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Stuck In Between Three

Stuck In Between Three



"I want you, be mine" he whispers in her ear. "You are my addiction" another said. "MINE!!!" he growled out as well. All three men tried to take their time to show her just how special she is to them. ********** Madeline is a simple orphan girl trying to achieve the dream of her life by becoming an artist. But along the way, she got herself entangled in a relationship with three men. A handsome billionaire, a vampire and a werewolf. At first, she tries her best to juggle between the three relationship and thinking all three men would not find out. But what happens when all three find out and all were not ready to let go of her?. And who would Madeline decide to choose amidst all the chaos?.

Chapter 1 Prologue

I can't believe it. I can't fucking believe it.

All this time, I have been trying to see that this day has never come to be. But here, right now, all my efforts seemed to have gone in vain.

In short, I am done for.

Now I am stuck between this mess that I have created for myself.

Lorenzo, my boss, stood before me, awaiting an answer. He deserves it more than anyone else.

But he shouldn't blame me though. If he had been attentive and considerate towards my feelings from time to time, all this wouldn't have happened in the first place.

I tried to look away from this domineering eyes and looked to my left, only to find Lucas standing there, looking as cool and calm as he has always been.

Oh my poor Lucas! He really doesn't deserve to be in such a mess. He is the most gentle creature I have ever met. He is as patient as an oyster.

He has once told me that he has been patient for a thousand years and he would wait a thousand years more, just for me. Though it seems more like an extended metaphor to me but he took his time with me and he was always there whenever and however I needed him and that, made him win my heart, well part of it.

And Marcus, well, he was supposed to be a mistake long forgotten. But then, here he is, standing next to me.

We met at a club and I was too drunk to even remember my name and the next day, I woke up to see me laying on top of him. I rushed away of course, just like how a one night stand is supposed to end.

But it seemed like this wasn't supposed to and hence, we met again two weeks later in an art gallery and the man who was straight forward, told me that he wasn't ready to let go just after one night.

The most logical thing to do at that position was to shun him away but a feral part of me felt connected to him and I wanted to see where it would lead me to.

Well, here is what it led to, me being caught up in my lies.

I had never been claustrophobic in my life but today, even though the room could carry hundreds of us, I felt en-caged between these men.

How am I going to start unraveling this mess to them?.

Obviously, I couldn't live to them right now but I don't know if I would be able to tell the truth.

What would happen after that?.

Would they all see me as a disgusting whore for that is obviously what I am?.

I thought that I could be able to juggle between three men, one just wasn't enough for me.

Yukk! Even I feel disgusted just by thinking about that.

"Madeline" his slow and musky voice pierced into my ears.

Of course, he would be the the first to talk, he has all the right to.

But calling me Madeline, it has been long since he did that, except otherwise if we are at work of course.

"Answer me, why are you so quite" his voice echoes once again.

I looked up to him only to see that there is no space between us and his intoxicating scent invaded my nose. On a normal circumstances, I would have been turned on my now and my pants would be all wet, waiting to be ripped by him. But right now, right now...

"Who are these men and how exactly do you know them?" his voice intruded me once again.

"Uhmm, uhmm..." I trailed off once again.

How on Earth am I supposed to explain this mess precisely.

"Who is he?" Marcus asks this time.

He has been the rather impatient one.

The look Lorenzo was giving him at that moment could kill a soul but he seemed unfazed. It was he wanted to rip him away from me.

Lucas on the other hand, he looked so calm, more calm than he has ever been before, it was he wasn't even part of the argument.

He is acting as if he already knew this was going to happen.

Wait a minute, did he?.

No, there is no way he would have known. This must be all coincidence.

He is too good to even plan something like this.

Lorenzo opened his mouth to speak up Lucas's voice stopped him.

"I think it is best if you let her speak" he says, calmly that even the two rogues in the room had to listen.

"She needs personal space too" he adds.

The two realized that they have closed in to me and so, they moved away.

I take a seat and then try to wipe out the sweat beads that have formed on my forehead.

A glass of water was handed to me and I just took it without seeing who exactly did so.

After taking a whole glass, I decided to finally confess.

"I...I would tell you the whole truth" I begin.

After about ten minutes, I finally look up at them to see their reaction. I don't know what they are going to do but whatever it is, I deserve it.

It took them a few minutes to finally speak and those few minutes felt like ages.

"Why? What made you do all this, was I lacking to you in any way?" Lorenzo was the first to ask.

And I have no answer to him. He is the one I cheated on the most and he deserves to know why.

I look up at the other two and they seem to be staring at each other intently, as if waiting to pounce on each other.

He shook his head and then places his forehead on mine.

"Whatever, I forgive you for what you have done so long as you won't be seeing them from then on, you will be mine and only mine" he says in the most softest voice ever.

"Don't you ever think for a minute that I would let go of my mate, she is mine" Marcus voice echoes, though it sounded more like a growl.

He is even breathing heavily, like he has just ran a marathon or something. Even his eyes seemed to have changed colors.

Ever so slightly, I felt the cold and soothing touch of Lucas behind me as he wraps his hand around my waist.

"I suggest you two all stop because she is mine and believe me when I say I would fight every creature just to be with her" he says in an icy voice.

I have never heard his voice so cold like this. Even his body felt much colder.

Before I knew what was happening, he was pulling me out of the room but then, I was pulling back.

"Let go of her you filthy blood sucker" Marcus growls, like literally.

I turned to see a slightly resemblance of a man who looks like Marcus as this one looks more hairy.

"Let go of her before I am forced to forget about all protocols and rip you apart you tiny dog" Lucas warns.

This seems to have infuriated Marcus all the more and the next thing I was witnessing, I was going to the other side of the room but luckily, Lorenzo caught me.

I looked before me to see a wolf looking create where Marcus was standing and Lucas, he was more pale than ever and he has fangs, really painfully piercing looking canines.

Just seeing these two creatures who look like they are about to rip each other apart any moment made me give up and slowly, I started drifting away.

"Madeline... Madeline... Madeline..."

I could hear my name being called out at the far end of the tunnel.

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