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Sweet Bite Marks

Sweet Bite Marks



Have you ever cheated? Arabella Salvatore was a 26 years old woman who has a boyfriend who cheated on her with her best friend. She died not knowing who's her killer. After she got regress, she'll try to find out whose her killer and will do everything just to magnate her relationship with her family. But then someone came up from the picture. Theo Gnocchi was a 27 years old man who her parents want her to marry. She wants to cancel the wedding immediately, but remember that they already spent the night together after they even got to do the engagement party. Will she ever find justice and live happily with the man? Or will she die and got cheated again in the end?



What have I done to experience this pain? I can still remember how he whispered how he loved me. how he made me feel special whenever he looked at me. how he made me feel loved.

But what are you doing right now? I was stiff as tears started falling down my cheeks while looking at my boyfriend having an affair with my best friend. . . in our bed.

"You know that I only want you in this lifetime right?" My boyfriend said the same thing he said to me a month ago while kissing my best friend.

I felt a pang at my chest when suddenly my best friend kissed him back and smiled at him.

"When are you going to break up with her then?" she asked while biting her lips trying to seduce my man.

"Soon," he answered. While his hands were now touching her body.

My tears filled my face as I fully opened the door and looked at them.

"You don't need to break up with me soon because I'm breaking up with you now." I started. They both looked at me shocked.

"Ara!" Allen called me.

"You said that you can't come with me to accompany me because you were sick, but why do you look completely fine to me? "I asked sarcastically, he looked horrified. He jumped down our bed and hurriedly walked towards me, completely forgetting that he's still naked.

"Ara this is just a misunderstanding!" he nervously said. His eyes wander around as if he's looking for something to use as an excuse in the room and his gaze stops at my best friend who's currently trying to cover herself by our comforter.

I just felt my eyes twitch and my fist clenched as I tried to remain as calm as possible.

I really wanted to slap their face but after what I saw made my energy drain.

"Allen. . . you just seriously had an affair with my best friend." I started controlling the anger subsiding on my body. He shook his head and started to walk in my way.

I really thought that he's sick. I came back earlier and left my workload at the office just to check if he was okay but this is what i get?

"Ara no this is just a misunderstanding." He dramatically said. Trying to held my hand but i jerk his hands away.

Chelle on the other hand also jumped down the bed while hugging our comforter. She ran towards us and kneel in front of me.

She clasped our hands together and tears started to fall down her cheeks.

"Yes, believe us. I don't know why I am here. Ara, believe me! you know that i can't do this to you right!? you were my best friend!" She said with a shaking voice. I don't know why they need to act like this. Do they really think that they can still fool me after what I just saw!?

Allen pulled her shoulder away from me and also kneel in front of me.

"Shut up you whore!" He shouted.

"Ara, believe me! She seduced me! I don't know what happened but when I woke up I saw her here wearing nothing! I thought she was you, that's why I kissed her!" He nervously said. He looked straight in my eyes and tears started rolling down his cheeks.

Goodness, how could he lie while looking straight at me? I can't believe that I just got fooled by this man!

"You Allen Lobri! How dare you humiliate me!? " Chelle shouted back, her eyes furiously looking at my boyfriend who's still looking at me with begging eyes. I swear this is the first time that I saw Chelle like this. She doesn't looked like the same person i trusted years ago

"Ara. " He motioned. I pulled my hands away from him. And looked at my best friend that I trusted so much.

"Chelle. You know I trusted you. you know i love you like a sister right!? " I asked with a small smile.

"Y-yes that's right! That's why you need to believe me! " She desperately said. She also tried to touch me but I stopped her and turned my gaze to Allen.

"And you. you said you love me." I whispered. He nood several times and answered

"Of course! "

"But what I see and hear is enough proof! " I shouted. Allen shook his head. Nervousness filled his face. He really looked pale while begging under my knees.

"Ara! I really love you!" I also shooked my head several times and pushed them both.

Chelle angrily shrieks and stands up.

"Enough of this! Allen! Certainly she heard us say you don't need to act! " She shouted and pointed at me. She now looked furious more than ever while looking at us. And now I know this is her true color.

Allen stood up from kneeling and slapped Chelle in the face. Chelle fell on the ground

"I said shut up you whore! " He shouted.

"How dare you slap me? " I closed my eyes at the scene they were making. Why do they need to act like this? I really don't understand!

"Yes I heard you two, you don't need to act. " I hissed.

Chelle laughed at my remark and she stood up and walked towards me.

"See! Yes ara. Allen and I were in love with each other. In fact our relationship is longer than your relationship with him!"

"Chelle! Allen shouted as he pulled away from me. I sarcastically laughed.

"How long have you been together? " I asked in a low tone.

"Oh god i really don't understand why you're this stupid! He's fooling you from the very beginning yet you don't know? " Chelle remarks. I looked at Allen who's desperately trying to pull Chelle away from me.

"Ara please. " He begged. I shook my head and slap his hands

"Stop. I don't want to hear more of this bullshit. I already had enough. " I said and turned around but Allen pulled me back and that made me lose my patience. I turned around and gave him a hard slap on his face.

He gasped. And looked at me angrily.

"Ara don't tell me you really believe her?! "

I didn't listen to him. I turned around and started to walk away from them.

I still heard him calling my name and cursing him but I didn't turn around.

I wiped the tears that kept falling down my cheeks as I walked down the street when it suddenly rained. I didn't mind the heavy rain pouring down my face down my body but savored every drop of it as if it was washing my pain away.

I thought that this is just the only thing that could hurt me today. But oh god. Maybe I really did something horrible in my past life.

My phone rang, I wiped the tears on my cheeks and answered the call without looking at the caller.

"Hello?" I greeted. I heard my sister Ellaine gasping after I answered.

"Oh my god! Thank god you answered!" She exclaimed, her voice was filled with sadness as if she just cried while trying to contact me.

I nervously looked around me to look for a car but there's nothing. There's no one here but me. I combed my hair with my own hands as I sighed.

"Ara, you need to come home. Please. . ." Ellaine begged. I heard her sobbed on the line. I also heard mother and father fighting but hearing my sister cry made my heart shrink.

"W-why? Ellaine, please calm down." I said nervously trying to calm her down but I think it didn't help because she cried harder.

"Sister. . . Grandma and grandpa. . ." Her voice cracked but I can still hear her clearly.

"W-what?" I asked. I frown trying to remain calm. I need to go home but how can I go home if I don't even know where I am right now?

"The plane they were in crashed. Ellaine said. My eyes widened at the shocking revelation.

"W-what? "I shouted. Ellaine cried as I heard something crash from the background.


"Please come home. . ." She begged, sobbing. I bit my lips trying to suppress the nervousness. Oh My God what's happening?

"W-wait, wait me there! " I said.

I looked around again trying to remember where I was. I started to walk to the direction I last remembered I walked into but suddenly.

A blinding light filled my sight. I adjusted my eyes and tried to look at the light but I think my heart just stopped and my whole body was stiff when a car started to go in my direction until it hit me.

I heard the car shriek by the impact and felt my body numb as my body rolled over the street.

"Ara!? Sister!? What happened? What is that!? Ara! Sister!Please answer me!"

I tried to open my eyes and saw my hands full of blood. I reached for my phone that was already cracked and mentioned her name.


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