be crowned as the official crowned princess, the next queen to the kingdom.

Indeed, it is a day to celebrate.

For this day brings hope and happiness to every soul in the kingdom.

Up head, horses and carriages are seen walking in a perfect line towards the castle, which is up ahead in the mountains.

Every prince from every kingdom has dressed up in his most nicest attire and wielded his favorite sword, in hope that the princess will take notice of him but will she?, that is the question that has remained unanswered all these years.


Princess Rosety is seated in her make-up chair, looking at the mirror while her Best maid, is making the final touch-ups in her make-up. Not that there is much to add actually.

The king walks in alongside the queen.

Both are all dressed in beautiful golden capes made out of real gold thread.

"Oh my goodness! Our dear little princess looks adorable" the queen says, looking at her daughter with so much love in her eyes.

"I got to agree with you on that my queen" Rosety's best maid says.

"Why do you always keep talking when the royals are?" a voice asks from behind.

A voice all are familiar with.

A voice that commands power but not as much as the king's and queen's.

"Aunt, you are here" the birthday girl gets up from her seat and rushes towards her aunt.

The queen stared at her sister disapprovingly.

"Suzeka, you know that's how we do things around here, there is no discrimination between the royal and commoners" the queen says.

"And you have proven your point by marrying one" she says, glaring at the king.

The king sure does not have any royal origin but he has ruled the heart of all.

"Excuse me my king, my queen, princess" Rosety's best maid says as she quickly rushes out of the room.

She has a feeling that they might need to talk this all out in private.

This always happens whenever lady Suzeka visits.

"Suzeka, I would not have you slander my family, at least not on an important occasion like today" the queen spoke in a harsh tone.

King Luskova walks besides her and places his hand on her shoulder.

"There is no need for you to be upset about it, it's true and I am proud of who I am" he says to his darling wife.

That's the reason why the queen loves him more with each passing day. He never shy away from his origin.

Rosety was seeing the love blooming between her parents and she was so happy while suzeka just huffed at them.

"Ok you all, I think it's time for me to finally get going, my subjects are awaiting my arrival" Rosety finally decided to break off the silence.

"You are right my dear, let's get going" her mother says intertwining their hands together and they walked hand in hand, ready to address their subjects.


The hall was full with people, all happy to see the princess and the queen as they walked down the hall

"Happy birthday my princess" some echoed.

"Here's a little something we brought for her highness" some said while handing their most precious gifts to the princess.

"Oh! That's lovely, thanks very much" she will say as she collected their gifts.

That's how the kingdom is, all are lovely and treat each other as equals.

But it seems like Lady Suzeka isn't in on this treatment as she just huffs and turn away ever one of the commoners tries to get close to her.

Who knew her well didn't even dare to go close to her.

But her mood would not be fouled by this.

She is a relative of the princess and so, would he treated with respect.


Princess Rosety walked into the grand ball room, where every one is waiting for her arrival.

They all stood up at the announcement of her name.

Each and every prince or Lord trying to compose himself so as to get noticed by the princess.

The smile on her face never falters as she waves at her guests.

The ball room has been decorated beautifully by flowers.

There is also a huge chandelier in the middle of the ballroom, illuminating the whole place.

Foods of all kinds were arranged at the far end of the room where everyone is free to serve themselves, both commoners and royals equal.

Tables and chairs were also placed in to sit four people each and it was decorated using a golden table cloth.

But what catches everyone's attention in this whole place is the six feet cake that is standing layers upon layers.

Princess Rosety walked over and sat on one of the chairs, ignoring the chair that was made specifically for her and the top of the throne space.

Her parents also joined in with her and so, Suzeka also had to join in.

People from all sides started walking towards her to congratulate her and soon, she was filled with so many gifts, so many that she wouldn't know what to do with them.

"I'm thirsty" Suzeka announces.

"The water bottle stand is over there, shall I get you one aunt?" Rosety asks.

"No, how dare I make the birthday girl work, that's the work of the servants" she replies.

"But then I forgot, they are on a break now and so, we have to do all the work by ourselves" she adds.

Nobody bothered to make any comments to her and so, she walked up to get her own water.

"Good evening everyone, thank you all for making time to attend my beautiful daughter's birthday ceremony" the king announces.

"Now, we shall make a toast for her long life and prosperity and then she shall cut the cake" he asks.

Everyone raised their cups at at the same time.

"Long live the princess" they all sang and took their drinks.

"Oh! Thank you so much everyone" she beams.

"And now, to the cutting off the cake" the king announces.

Everyone gathered around the cake while she was given a knife to cut it.

"One, two, three, Happy birthday" the whole crowd cheers.

