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Saving the werewolves ( The Uncanny Luna)

Saving the werewolves ( The Uncanny Luna)



She was bullied by her very own pack. And when one night, she was kidnapped, everything changed. What happens when it was discovered that she was mated to a powerful Alpha?

Chapter 1 JULIANA



"That is your reward for talking back at me." Kathy hissed.

The other werewolves looked at the spectacle which was unfolding in front of them, while whispering in hushed voices.

"Did you just slap me, mother?" I raised my head, and stared at the woman in front of me. The one who I had come to address as my mother; Luna Kathy.

"One more word from you, and you will be exiled from the pack. Look around you, and point out one person who cannot morph into a wolf." Luna Kathy snarled.

"Oh... And that's the reason why I can't live amongst you guys? You are all pathetic!!" I yelled at her face without any iota of fear.

"Repeat that word again, and I swear to Moon goddess, I will make you regret being a member of this pack!" Luna Kathy's eyes at that moment were like blazing infernos, threatening to raze down anyone who dared to go against her.

"I said you all are pathetic!" This time, I stared right into her eyes, completely devoid of fear.

"What does she think she's doing? Isn't she afraid that the Luna would hurt her?" The wolves whispered amongst themselves.

Their eyes were filled with looks of amusement. None of them pitied me at all.

Well, it wasn't as if I needed their pity at all...

Luna Kathy flared up, and raised her hands to slap the girl in front of me.

"Stop!" An authority filled voice halted her actions, and without turning to look, she knew who it was.

Father.... He was here. Just great.

The werewolves hurriedly dispersed, scampering away as fast as they could. If they stayed back any longer, they would be caught in the fight of the mighty, which they didn't want to.

"What is happening here?" Alpha Murphy, my father in front of us.

I was crumpled up on the floor. I didn't even acknowledge my father's presence when he asked me up.

As if he was any better than her...

"Kathy, I've warned you to stop ordering our daughter around. Why do you keep disgracing her in front of the other wolves?" My father's voice was hardened as he questioned his wife.

"Your daughter, not mine! I can never give birth to a useless daughter as this!" And with that, she stomped off.

"Child, I'm sorry about that." Alpha Murphy extended his hand towards me, which I blatantly ignored.

Raising my head to stare clearly at him, my lips parted slowly,

"Oh, don't play nice...father. You are just the same as she is. So don't try to pull that act with me!" I flared up.

"You will not disrespect me, Jully! Why are you so worked up?! Is it my fault that you can't do what all werewolves can? Is it? You should be grateful that I'm not holding you responsible for the death of your mother!" Alpha Murphy growled angrily.

"And there you go again. Great. I hate you all!" I made my way out of the hallway, and out into the woods.

"Stop right there, Juliana!" He thundered behind me.

I turned slowly, and glared at him.

"You know what I hate the most, Father? Pretence! Pretending to love me, while chosing to side your wife.

You know very well that the war between I and your beloved wife wasn't my fault. I did nothing wrong. Well, take care." I turned and walked out.

I was Juliana Rocke; the only daughter of the Alpha of the Midas pack; Alpha Murphy Rocke. Twenty years ago, I had been born into the happy family of two; my father and mother.

Unfortunately, my mother had died a week after I was born. No one knew the cause of her death.

Frantically, Alpha Murphy searched for anyone who could nurse his week old pretty daughter; me... He was devastated at the death of his mate, my mother.

All he wanted was the one who would nurse me without any strings attached.

And that had led to his affiliation with Kathy. They couldn't be mated, and so they got married amd she became my stepmother.

All had been well, until when she had turned eighteen, and she was to go for her first racing competition with the other wolves.

And then, it had been discovered that she couldn't morph at all. She tried all she could, but her wolf wouldn't respond.

The werewolves had jeered at her, and from then on, she had been ousted from the pack's affairs.

The conflict between I and my stepmother wasn't sudden. She probably hated me, because my Father refused to have sex with her.

And so, I became the object of her anger.

Using the excuse that I wasn't able to morph, Kathy had maltreated me.

My position in the pack had plummeted from the daughter of the Alpha to an Omega of the pack.

Right under my father's nose...

I knew my father blamed me for the death of my mother although he tried not to show it.

Every single day in the Midas pack was torturous for me.

Most times, my father turned a blind eye when I was being bullied, and seldomly like today, he 'helped' me out.

"Hmphh, help indeed!" I scoffed.


It was a chilly night. The moon hung on the sky casting bright light on the darkened forest, as I walked into it, heading deeper into the woods.

I rubbed my arms gently.

I sniffled loudly and forced back the tears.

"No... I'm stronger than that. I'm not going to cry over this mere thing." I cleared my throat and wiped the tears away from the corner of my eyes.

I lay on the floor pathetically with my eyes closed. For the past two years, that was how I could maintain my sanity.

By hiding in the woods, away from all chaos of the pack.

Suddenly, I heard the loud howl of her father's wolf. I knew what it meant; he was summoning all wolves back to the pack house.

Hah! Nice try. I scoffed inwardly, and slowly sat up.

There was no way I was returning to the pack at that moment. I hadn't let out my anger.

I sprang up when I heard a loud rustle behind me, and I whirled around towards the direction where it had come from.

"Who are you?" Although my heart was palpitating faster than normal, I let out the words, while crouching in a defensive stance.

"You aren't qualified to know." A deep voice boomed from within the dark.

I shivered. At that moment, I desperately wished I could use my powers.

"I ...I'm not? W...what do you want?" I whispered.

"You." That was the last thing I heard before she blacked out.


A cloaked figure came out from the dark, and calmly approached her unconscious body.

"I want you." He said again, and gently picked her up.

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