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Billionaire fake bride(A bride for rent)

Billionaire fake bride(A bride for rent)

Authoress ashabi


💛 BILLIONAIRE FAKE WIFE 👰 (A bride for rent...) Genres: Romance. Tags: Betrayer, love, secret, lies, billionaire, family ... By; Authoress Ashabi ★★★★ ★ (PROLOGUE) ★ If you hear the people whispering, "A freaky rich company" just know that they are talking SILVERADO COMPANY. SILVERADO GROUP OF COMPANIES, A freaky rich company, the name alone send smile to every youth face. Why??? I dunno 🤷🤷🤷 Everyone wants to work in that company, the ladies mainly want to work there because of the CEO. The CEO, Austin Hernandez, a strict man that hate the sight of ladies and yet he has a girlfriend who he love dearly. He is handsome, his sexy abs that can turn girls on and don't let us about his lips and walking steps overall he is every woman's dream. The men envy him and the ladies envy his woman, they keep dreaming about him and lust over him. Gifts are always in his office and house, terrifying gift like condoms and undies, yet he's not acknowledging them, his love is for Shirley alone. Enchanted love. Shirley, a model and an actress, she's popular for her amazing acting skills and unresistible figure. Austin one and only girlfriend, that's his life support, his personal oxygen. Olivia, one of Austin crushes, she dream about him every f**king day and hope to get a glimpse of him for real. Will her dream come true. What is going to happen when Austin suddenly up to her door and asked her to be his wife, a wife base on contract. Why did he need a contract wife?? Why not Shirley. Will she accept the offer even tho she's crushing on him and she clearly know that he has a girlfriend. Let's find out...

Chapter 1 Episode one

Austin pov

“What are you wearing Shirley “I asked immediately she entered my office “What do you mean am wearing, “isn’t this a nice dress “she said checking herself

“Hey you, Isn’t this a nice dress “she asked my male secretary and he smiled widely before nodding his head “You are fired “I said and he fall to his knees immediately

“Am sorry sir “he said with tears falling out of his eyes but I don’t seem to care

“Get out of my office before I call the security “I said and he held Shirley leg “You know this is your fault I already told you times without number not to dress like a slut because you are an actress”I said and she landed a slap on my cheek

“How dare you call me a slut “she said and hissed before walking out of my office “What are you still doing there “I asked my ex secretary that still on his kneels “I think you want it the hard way “I said I picked my phone and dialed the police line

“I want some of your men in my office right now “I said He didn’t wait for another second before running out of my office I dialed his number and asked him not to bother sending them again before hanging up “Oh Gosh!!!,I have to beg Shirley the tenth time this week “I thought

I picked my phone and dial her number but she is not picking up I went out of my office and as usual female started day dreaming I reached the parking lot and met load of gift in front of my car I walked to the security and glared at him with anger visible in my eyes

“I promise I tried my best to stop them but they were to much for me to handle “he said knowing why am glaring at him

Put a vacancy job outside”I said and he nodded Pack the gift and share it to the staff”I said before walking to my car I enter my car and wait for a while until he finish packing the gift aside I drive out of my company roughly and went to the mall

Shirley pov

I walked angrily to my house and dropped throw my bag on the couch “How dare him call me a slut “I gritted and kick the couch

“Ma’am what’s wrong “my guard run to me and help me up “Am sure this guy will be the best fûcker”I thought and lick my lips imagining him fûckîng the hell out of me

“Take me to the guest room”I said and his eyes widened “Ma’am “he called

“You heard me clearly right “I shouted and he immediately carried me in a bridal way He carried me to the guest room and drop me on the bed “Can I leave Ma’am “he asked

“Lock the door and come here”I said and he stoodu still like a log of wood

“Am sure your heard me clearly”I said and immediately turned around and lock the door “Good,Let get down to business “I said and remove my cloth and undies

“Ma’am,what are you doing “he said and covered his eyes with his hands I open my legs apart and gesture him to come closer He came closer and I stand up throwing him on the bed violently I start undressing him and when i can clearly see his bulge I sat on him and start riding his diçk

“Now come fûck me “I said and stand up shooting my ass at him He entered roughly and I can’t help but to moan We fuçked for a while until he cum on my butt Out”I said to him and he rushed outside I entered the bathroom take a quick shower and change my clothes

Few minutes later

I went out of the guest room and reached the living room I met Austin with loads of gift I rolled my eyes and hissed before sitting on the couch

“Shirley,”he called and I glared at him

“Am sorry baby, you are free to dress however you like but not too short”he said Austin said but I didn’t say anything

He moved closer to me and hugged me tight

“Let go of me “I yelled “Babe but I said am sorry “Austin said and I hissed

“What else do you want for you to forgive me”I asked and I can see a smile on her face

“Get me the latest Porsche “I said and he nod “You will get that in the morning but tell me you’ve already forgive me “he said “I have forgive you but you dare not talk to me anyhow “I said and he smiled

Austin pov

Am happy she forgive me for calling her a whore I won’t relent until you stop dressing anyhow “I thought “Let go on a date “I said and she smiled Let me change my dress “she said and went to her room

Shirley pov

“Oh God,I wish am done with this burden of Austin”I said to my boyfriend jace on the phone

“Am tired with him and I don’t even know how to make him sign his property paper to our name jace

“I want to ruin Austin Hernandez reputation in public and that will happen tomorrow “I said to jace I was about talking when I heard footstep making me hang up immediately

“Is anyone there “I asked and went closer to the door I met a maid at the doorstep “What are you doing here “I said to her

“Sir asked me to call you “she said and I hissed “Is that why you are eavesdropping “I said I promise on my life I didn’t hear anything you said,I only came her to call you “she said “You can leave tell him I will be there in a bit

Olivia pov

I was still sleeping when my foolish friend barged into my room and pour water on my face

“Do you realize the time it is now”she shouted but I hissed

“What on earth are you doing in my room “I

shouted at her and she gave me a flier

“What,I spranged up immediately I set my eyes on the paper To be continued What do you think is on the flier

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