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Althea Roberto is your average city girl with big dreams and small reality. Althea and her best friend Jessy make a big break in Johnson and Co. Company as a personal assitant and Accountant respectively. Althea works with the big boss. A business typhoon...Dominic Johnson, but she doesn't know is her boss is also an Italian Mafia Leader. And when she finds out her boss is not who she imagined him to be. She is cut up in a battle of love and war. The truth that is unvealed from her funding makes her run from the world Dominic presents to her.


If the world was like a swing, I would never wanna come back down. Going up would be a relief from life and its worries. Having a taste of heaven, but coming back down would be back to reality.

Where everything reminded you of your pain, suffering and agony. Many people have it nice but as for me, Althea Roberto, I was damned to this world to suffer. From one misery to another, but what can I say “at the end of every tunnel, there is the light”? I’m still waiting for that light.


It’s been three days without a job, without money and my landlord constantly reminding me of the rent fee.

America isn’t all rosy as it’s painted to be, many suffer without a roof over their heads or food in their stomach. Others are been walked over by the rich and oppressed by their money and power.

And that is the only reason why I wake up every day to make a gain, I would never wanna be walked all over.

“Jessy, hurry up. We’re gonna miss the bus… again,” we were going for a job interview. And Jessy my long-time best friend wasn’t a morning person. Her dark chocolate hair was a mess.

She had a sexy figure that constantly had her attention from boys. Ever since high school, I was the direct opposite of her. I saw a slim figure, with brunette hair.

“I’m up. You are worse than my alarm clock. Who wakes someone before their alarm clock anyways?” She was grumpy but she was so cute.

I pushed her into the bathroom with the promise of making her coffee the way she loved it. She was done within the hour; I move in next to have my morning hygiene routines done.

Within an hour or so, we were both dressed and ready for the day, but we were late to catch the bus. Running as fast as our lazy asses could carry us, with met the bus in time before it moved.

We need to exercise more. Panting was we got to the bus station at the nick of time.

“You girls are this time, I won’t wait again” he warned us, Matt was the best. We paid the fee, moving to a vacant sit.

Jessy takes the sit by the window, while I sit next to her. She brings out her phone plugging in her earpiece, and puts in one ear for me, as we vibe to her music together.

The journey didn’t take too long before we reached Johnson’s and Co. It was huge a building; the looks were intimidating enough.

" Okay, Althea you can do this. You’re the best, okay? I love you” she knew I was scared. She was the best thing that has happened to me since I lost my parents. She hugged me tightly, wishing me luck.

“You too. Go and slay it baby girl” I knew she was scared too but she was too busy forming a hard guy. We walked into the same building but headed in two different ways.

I moved toward the receptionist while she moved upstairs to the accounting department. She was the best accountant I knew out there. And I knew she was gonna be the best here too.

“Good morning ma’. I’m here for the interview for the personal assistant position” I smiled as politely as I could.

She didn’t look up from her laptop, pointing with her freshly done manicured nails in the direction of where some women and men gathered. I ignored her rude attitude and slowly walked towards the area she pointed out.

One by one they moved through a huge door, and one by one they came out in tears. I was shaking, I knew if I left Jessy would kill me and have my head on a platter of gold.

I tried to encourage myself when I saw a lady come out crying, she broke down on the floor. I went over to hold her when she calmed down, she left the building warning me to run while I still could. I was considering the idea when…

“Althea Roberto, you’re next” my blood ran cold, and beads of sweat covered my face. I wanted to run back, everyone who enter that office came out crying--even the men.

“Coming” I brace myself for the worst. Carrying my handbag with me, my knee nearly bucked together. The office was spacious as hell.

My whole apartment could fit in and still have space for another room. I was in awe of the room. It had a dark, elegant, majestic feel to it. I don’t understand why they were all crying when they came out. Maybe the office was too beautiful.

“Are you done eye raping my office, if you are then don’t waste my time and take a sit” a voice came from the office?

There was a big desk at the far end of the room. There he was… typing furiously on the keyboard. What is with this company and not looking up? I sit down placing my handbag beside me. I pull out an envelope with my document contained in it.

“Introduce yourself,” he commanded. His voice was deep and husky, but very firm and attentive. He seemed like someone who brags about what they have, especially intimidating the less privileged. But I won’t let that happen to me.

" I am Althea Roberto, a 22-year-old graduate of New York College (NYC). I majored in Business Administration with, a minor in business consulting. I’m also here to interview as your personal assistant”

I waited for him to ask another question or say something. The clicking from the keyboard stopped and, he finally raised his head, his eyes met mine sending chills down my spine.

It was like he was searching my soul for a weak point. I was going to let that happen either.

He stood up from his throne, walking to the coffee table. I refuse to turn around, I sit still facing his previous location. His cologne was strong, it smelt like wood ash and dust when the rain just begins.

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