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Ruthless Love

Ruthless Love



Hoshi and Luna were both young when their parents died fighting the Kurigari. Their parents are top spies and agents. Locky, the leader of Javori, adopted them. He Trained them, fed them, and gave them everything they need until they turn 18 years old. They joined Locky's organization, called Javori. They became official members and they were called The Perfect duo. Locky gave them a mission, to watch the next movements of Kurigari. As a part of their mission, they entered a school where the Kurigari’s leader's son, Kai, was studying. He fell in love with Luna and soon Hoshi realized that he is also in love with Luna. Who will Luna choose between the two? Will she and Hoshi succeed in their mission to avenge the death of their parents? What if they learn a dark secret behind the death of their parents? Will they hate each other? What will happen to them?

Chapter 1 The Beginning

"Hoshi.. Luna." Locky saw the two children crying on the floor as he entered the small room.

The two children have been crying for hours. They were crying so loud that it reached outside the room and Locky understands why they act like this. Their parents died. They have nothing else to do but cry. Locky walked towards the photo and urn of the two children's parents.

"Shina and Joseph," Locky said softly while looking at the photo of Hoshi's parents. They were both smiling here. Their eyes were full of happiness and positivity. This photo was taken by Locky himself. He gulped when he felt a pain in his chest. It hurts him to see them gone.

His gaze went to the other photo, Luna's parents. "Hanna... Sora." he smiled bitterly as he remembered some of their memories together. “It’s time for the four of you to rest. You did everything you could. You all did well.” Even though he felt weak because of the pain, he still carefully put down the flowers he had bought for them. He bowed down and clenched his fist because of his sadness and anger towards their enemies who killed them.

He feels very heavy in his chest, and his knee has no strength. The four-person who died were the closest to him. Since they were young, he trained them until they grew up. It's like they are his own children. He witnessed how they fell, grew stronger, married, and had children. He didn't expect that this day would come too fast.

He turned to the two children who were crying. They don't have any other relatives because Locky just adopted their parents who are abandoned on the streets. No one else will take care of them but Locky.

Locky closed his eyes tightly and took a deep breath. He held back his tears because he needed to look strong. He should not show that he is weak, especially in front of kids.

He walked towards the two children. There are only three of them in the room now. The child's parents had no other visitors other than their colleagues in Locky's organization.

"Hoshi and Luna," he called the two children.

The children's crying subsided as they looked at him. It is the first time he sees Shina and Hanna's children. They are eight years old now. They're pretty big for their age, and they truly resemble their parents. Shina and Hanna didn't introduce them to Locky or the Javori Organization because they want them to live a normal life.

"To live normally.." Locky was in deep thought while looking at the two children.

Locky has to decide whether to give the two to an orphanage or adopt them to become a spy and agent, to have the same destiny just like their parents. He knows how hard their parents went through, and they wouldn't want their child to go through it too. Their parents want them to live normal lives, and this is their only wish.

Locky sighed and walked away. He passed the two children who were now no longer crying. When he opened the door, Haru appeared to him. Haru is his right hand.

"What will happen to them?" Haru asked with a serious face.

"They will live a normal life," Locky answered without showing any emotions on his face. "Call an orphanage."


Locky stopped when he heard Hoshi, son of Shina and Joseph, speak. He turned around and saw that the young man was already behind him, looking at him with a serious face. He raised his eyebrows and faced him.

"You can't just give us anywhere," he strongly refused.

Locky laughed and sat down to match Hoshi's height. He also folded the black cane he was holding with a golden handle. He put the palm of his hand on the child’s head.

"This is for your own good," Locky answered, smiling at him while ruffling his hair.

"I know your secret."

Locky was stunned by what he heard. His face became serious and he immediately removed his hand from Hoshi’s hair. He frowned as he looked at the kid.

“I know about your secret organization. It's called Javori. My parents and Luna's parents are agents and spies. They died because of the mission you gave to them," Hoshi said seriously.

Locky was surprised by what he heard. He didn't think that at his young age he already knew so much. Hoshi must have heard all of this from his parents.

"That's why you can't just give us anywhere. I will tell the police what I know." Hoshi even tried to blackmail Locky due to desperation.

Locky smirked because of Hoshi's words and actions. Who would believe an 8-year-old kid? No one.

Locky stood up and saw Luna, who was standing in the corner. It seems that she also heard the conversation between the two of them. Haru is also aware of Locky and Hoshi's conversation.

"Haru, get them and bring them to my mansion."

Locky walked out first. He used the help of his cane to walk until he reached the parking area. He leaned on his black matte car while waiting for Haru. He took a cigarette from his pocket and lit it.

"They're smart," he whispered to himself. "I'm sorry, Shina and Hanna. It seems that your wish for your children to live a normal life will not happen."


"Mister, where are you taking us?" Luna asked as she and Hoshi walked behind Haru, following him.

"This is Sir Locky's order," Haru answered simply and succinctly.

Haru is also friends with the parents of the two children. He is also hurt by what happened. He didn't think that yesterday would be the last time the five of them got to spend time together. It happened too fast.

"Is it true that our parents died because of the old man earlier?" Luna asked, starting to cry again.

"I can't answer that," replied Haru.

He cannot answer the children's questions related to his work. Only Locky can answer them.

"Stop crying, tsk," Hoshi ordered Luna in disgust.

Luna didn't stop crying, instead, her crying got even louder. They are still inside the building and starting to gain attention. Haru immediately picked up Luna.

"Shh, don't cry," Haru said calmly.

Haru is single and has no children. He never thought this was how it felt like to have a child. Surprisingly, it makes him happy, but it also makes him uncomfortable to carry a child because of his work background.

"Cry baby," Hoshi whispered and started to walk faster.

Hoshi wiped the remaining tears from the corner of his eyes. The truth is, he was nervous and scared because of what he said to Locky earlier, but he doesn't want him and Luna to end up in an orphanage. He had to do that. Good thing he heard his parents talking about the Javori and the mission otherwise he and Luna would end up in an orphanage.

"Kurigari," he said with an angry tone of voice.

He heard from his parents who the opponent of the Javoris was and it was the Kurigari. They were the last mission of his parents and Luna before they died. They are the reason why the two now have no family.

"I will kill them all." He clenched his fist as he looked determined to kill those people.

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