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Contract Marriage: The Vampire's Bride

Contract Marriage: The Vampire's Bride

Teddy trish


Emily's world came crashing down on what was supposed to be the happiest day of her life. Standing in her wedding gown, she discovered that her loving fiancé was not the person she thought he was. He had been leading a secret life, cheating on her with her best friend, Rita, and it was all unveiled on their wedding day. She found herself in the men's restroom, desperately searching for a way out of this nightmare. As fate would have it, she bumped into a mysterious man, whose presence seemed to radiate an aura of danger. "Please marry me," she implored, her voice trembling with desperation. "Why should I marry you?" he inquired, his voice as cold as ice. "Just for six months," she pleaded, her voice choked with tears. "Marry me, just for six months. I need to break free from this nightmare, from the man I thought I loved but who turned out to be a monster. Please, save me." Unbeknownst to Emily, the man she was desperately appealing to had a dark secret of his own. He was none other than the feared Lord of the Volcano vampire clan, renowned for his power and ruthlessness. But she had no inkling of his true identity or the dangerous world he belonged to. How complicated will her life be, with the darkest monster of the night?

Chapter 1 Please marry me!

Emily stood in the men's restroom, clutching her ball wedding gown tightly against her chest.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she contemplated the shattered dreams of her impending marriage. The realization had hit her hard—her supposed fiancé, the man she had trusted and loved, was nothing more than a cheating opportunist who had set his sights on her parents' wealth.

Lost in her distress, Emily failed to notice her surroundings and accidentally bumped into a solid, masculine chest. Startled, she slowly raised her gaze and found herself staring into a pair of cold, piercing eyes. The intensity in those eyes sent shivers down her spine, but desperation clouded her judgment as she saw an unexpected opportunity. She held into his suit, and looked straight into his eyes.

"Please marry me," she pleaded, her voice trembling with a mixture of fear and urgency. The man raised an eyebrow, clearly taken aback by her sudden request.

"Why should I marry you?" he asked, his voice laced with skepticism. Emily's heart raced, knowing that she had to find the right words to convince this stranger to save her from the monster she had unwittingly pledged her life to.

"Let's enter into a contracted marriage," she proposed, her voice quivering but resolute. "We can stay married for six months, and after that, we can both go our separate ways. I'm begging you, please save me from this embarrassment, from the man I thought I loved, but who turned out to be a deceitful, money-driven person."

The man regarded her silently for a moment, his expression unreadable. Emily noticed how his hands, the same hands that had caught her when she stumbled, felt as cold as his eyes. But in her desperate state, she couldn't allow herself to care about trivial details like the temperature of his touch. All she wanted was an escape from her current predicament.

He finally spoke, his voice low and measured, as if he were considering her proposal. "Why don't you tell me the whole story first? I want to understand the situation better before making any decisions." He said coldly and Emily swallowed nothing.

Relief washed over Emily as she realized the man was willing to hear her out. She briefly summarized the events leading up to her discovery of her fiancé's true nature—the late-night phone calls, the secretive meetings, and the incriminating evidence she had uncovered. She revealed how her fiancé had been playing with her emotions, using their relationship as a means to access her parents' fortune. He has been cheating on her with her best friend, Rita.

As she poured her heart out, the man's expression was unfathomable and there was no glimmer of sympathy in those cold eyes of his. When she finished recounting her story, he sighed deeply, seemingly lost in thought.

"I can't promise you a fairy tale ending," he began slowly, his voice tinged with caution. "But I can offer you an escape from this toxic situation. If you truly believe that a contracted marriage is the solution, then I'm willing to consider it. But remember, we're just strangers now. We'll have to set clear boundaries and expectations for this arrangement." He said coldly and released his hands which was on her waist all this while, almost making her fall.

Emily nodded, her eyes filled with gratitude. She understood the implications of what she was proposing, but the thought of breaking free from the clutches of her cheating fiancé overshadowed any reservations she might have had.

"Thank you," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "I know it's a lot to ask, but you might just be my only chance for a fresh start."

With a hint of unfathomable expression the man extended his hand toward Emily. "Let's shake on it," he said. "May this be the beginning of a mutually beneficial partnership—one that frees us both from the shackles of deceit and leads us to a better future" He extended his hand which Emily accepted immediately. She was almost forced to asked while his hand was so cold, but kept the thought to herself.

Emily's heart raced as she led Alexander back into the bustling wedding hall. The room buzzed with conversation, the clinking of glasses, and the sounds of laughter. The grandeur of the occasion was a stark contrast to the chaos raging within her.

As they made their way through the crowd, whispers followed in their wake. Eyes watched them curiously, speculating on the unexpected turn of events. Emily's cheeks burned with embarrassment, but she pushed forward, determined to escape her impending fate.

Reaching a quieter corner of the hall, away from prying eyes, Emily turned to face Alexander. His tall and commanding presence only accentuated her own vulnerability. "Thank you for agreeing to this," she said, her voice wavering with a mixture of gratitude and desperation.

Alexander's gaze was so hard and cold, his piercing blue eyes reflecting a flicker of something Emily couldn't fathom. "Consider it a temporary alliance," he replied, his voice cold and composed. "But remember, I expect your unwavering obedience."

Emily nodded, her heart pounding. She knew she had made a deal with the devil, but at that moment, her escape was all that mattered. As they stood there, a man in formal attire approached, a scroll in his hand.

"I am the officiant," the man announced, his voice carrying authority. "Are you ready to proceed with the ceremony?"

Emily glanced at Alexander, her eyes searching for a hint of reassurance. Finding none, she took a deep breath and nodded. "Yes, let's proceed."

With that, the officiant began to perform the hastily arranged wedding ceremony. The words washed over Emily, her mind consumed by a whirlwind of thoughts. This was not how she had imagined her wedding day—far from the dream she had once cherished.

As the officiant pronounced them husband and wife, a mix of relief and apprehension coursed through Emily's veins. She exchanged a quick, uncertain glance with Alexander before the crowd erupted into applause, celebrating the union of the couples.

With the ceremony concluded, Emily and Alexander took their first steps together as a married couple. As they walked arm in arm, Emily felt a mix of conflicting emotions—gratitude for her escape from the clutches of the monstrous suitor her grandfather had chosen for her, and trepidation about the uncertain path she had just embarked upon.

Alexander's expression was so cold that Emily ever wonders if he smiles. His eyes lingering on Emily's delicate features. "I will do my best to protect you" he said. His words held no concern or care , but Emily wasn't concerned about that also. The fact that he saved her from embarrassment was enough for her. "But remember, this marriage is a temporary arrangement. We must part ways after six months."

Emily nodded, her gaze dropping to the floor. The reality of their situation settled heavily upon her. They were bound together by necessity, their futures entangled in a complex web of circumstances.


As the night progressed, Emily and Alexander navigated the wedding hall, playing their parts as husband and wife. They exchanged polite conversation with guests, smiling and laughing when required, but their interactions were laced with an underlying tension. Alexander tried his best to put on a smile, but his cold face was failing him. This was not what he was used to, but he had to try since they both made an agreement.

Emily's thoughts swirled with unanswered questions. Who was this man she had married? What were his intentions beyond their agreed-upon terms? And what did the future hold for her once their marriage inevitably came to an end?

For now, all she could do was maintain her composure and play the role expected of her.

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