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The Recusants relationship

The Recusants relationship



Russel Luke Hernandez is a smart and knowledgeable resident surgeon but afraid to hold a scalpel. Every time he's inside the operating room, he's unable to move his hand. He was afraid and always dominated by fear. Not until a senior surgeon doctor named Kristine Camille Villarreal who was strictly moved into their department, which would be the reason for his change. In the first day of their work together, Kristine doesn't like what she noticed about Russel. Inside the emergency room, Russel was just dumbfounded while looking at the patient who was in midst of death. Kristine repeatedly called Russel to help her but he didn't seem to hear because he was shaking. Kristine could clearly see the fear in Russel's eyes as he looked at the patient. Russel admits to her that he is afraid, he wants to be a doctor but he is afraid of blood and handling a scalpel and operating on a patient. You can't be a surgeon doctor if you scared of it. For some unknown reason Kristine felt an urge to help and teach the man. She wants to help him no matter what will happen. One way or another way.

Chapter 1 Prologue


"BACK to earth intern!" because of the shout of his senior doctor he was shocked.

"W-what? Pardon, what is it?" he stammered.

He is Russel Luke Hernandez, a soon to be doctor and now he is an intern and he is in the middle of his class.

Now they are in a room with his fellow interns and the two senior doctors. In front of them was the lifeless body of a man. This is what they will use for their training as an intern.

And he was one of those chosen by the senior doctor to perform the patient's first surgical procedure.

The senior doctor signaled the scalpel held by a fellow intern. He hesitated but took it anyway. His hand trembled slightly until he could hold the scalpel completely.

He took a deep breath. "I can do this," he whispered softly to himself before slowly bringing the scalpel closer to the abdomen of the lifeless human body.

He closed his eyes when he couldn't even hurt her, he couldn't. His heart was beating fast and he felt extremely nervous.

Again he closed his eyes tightly, his hand shaking as he lowered the scalpel he was holding into the stainless case.

"I can't do this," he said before marching out of the training room, he heard the loud and angry shouts of one of the senior doctors and the whispers of his fellow interns about him but no more he turned around again until he finally left the room.

He went to the nearest restroom and when he entered and saw that there was no one inside, he closed the door and locked it.

He violently removed both the surgical gloves and the facemask he was wearing and threw them in the trash. This is the second time and he failed again, he couldn't do it again and he failed again.

He looked at both hands and took a deep breath. He wants to be a doctor, not just a doctor but a good doctor who can bravely face their patients and who can operate them using his barely hands. But technically he will never be one of them.

He stopped in his thoughts when he heard the ringing of his cell phone in his pocket. He took it and immediately answered the call when he saw that it was his Mother calling.

"Yes, Mom?" He spoke cheerfully to Ina as if nothing had happened recently.

"How are you, son? Have you eaten? Did you eat your lunch? How's your day?" his Mother asked one after the other. He just sighed and smiled.

"I'm okay, Mom," he sparingly replied to Mother.

"Why don't you think so? Tell me, did something happen?" asked his Mother again in a suspicious voice, even though it was very curious.

"Nothing, Mom."

"Tell me the problem if you don't want me to come to your department," said his mother threateningly.

He sighed before swallowing. "Mom?" his voice softened as he called his Mother.

"Answer me," repeated his Mother in an emphatic and threatening voice.

He sighed again, he had no choice but to answer. "I couldn't do it again, Mommy. I failed again for the second time," he felt so sad, he failed again. He was also thinking about his title on their hospital, his grandfather will surely be disappointed to him when he found out about this.

His Mother who was on the other line was silent, he heard her sigh. "Son, you're still learning. It's okay to fail," said his Mother. He knew it only made him feel better.

"But Mommy, this is the second time I've failed. I'm scared again," he told Mother in a sad voice.

"It's okay, son, don't be sad. Do you want me to cook you your favorite food?" he knew his Mother was just changing their conversation.

He smiled even though his Mother couldn't see it. "Sure, Mom. I miss eating your cooking."

These past few days he often stays here at the hospital and often comes home late.

"Okay, I will. Cheer up, son! You can handle it, not right now but the day will come when you will be good at the profession you have chosen," that was all and his Mother said goodbye.

Feeling better, he smiled before putting the cellphone back in his pocket. But that smile also disappeared as he realized that he didn't know how to face the fear.

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