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Born As A Wolf

Born As A Wolf

Ada B John


Born a wolf yet a vampire, what he is, who he is, how he is? This are question Jace needs answers to.

Chapter 1 BAAW

The last shrilling scream pierced through the silent night and was followed shortly by the cry of a baby, at the same time the moon which wasn't even supposed to be full, shifted from white to blood red, it was a lunar eclipse and all they werewolves at that moment had lost their gift.

Sonia looked at her baby one last time and his eye opened a little, enough for her to see his silver iris and she drew her last breath.

Twenty Five years later

"Jase, I didn't see you at they alpha's meeting today!" Norman teased and his hands almost landed on Jase's back when he heard a low growl. "Hey! I am joking!" Norman quickly said and sat down beside him. They sat at the well pruned garden and stared at the water body that wasn't too far from them, after a while, Norman looked at Jase and sighed.

"At some point Jase, you would have to stand up for what rightfully belong to you!" Still, Jase did not reply he didn't even spare him a look. "Jase are you listening?"

"At what point will you understand that I am not interested in my right?" Jase said without looking at him, his cold silver eyes seemed to be in deep thought.

"But your pack is suffering at the hands of that bastard Dallas!" Norman continued not withstanding.

"And I suffered, in the hands of my people!" Jase said, his cold voice making it clear that he didn't want to talk about the subject.

"But Jase, y…"

"How do you want your death Norman?" Jase said and finally looked at Norman, his gaze piercing through him like a sword, the look in his eyes showing that he wasn't joking. Norman swallowed his spit and moved away from they angry monster that was seated close to him, they might have been best friends since childhood, but he never stopped fearing Jase, after he saw what he was capable of. Jase sensed his fear and turned back to face the water.

"Haha!! Uhmm.." Norman cleared his throat and also looked back at the water. "What of your mate? Have you found her yet?" Norman continued more cheerfully. Jase didn't answer, he only stood up and walked away. Norman turned back but did not follow him, he playfully pouted. "Sometimes you can be very rude!" When Jase did not answer, he turned to keep looking at the water, thinking of he his own problem.

As soon as he, being Jase reached his home which was a bit away from the rest of the pack, his nose picked a scent not too far from his house, a familiar scent, the one that he had avoided for not just months, but years now, the scent of rose and earth, after the rain had touched it. He immediately got addicted to the scent the first time, and his wolf got excited too, but Jase had refused, he wasn't going to mate with any venomous person from this pack or any other. They had all judged him, casted him out and some even had taken advantage of his innocence and his need for love to manipulate him, no! He hated being a werewolf, he hated his kind.

"It's her!" His wolf said to him again and Jase frowned. 'Who was her?' he thought, but he wasn't stupid. He knew exactly what his wolf was talking about, it was his mate. "Let's go to her!" His wolf repeated this time, urging him greatly, and Jase did want to go, but he also didn't want to go. 'What was wrong with him?' he hesitated at the door, and his wolf kept on fighting, he was having a hard time controlling it, and this was a first! Ever since Jase shifted at the age of sixteen, keeping his wolf in place had never been a problem for him, his park thought even his wolf was scared of him.

His interaction with his park had been a strained one, since everything abnormal happened to him, first, his mother, the Luna of the pack died while giving birth to him, it was in fact rumored that his mother had cheated on her alpha and he was a curse to the park. And then he had silver colored eyes, the color that could kill a werewolf, a color that wasn't allowed in their midst, yet his whole being was colored with silver, his hair, his eyes, some even said he shown silver in the dark.

After much drama with his wolf, he put up a wall and entered his house, banging the door behind him. Grabbing bags of ice, he poured into the bath tub and filled it with water, he entered and buried himself underneath it, this had been his practice for two years now, it helped him numb the pain, the pain of staying away from his mate and another pain he didn't know. Right from a child, he had always felt there was more to him than he knew, but who was he going to ask? His mother had died and his father didn't throw him out but treated him worse than a stranger, when he had enough, he decided to leave. His mate was going to be eighteen this year, and he was sure she would find out, but the plan was to reject her! That was if she wasn't going to reject him first. He could stay very long inside water, for hours and be fine, sometimes he felt like he had died but always came back alive, in fact, he always felt dead, it was not a feeling new to him.

As he closed his eye and concentrated on the cold, his nose caught the stench of something, fainter at first, but it became more clearer, he could decipher it now, it was the scent of rose and earth and this was new, blood! He didn't know how, but his wolf broke down the wall he set up,

"Mate!" The wolf shouted, fear very obvious in it's voice!

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