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He’s all that

He’s all that

Authoress ashabi


Suzanne sawyer a famous TikToker,verified content creator and a brand ambassador whom is in her final year in high school who lives with her divorced mother a local nurse,although she pretends to be rich in front of her friends,followers and sponsor. One day she made a bet to turn the school’ Least popular young man to a prom king

Chapter 1 Episode one


Students can be seen driving into school park,some are alighting from the cab and some are running into the school compound

There is this magnificent building you are seeing will surely give you an hint that the school is a very rich school and not a school for the poor

A yellow Bentley drove into the school roughly and the student went crazy immediately

👥Suzanne is here

👥Gosh! I love you senior Suzanne

👥You are my role model Suzanne

Suzanne pov

My friend,drove into the school roughly

I smiled seeing the way some student waiting for me to come down from the car

I alight from the car and I can see student going wild seeing me

I sighted my boyfriend jake and walk to him,

I hugged him and peck him lightly on his lips,he smiled and kiss my lips

👥Awwn they are so good together

👥I wish you guys last long

👥Suzanne jake is gonna break your heart

The last question make me angry,I glared hard at face the girl that say the last part

“Repeat what you said”I said and the girl gulped down nervously not able to say anything

I looked at jake eyes and I can see him getting nervous

“What’s wrong jake,why are you scared “I asked and he nodded

“It’s nothing “he said

My bad,sorry for not introducing myself earlier

Am Suzanne sawyer the famous tiktoker and brand influencer

I lived in a small house with my divorced mum,although I hide the fact that my mum work as a local nurse and I lived in a small apartment with my mum from my friends and fans

That all am gonna be telling you now,you get to know me

“Let leave for class “I said to my bestie Alden and boyfriend jake

We proceeded to the class there I can see Mr Baldwin our computer teacher in the class teaching

“Why are you just coming to the class “he asked and I rolled my eyes

“Will you stop asking me question and continue teaching”I said rudely

“If you dare speak to me rudely I suspend you for weeks and you will definitely fail some course”he threatened

I was about talking when jake and Alden interrupted me

“We are sorry Mr baldwin,its Won’t happen again “they both apologized and I rolled my eyes at him

He continued with his boring class but I can’t help my self from falling asleep

“Hey you,what is the last thing I said”the teacher said and I gulped down not wanting to get suspended

I will have to apologize and do something to make him not suspend me”I thought

I start shedding crocodile tears making all the students pitying me

👥Mr Baldwin you make the famous tiltoker cry

👥I will make you pay for making my crush cry

👥I am sure her famous father she has been talking about will send you out of the school

The last question took me aback,I wonder what they find out about my background

Jake pov

Am getting tired of this foolish girlfriend of mine

I can’t help but hissed inwardly as she came to hug me

I was terrified when the last girl said am going to break her heart

And it’s true because I already banged her quite sometimes and am only using Suzanne to gain popularity because she is a famous tiktoker

Am also a hip hop artist but I still need a lot of fans but I can only get it through Suzanne

Mr Baldwin pov

I don’t know what to do about this teen celebrity she is always getting on my nerves and I am tired of her

I can loose my job because of a girl,I have to apologize to the students that are murmuring because I can’t loose my job because of a small child “I thought

Sorry everyone you can sit miss celeb “I said and some of the students laugh out loud and I don’t seems to find anything what I said

Decorum class let finish this topic”I said and continue teaching

Few minutes later

I finished teaching and gave them their assignment

“Class rep,follow me to my office “I said to her and give her my books”before exiting the room

Benedict pov

I rolled my eyes at the girl that perform a drama in class when Mr baldwin was teach I don’t know why all of them believe the girl blindly “I thought and rolled my eyes

I picked my camera and exited the room

I went to the garden and start snapping beautiful pictures

I am obsessed with this camera it’s the only gift my mum gave me before she passed away

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