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Her Alpha Is An Idol

Her Alpha Is An Idol

Teddy trish


Mariella is a girl with a dream of her own all her life she was waiting anxiously for her mate. She never thought for once that her mate would be the popular idol crystal. Mariella was never a fan of idols she's always busy with her part time jobs to Carter for herself and her mom. Her father died during the war between werewolves and vampires. He sacrificed his life for his wife and his daughter Mariella to save them from vampires who as at that time rule over the full moon park. Mariella was given admission to claritas university through the consistence persuading from aliah her best friend and that changed her life forever. She fell in love with teddy the alpha's beta and best friend. She thought she has finally met her mate, but little did she know that he was never her mate, that the popular idol and the alpha of their park was her mate, and that means she's the next Luna of their park. Crystal is a complete opposite of an alpha he is a playboy who fuck anything under skirt and doesn't give a damn about what people said. When mariella found out that crystal was her mate, she hated him for completely no reason and same goes to crystal. To Marie he is a playboy, while to crystal she wasn't sexy and hot enough for him....

Chapter 1 Am so screwed

" Ding dong, ding dong Mariella wake up" the alarm sang and I groaned in frustration, I reached out for the alarm which was dancing and singing beside my lamp on the drawer.

" Argggggggg" I groaned in frustration as I turned off the alarm.

" Why on Earth is this fucking alarm disturbing my sweet sleep, I was dreaming about seeing my mate, I almost saw his face before this fucking alarm disturbed my sweet dream" I said ruffling my already scattered hair.

I reached out for my phone beside my pillow and gapsed when I saw the time, " jeez oh my world, am so screwed today" I said as I jumped out of bed running inside the bathroom.

I brushed my teeth and bath within 10 minutes. I arranged my hair and tied it in a bun, I wore a simple blue hoodie and a blue baggy pants to go with it.....

I don't have time for make up so I just rubbed my lip gloss took my bag and phone and ran Downstairs mumbling to myself.

" Mr Kingsley is gonna skin me alive today, this is the third time I am waking up late, oh my!! help me today" I said as I walked very fast to the kitchen.

" Morning mum" I pecked my mum who was toasting some slice of breads

" Marie you woke up late again" my said and I signed.

She held my cheeks, " my baby girl, stop thinking about it, you would find your mate very soon okay, it is either the day before your birthday or the day after, or maybe the day of your birthday okay" my mum cupped my cheeks and I nodded.

" So should I pack your breakfast for you or you will eat it before going?" She asked and I frowned, and she burst into laughter.

" Mom you want Mr Kingsley to kill me!!" I asked my mum as she packed my breakfast for me.

I pecked her cheeks and ran out of the house. " Careful Marie" I heard my mum saying from afar.............

I was really lucky to find a bus very easy, I got in and it stopped in front of the restaurant I work.

I stood in front of the restaurant contemplating either to go in or not, I never knew Mr Kingsley was staring at me from inside the restaurant.

He walked up toe and I walked slowly towards him avoiding his glares.

" Am sorry mr Kingsley I slept late, that's why I woke up late" I said looking down.

" And did I ask you to explain yourself?" He said and I looked at him confused.

" Sorry............!!' I said trying to understand what he meant

" I said did I ask for an explanation?" He repeated and I frowned as to how cold he could be.

" Because you always ask for an explanation" I mumbled to myself.

" I won't tolerate your lateness again Mariella, am sick and absolutely tired of your explanation, it is either you wake up late or you didn't see a bus quick or something else" he said pointing his index finger toe while I stared at the ground.

" I promise not to be late again" I said still not looking at him.

" Go get change and get to work" he said flatly and I nodded.

If not for the fact that I have to cater for myself and my mum, I wouldn't be here but I have to do it to earn a living.............

Today was because pinky was sick and I had to cover for her. I drag my heavy feet home.

I got to the sitting room, I didn't see my mum, usually she would be watching her favourite TV series by this time.

I walked to her bedroom still didn't find her, I knocked on the door of the bathroom but didn't hear her voice, by that time I was getting worried.

I dialed her number but she wasn't picking, I dialed it again and she picked up on the second ring.

" Mum where are you?" I asked worriedly.

" Sorry my princess I went to the park house and it was really urgent so I had to leave the house" my mum said and I breath out in relief.

" Mum you seriously got me worried" I said as I dragged my tired body upstairs to my room.

" Okay mum see you when you're back" I said and hanged up..............

Author's pov:

Mariella took a cool shower, wore a bump short and a big shirt and lay on the bed with her phone on her hand.

Not quite long her phone ranged and she smiled as she saw the caller's ID, it was aliah her best friend who is also a stubborn and crazy.

Marie picked the call, " hello aliah" Marie said and smiled as if aliah was there with her

" What's up babe are you in?" Aliah said and she nodded, " yeah"

" Okay get dressed and meet me outside" aliah said

" Why should I get dressed and where are we going exactly?" Marie asked

" Just get dressed am waiting" aliah said

" No I won't get dressed.........." Marie was interrupted by aliah who hanged up on her, and she groaned.

She sluggishly walked to her wardrobe and picked up a floral gown and slipped into it, tied her hair and out to meet aliah.

Aliah stood beside her flashy car with a sunglass waiting for Mariella to come out.

" Hey babygirl" aliah said as Marie walked towards her.

" Aliah why did you tell me to dress, and moreover where exactly are we going to" Marie asked and aliah frowned.

" Is that how to greet your bestie?" Aliah said but Marie said nothing.

" Fine we're attending crystal Clinton's concert today" aliah said throwing her hands in the air.

" Aliah you and crystal Clinton, you know I am an antifan of idols" Marie said rubbing her forehead

" You can't run away from me baby girl" aliah said and laughed before entering the car, while Mariella stared at her for some seconds before walking into the car with aliah.

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