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His Windswept Desire

His Windswept Desire



"The position as my mistress has been vacated, are you interested in applying?" "Seth!" She raised her hand to slap him but he caught her wrist, holding it fast. From the moment Daphne Heels walked into Seth Wellington's home, he knew she was trouble, what with her stunning body and excessive air of confidence...... Daphne Heels was here for one thing only, to get her job done and to vacate Seth's home without a trace. But there are human forces that conspire, will Seth and Daphne set all of their differences aside for the volcanic passion it was certain that their coming together will evoke?

Chapter 1 High sun, California

Highsun, California.

Seth Wellington paused at his doorway to look at the mess he had made of his sitting room the day before, shocked that his housekeeper was nowhere to be found, at nine am in the morning.

"The hell! where is Claudia and why the fuck isn't she here ?" he mumbled under his breath. Realising that he was already late for work, he picked up his phone and dialled his chaffeur telling him to be ready as he will be out in a minute, sparing an angry glance at the sitting room once again, he dashed out the door.

"Well good morning to you too Bossy Boss,why so cranky today?" Seth's business partner and best friend Dan said, after the board of trustees had cleared out the boardroom. With Dan's glance still fixated on Seth, he continued "what is the problem mate? You acted all weird during that meeting, and everyone noticed it.

Seth held up a hand "Not today man."

Dan chuckled lightly then said "It's the hangover from yesterday, I see. Glad Vivie talked me out of coming."

Seth ignored him completely, stood up and walked to the door as if to leave then turned and said "I need a new maid man, Claudia found herself a husband."

Dan straightened then said "Wow lucky girl, unlike an unlucky fella I know, Put a word out then, let that agency know."

Seth licked his lips then uttered "Fuck that agency, I had to manage Claudia. The Lady was always trying to poke her nose in my business. I would rather look into another agency." Seth let himself out of the door, leaving Dan puzzled.


"Yes, I got the email Zack, I am on it and I will be there this evening to resume my duties."I understand Zack, I will get whatever it is across to you, trust me.”

Daphne adjusted her hands firmly over the phone and reclined into her chair,still listening to her boss on the other end of the phone."Sure, I understand, I will keep you posted."

Daphne Heels was only 26. She had lived a content life as a school teacher in New Jersey, until her mother developed leukemia just two years ago and Daphne had spent every penny from her teaching job and savings to restore her health. Unfortunately her mother died just two months ago and with a heavy ache in her heart, Daphne had decided to relocate to California. It was Zack, her highschool friend who had offered to help her with a job just three weeks ago and when she had began to lose hope,it was him who kept reassuring her that he really did have something for her. Now this, her first assignment ever. Daphne was glad that she could finally show Zack that he could count on her.

Sighing deeply,Daphne didn't know what to make of this new assignment that she had been assigned, she expected anything but a maid?A maid? She inhaled deeply then let out a shriek of laughter. She was to become a maid to get whatever she could out of a Billionaire's dealings and simply hand the information to her boss, sounded simple but not that simple. Nothing was wrong with getting the information from "Rich boy" but how was she to be a maid?

Sighly deeply once again, she resigned to her fate, stood up and began to pack her bags.

Seth Wellington whistled a happy tune as he reclined on his lounge chair, a glass of whiskey in hand, he relinquished the events of the day. He signed two multi billions deals just a day after signing, the one with the governor's brother and he was indeed pleased with himself.

At thirty two Seth had it all. Successful, sinfully handsome, filthy rich, full sensual lips, a strong and healthy muscular body rumoured by his staff to have been carved out by Zeus himself, a high commanding authority, oozing confidence and intelligence. He could of course have any woman of his choice, with the way they always made themselves available for him and having had his fair share of sex from the opposite sex and while he loved the attention and all, he hadn't been himself since the heartbreak from Zane, his teenage sweetheart from ages ago.

The doorbell chimed, and Seth Wellington abandoned his thoughts and in his deep voice called out to his housekeeper to open the door , realising that she quit her job and that Jayjay his cook was out, he nodded his head and strolled casually to the door,checking the door bell video camera, he noticed a pretty young woman standing outside.

On opening the door, he stared at the beautiful woman in front of him. She stood with a large chuckle on her face, staring back at him, Seth realising that it was not pleasant to stare and that they had been staring at each other for a little over a minute without a word to each other decided to go first "How may I assist... "

“Good evening sir, the agency sent me and I am to resume here as your maid, I believe you have been expecting me." Daphne threw back at him before he could finish.

Seth was taken aback, yes of course the damned maid agency sent him an email of an incoming replacement for Claudia and they were fast with sending someone this time around. Straightening to his full height Seth replied. "So punctual?.Very good, and you are.... Daphne Heels like your resume states?"

"Yes sir" Daphne replied.

Seth opened the door wider "Then do come in."

Daphne followed his lead,into the apartment. She perused the dark ash furniture and walls which reeked of masculinity, to the left side were various paintings hanged on the wall, she fixated her eyes on a particular painting of a scantily clad woman with full rose lips sitted on a seetee and looking into the distance. Seth cleared his throat and Daphne turned to focus on him.

"Daphne I have a live in cook, he is on errands right now hence, his absence and as my maid you are expected to live in too. I want the whole place impeccably neat and I also value efficiency and dedication to one's duties. I will show you your room now and Jayjay, my cook will show you around when he returns so you can be acquainted with the environment. Any questions?"

Daphne nodded. "None for now sir."

"Good, follow me .You can return for your bags later." Leading her through the corridor, Seth paused at a door on the right, opened it and turned to focus on Daphne. "There you go, make yourself comfortable."

Daphne uttered a quick "Thank you sir." Before entering the room.

The bedroom Daphne noticed was very Spacious and tidy, the walls were painted light cream, the bed huge and she could smell lavender. It was obvious the previous occupant took great care of the bedroom. Daphne dropped the last of her bags on a nearby table and threw herself on the bed. She didn't think he was that young and handsome too? "Seth, no her boss. She corrected herself. No, slightly handsome. "Fine, very handsome. But obviously trouble." She whispered to herself refusing to be swayed from the exact reason she was here.

She owned it to herself to make a substantial amount of money for her upkeep and her new life and she owned it to Zack who had given her a chance among others to focus on why she was here. The man looked alot more handsome than she was willing to admit, Seth was Tall, Dark haired, muscularly built with a properly tanned body and sculptured face but Zack, had made it perfectly clear that she was here to retrieve information . Well she had the hard drive Zack had given to her earlier today, all she had to do was insert it into his personal laptop and get all Zack needed and of course, monitor whatever goes on in the house so she could inform Zack, being a maid sure does have its pecks. She picked up her phone, dialled Zack and informed him she was in.

Seth shut his laptop and stared into the distance reminiscing over the events of the day. The maid was a distraction he didn't need..... what agency admits maids with that body?And those lips? He had remained silent for a bit when he let her into his house just so he could stare at her. He was dumfounded! The hell! He noticed that her eyes were sparkling green, more like emeralds, her bright gold hair packed atop her head with loose curls at the sides of her face, her lips were extremely full and covered in gloss and she wore a fitted light green gown that accentuated her tiny waist. He ached to loosen the pins he was certain she held her hair with, to see if the mass will drop down to her waist........

He heard the study door open and sighed,coming to an odd realization. Daphne was trouble…… Trouble he didn't need.

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