She cuts the cake and picks out a piece and fed it to her mother, the queen who in turn did the same to her and then she did her father and lastly, her Aunt, Suzeka.

After that, everyone was allowed to come and cut a piece of the cake for themselves.

Some even tried to feed the princess which she accepted politely.

"Now, the princess is going to begin the dance" the MC announces.

"Come on darling, go and pick your prince charming from these young lads that have decked themselves up, just for you" the king says.

Princess Rosety gets up and turned to her father.

She slowly courtesied at him and extends her hand.

"May I have this dance, my very first love?" she says.

"Hey, I'm his one and only first love" her mother jokes.

"Not since she first held my hands with her tiny little ones" the king says.

They all laughed except for Suzeka, who didn't find any of this funny.

The king and the princess proceed to the dance floor and the music was turned on and they started dancing.

"You know my child, you should really think about giving some of your attention to these men, they look like they are ready to fall at your feet if you ordered that" the king says.

The truth is, he is just trying to persuade his daughter to find a groom for herself tonight.

But Rosety wouldn't have any of it.

To her, any man that would fall at your feet is not a real man and doesn't not love you.

A man should able to stand up for you and be there to protect you, just like her father.

"But they are not like you" she argues

"There is none other like me" the king boasts and they both laughed.

"Excuse me your highness, maybe I cut in?" one handsome prince asks.

The king smiles at him knowingly.

"Yeah, sure, you two young lads enjoy, my bones are getting sore and I can't hold up much longer" he says and pulls away.

The fair prince took his place instead and they continued dancing.

The whole crowd is also dancing as well and so, the king grabbed his queen and they are back in the dance floor once again.

"You looking pretty gorgeous my princess" the man speaks.

"Uhmmm, thanks" she mumbles.

She can feel his touch on her skin, so sloppy and delicate, as if he was afraid that if he touched much harder, she might break.

But she is not some porcelain doll, Rosety thought.

"Thanks" she mutters.

"So, how would you think about coming over to my kingdom and spending time there?" he asks.

"Uhmm, I don't know, I'll be quite busy with my royal duties up here to think of a vacation anytime soon" she say but the truth is, she kind of already don't like this guy.

"I will stay back and help you then, my princess" he continues.

He has now moved his hand to her waist and they kept on dancing.

"That would be lovely but I think your kingdom might also need you" she says.

"True, my fairest princess, you speak the truth" he agrees with her.

"So, how about we merge our kingdom together and that would make it easier for us, don't you think?" he asks.

This is a so typical way of saying I want to marry you and take over your kingdom.

"Uhmm..." but Rosety was not given a chance to give him an answer as she was whisked away by another fair Lord.

The dance kept going on and on with all men extending their proposals at her but she all kindly rejected them.

Finally, it was time for the coronation.

Princess Rosety was now standing before her father and mother, the king and the queen.

Aunt Suzeka is also standing by the side along with the kingdom's royal advisor.

The king picks up the crown and walks over to the princess who is standing there with her head bowed.

"Princess Rosety, as you are now standing before us, we are restoring you with the responsibility of this great kingdom, for it is your responsibility now to protect and make out kingdom prosper, do you agree with that?" the kind asks.

"I have have agreed from this day onwards, that will take care of my kingdom, and protect it and make it prosper" she says.

"Princess Rosety, you are now the official crowned princess of this great kingdom" he says.

He places the crown on her head while the queen hands over the sceptre representing the kingdom to her.

The whole crowd cheered at this for there were the most happiest.

Princess Rosety walks over to the throne that is besides the queen and sits and all the crowd bowed before her.

"You may rise" she says in her most commanding voice.

The king smiled. He has never been proud of his daughter like he was today as she has already adapted herself to her new role in life.

"And now, for my gift to the princess" the king announces.

Everyone's attention is now back to him.

One of the guards presented a platter with a sword on it.

The king picks up the sword and handed it over to the princess.

"From today onwards, our princess shall protect our kingdom" he says.

"And also, we have another gift the her" he adds.

She smiles at her father.

"May we adjourn outside" he says.

Everyone starts heading outside to see what the king has in-store for his dearest daughter.

They are all now standing outside the palace building.

There is a huge thing covered in some clothes.

The king motioned and some servants unveiled it.

It was an empty statue stand.

What does this mean?.

The princess moved over to the empty stand and she saw a writing on it that was inscribed with gold.

'Here stands the greatest leader, Queen Rosety'

That's what was written on the stand.

"I have left it empty because the time to finally fill up this place is yet to come but from today onwards, the building of the princess's statue will begin and a symbol of her first step to becoming the greatest" he says.

"All hail the king, all hail the king" the crowd kept echoing.

Now that's how princess Rosety celebrated her first birthday.

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