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Chapter 3 HUNGOVER

Word Count: 1001    |    Released on: 28/10/2022

ice. I let go of her, moving through the crowd back to my sit. I fe

r world, dancing, drinking, having fun. Jessy was right maybe I needed to live a bit.

s" I roll my eyes at the typical bar pickup lines. I i

the blondie came closer to me. Making

talk to you, you ignore right? My mama taught me not to

taking a sip of my drink while watching out for Jessy. I

s moving slowly. Moving to words the exit to

a. God my head hurts so mu

voice said, he held my waist leading me outside the pub successfull

see who he was but my eyesight became mo

e falls from my grip. Bending to pick it up, he pulls me

miliar voice came out from the concern, the man holding me jumped

black van, I still couldn't make out where we were. And in all of this, I was still wor

sshole if you don't let go of me now. Fight me like a man, you bitch" yup-that was Jessy all

ng to say this just one more time, drop them and leave" he was angrier now. I could hear

ould have just n

ting the superman that came for us. He dodged the first and the se

and dropped Jessy as well.

be there for you" she picked me up, my mind slowly losing consciousnes

saw was a dazzl

red metal drummers this morning. My tongue was sandy and dry.

vironment. I was in my room but someone was beside me, I tur

ons had a party in it. Speaking of parties, last night was the last tim

own my spine. What I couldn't understand was ho

ish. I threw the cover to have more room to move my legs. That was worst th

rt I make it to the kitchen, there was already food in

ing the coffee, I checked my phone for any messages or missed calls. There were

nging in my head. When did men come to my house, why can't I remember anything? Well... aside from that icy blue e

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