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His Windswept Desire

Chapter 5 Strawberries

Word Count: 2969    |    Released on: 08/11/2022

it was spotless she dashed off to her room. She hummed while she took a q

he had asked Jay to help her prepare earlier an

o read what the content was all about, it was from Zack de

ce , she barely had any information to give him regarding what Seth was currently working on. She rubbed her temples, Seth was already out and


time, it was more terrible than the ti

get to ignore him. Infact, he was the one always doing the running when it came to it. He knew Daphne was startled but he decided that he was going to get across to h


chair so Daphne could sit, then proceeded to light his cigarette. "What is the delay Dap

o trust me, I will get you what you need as soon as I can, Seth is unreasonably att

hen continued. "What is the issue Daphne? You are pretty and very attractive, it is one of the numerous reasons why I chose you for this exac

e task Zack, I just need more time." Straightening her shoulders, she added

d he added, "How do you intend to deliver the best services when you do not have an idea of how to g

tched hands as if thanking the heavens. "Very good, then use that to your advantage Daphne, you surely do not expect th

d. " I will not fail you Zack, you

he said. "Within the we


tion of some sort soon son, you l

ut it's nothing I can't handle, beside

only son in the whole wide world? I expected you at the t

other. "Mom, you know I do not mean it in the way that you see it, not coming to see you at the

room and Seth uttered "Well,

on, I rushed here the instant I heard that you had come to see Seth. I must admit yo

then replied. " You flatter me too much Daniel, t

fused to come see me at the townhouse, hence my presence today, you must advice your friend to make time for both himself and

nd believe me I do drum it into his ears every now and

hould keep at it, he listens to you,


she completely adores you, you should visit her more often,

red of being constantly badgered to marry. I already take good care of the family b

? Your ex? I thought you two were done? and

uess would be that she is sweetening up to

e of what she did to you, she cannot possibly want her bac

e but enough of Zane, Dan. I fi

s lips parted in shock, but Seth continued. " I tried proposing th

both had sex and she b

laughter. " Relax Dan, I did not even kiss

g you, you cannot just put a stop to

e never nor will i take advantage of an unwilling lady. Th

ppened with this one Seth? And why couldn't you propose the Jerli

frightened her but I w

in business together, Ask her as soon as you


was already dark. Alarmed that she had slept for so long when she had only meant to take a short nap after returning home from

The boss has requested that

hurried across the room and

ile." Realizing that she had just woken up from sleep, Jay

st have overslept, I barely heard you. You were saying

ryday. Just it was time to eat and you didn't c

Jay. I just need to change clothes." Jay turned and made to leave but he turned

r clothes ditching her v-neck top and trouser which she had slept in, for a comfortable knee length dress, pau


the sound of her laughter. He noticed she was herself with Jay, free spirited and always laughing, but with him, she kept a cool demeanor and distance. To an extent he understood that it was the maintained relationship between Boss and worker, but he wanted her to be free with him also, to make him laugh like she made Jay laugh then perhaps, she will be comfortable with him, comfortable with the proposal he was about to offer. Dan had never met Daphne but he had suggested that he chose Daphne as his make believe fiancée and he very much valued his best friend's opinion, for he had always been a good judge of people and situations. He himself had only given in to Dan's advice because he believed Daphne will make no extra demands and get the job done, unlike his past flings, he didn't trust any of them to not mess things up, or go twisting the truth of the situation. His major problem was that these women had always wanted more than he could offer, Daphne was a safe choice, she was not in the public eye and she could keep up the pretence discreetly, he would award her handsomely of course, f

and so he straightened himself and called out in his calme

ight, he had interrupted her in the kitchen, he wanted to laugh so badly, but he held back instead and gestured towards a comfy settee directly opposite h

to the point, I want you to be my

"Pretence fiancée sir

n his way towards being family oriented, he believes in love Daphne and he has invited me to dinner, I intend to portray you as my fiancee, so I can acces

imagined those same hands on her body the night she had encountered him in the kitchen and the day she had almost fallen while cleaning but he had caught her instead, not letting her fall. She could have sworn that he was about to kiss her that very day, before a call interrupted him and he had excused himself. He was devastating

jolted out of her thoughts "I a

n replied " Can you give me a bit of time to think

urse, I understand that it is sudden so you should think on it,

ready tomorrow evening sir, it's getting pretty


king he grabbed her, and resting her back on the wall, he leaned into her, his g

r her but was distracted by a

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