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Burning Flame: Love in Milan

Burning Flame: Love in Milan



The Fegurson family had an only son, Jay. Jay was born in his millionare family but grew up becoming a billionare surpassing his father's business. Even though, he is still the heir of his father's business. Some don't dare to oppose Jay because he could be the most powerfull person if he inherit his father's but these situation didn't make his family safe from harm caused by his business rivals. Everything get's dangerous when his father announced to pass his business to the only heir. He sent back her mother to Connecticut to hide her while him and his father is dealing with business mess.

Chapter 1 001. NEIGHBOOR

It was almost dark when Kathy came home from the construction site. She noticed the lights on in the house next to hers which she knew no one is staying before.

"Oh, I got a new neighboor. I really hope we'll get along well." she uttered before she enters her house.

Later that night, Kathy woke up from a matorbike noise that passed by. But she couldn't go back to sleep because of the car noise that seemed to be going back and forth for a while.

"What the heck!" she cussed as she wasnt able to go back to sleep.

Kathy was used to being sensitive to her surroundings so shr assumed that it is unusual to have a car hovering in their neighborhood.

"Is that the new neighboor?" she assumed as it all started when her neighboor moved in.

She got up from bed but didn't turn on the light. Using the light on the cellphone screen, she went to her working table to get her camera.

She heard the car pulled over in her front yard. She heard their footsteps getting away so she slid the curtain slowly and took a picture of the car that just parked. She wanted to see who these people are so she went to the went to the right side window.

She was shocked to see three men trying to peer into her new neighbor's window. She took a picture of them to have evidence of whatever might happened next.

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