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Silent Enemy

Silent Enemy

Casey Bae


Alana, a young girl who ran away from home just to live her own life was betrayed by a man she thought she could trust, a man who has taken her in and the one she had fallen deeply in love with. And was only left with a broken heart that yearns only for revenge...

Chapter 1 Lost

The only thing I had to do was to keep running...from all these, from all this terrible nightmare, from the dreadful life I had found myself in!

But I was exhausted, my leg was already giving away and I know deep down that I couldn't make it, that I can't escape from any of these but... I still couldn't accept it. I willed my leg to keep on moving and not to stop but who I'm I to fight the demon that have possessed my body.

"My Angel... I heard the tiny whisper in my ear and tried to open my eyes, my head seems light...where was I? and why was everything blur. it was had to remember the last place I had been till I felt the cold touch on my skin and realized that I had made the worst mistake ever.

I had tried running away, I had tried regaining my freedom but instead I ended up getting caught...again! I tried to clear my blur vision and focus on the man standing in front of me. I felt the need to apologize Immediately but what's the use? I could not escape my punishment now.

Those eyes glared down at me in anger and instantly I felt his strong grip clasp around my neck "What were you thinking, Angel? "Do you think you could escape from me that easily? I struggled to breath, to move my body away from him but it wasn't possible since my I had been tied to my seat.

Tell me, what are you thinking, he said.Edward, my best friend and now my worst enemy

I know I shouldn't talk, I know I shouldn't say anything but I can't hold back anymore "am thinking of how stupid and heartless you are" with the look on his face I know I was in for torture he releases his hold on my hair moving away from me" how can I be heartless baby, I was the one that fed you almost for three years and you said am heartless, really am hurt, very hurt he turned to me again, am not the heartless baby I just want you to pay back what you owe to me....that it no offense taken, but.....If you say am heartless and stupid I will be happy to show you that side of me he again came to me, bending to whisper in my ear

"Whatever am going to do to you in this room just know that am doing it for love and nothing else," he smiled "and also consider yourself lucky because no one has ever tried to run away from me and escaped alive, you see I love you. He stood moving away from me " deal with her," he said and walked away without a backward gaze, feel what a murderer, I thought, I knew them, has lived among these people but now fear them, I saw whip electric shock and knew that if I ever survive from their hands I will never know death again. I closed my eyes breathing in the air, a new guy was among them, his new guy maybe I was his first lesson or will I say the first test, closing my eyes to the world I let myself welcome pain when the first whip landed on my face...Was I dead, is this the afterlife I always heard of, I tried to move my body, God my body was on fire "don't try to push yourself too hard, badly wounded "was this an angel talking to me, I tried opening my eyes but God my eyes was burning, I mourned in pain, I wasn't dead, I survived and the person talking was Edward personal doctor, I know and have lived with

them for five good years I forced my eyes open to see what was left for me in this world, I saw the doctor standing beside my bed" how are you doing now, I gave you a lot of painkillers to ease your pain with time you be alright " she wasn't wearing her usual smile, she was sad looking at me with so much pity, I closed my eyes to escape from every sorrow why wasn't I dead, why was alive and when has my life turned to be these sorrowful.

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