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Mr. McKenzie’s Aloof wife

Mr. McKenzie’s Aloof wife



Adriana Yale was arranged to marry the eldest son of the McKenzie’s even when she was obsessed with the boy that saved her from bullies in her childhood. Adriana who has restrained herself from the worldly life, however decided to party with her best friend Alicia Walton and classmates at the Walton Mansion. ‘Since I can’t marry my benefactor, I’d better have some fun or be miserable in my whole life’ Adriana had said. Meanwhile she was raped by a strange man in a dark room thereby changing her fate. Continue to read to find out more about Adriana Yale.

Chapter 1 Meeting Family

At Yale university which was one of the largest and most prestigious private universities in New Haven. Also, a subsidiary of the Yale Group which was owned by Benjamin Yale.

The final year students were seen in a big hall in the business school with their faces looking down on their script as they were busy with their final exams Amongst the student was Alicia Walton and Adrianna Yale. They were sitting adjacent to each other with their face glued to the paper in front of them.

“Humph!” Alicia plastered a satisfied smirk on her face and went through her answers. She got up afterward, shot a glare at Adriana, her best friend who was still writing off on the white paper. She strode to the supervisor, handed over her answers script and stepped out of the hall.

Adriana’s mind was focused on her papers as she have decided to give a very brief explanation on their last paper before submitting the scripts. Shortly after, she was done answering the questions, Adriana got up from her seat and strode to the supervisor with some other students who has also finished their work. They handed in their script and left.

Feeling the bright sun glisten on her skin as she stepped out of the hall, Adriana smiled heartily and walked to Alicia who was standing in the corridor with her new boyfriend Noah.

‘She just couldn’t get her legs closed, how did she even do that?’ Adriana walked up to them with a sneer, “remember! By eight p.m tonight” Alicia said cheekily while licking her lips. All that did not leave her sight. ‘What is Alicia up to this time’ Adriana thought to herself, knowing that Alicia has always been mischievous since childhood and she was the only one that could tolerate her. “Hi, Noah,” She uttered to Noah and turned to face her best friend. Alicia nodded to Noah who chuckled slyly and left while chewing a gum.

“What was that about? You already hooking up with boys just after you stepped out of the hall, Alicia have some shame” Adriana snorted with disgust, with both hands on her waist. She’d hate to associate with people, especially men since one of them bullied her when she was just a minor.

“Come on Adria, I got a massive blow from Justin after our breakup. So I got a nice replacement which is better” Alicia asserted with a shameless grin. “Such a slut!” Adriana rolled her eyes and placed her right arm on Alicia’s shoulder.

“Tell me, what were you guys whispering about eight p.m?” Her look turned serious as she inquired about their conversation.

‘Huh! I thought you hate it when other people are involved. Well, I’d need you to be at the after-exam party tonight’, Alicia shrugged and notified Adriana about the party held at the Walton mansion for the finalists.

They’d thought of hosting the party at the Walton mansion after using up all their ideas, since Mr. and Mrs. Walton is out of town Noah thought it’d be a great idea to have the party at the villa as it would be less stressful.

“Alicia, this is not nice. Aunt and uncle will freak out if they found out that you’re trying to turn the villa into a motel” Adriana tried to explain to Alicia but she wasn’t having it. She has already planned out this evening, spending it with Noah smooching and having fun. Adriana knitted her brow while furiously biting on her lips.

“News flash: you must be there, no excuses will be accepted. It’s a costume party, lingerie is needed” Alicia gloated as she stared at Adriana with a smirk.

“I’m busy tonight, I can’t make it. Mum and dad are already waiting for my return and I’d like to spend some time with them. Gosh! I haven’t seen them for four years, I’m so excited to see them” Adriana quickly derived an excuse to pull herself out of this dilemma. However Alicia was determined to make her lose her chastity.

“Omg, Look at yourself, gloating like a clown. You’re no kid Adria, attending this party is a must there is no going back. Using uncle and aunt as an excuse won’t work either, you need to let your guard down and meet new people. I can’t believe you’re still shy after four years in school” Alicia scoffed with her face filled with doubts and unforeseen thoughts, she had always wished to Adriana’s wild side and had tried many times to drag her out of her comfort zone, but failed woefully. However, Adriana registered what Alicia had said in her mind and abruptly decided to go for a new change, ‘Maybe she is right locking myself out isn’t right, I need to loosen up’ Adriana nodded her head thoughtfully and gripped Alicia's arm.

“Then you will be by my side and help me through this” Adriana asserted staring at Alicia intently with her deep clear blue eyes.

“That would be for a while, I would be spending the night with Noah. Let’s go back to the hostel first.” With Alicia's eyes locked with Adriana’s, they nodded in unison and head back to their hostel which was a few miles away.

They both arrived holding hands just like in their childhood, they were always together with their hands clasped together. Alicia unlocked the door and walked into the dorm still holding hands with Adriana.

They stood still in front of the packed luggage waiting to be wheeled out of the dorm.

“We did it! Yes, California we’re coming for you” they mumbled in unison and screamed heartily while clutching their hands to express the excitement they felt.

They rushed to the closet, pulled out the outfit which they have chosen earlier and slid into it. Alicia did their makeup, then they proceeded to wear their matching high heels, and wheeled the luggage out towards the gate of Yale university.

Both the drivers sent by both families were in front of the gate waiting for them respectively, as they stepped outside the gate both the drivers hurriedly rushed to them and took the luggage collectively.

“See you tonight!” Adriana screamed feeling a bit too excited, ‘maybe is because this would be my first time wanting to party hard with my best friend’ she shrugged and hopped into the back of a white Porsche.

“Remember the code, I already selected one for you. Eight p.m” Alicia sounded excited as she yelled and got into the back seat of a black Lexus ultra. The two Limited Edition cars that were slowly gathering attention sped off towards different directions which were the Hill Valley and Rock view estate.

The driver slowed down once they entered hill valley estate and made its way toward the large gate of the Yale mansion. ‘How much I’ve missed this place, both the chirping bird and the cold breeze from the hills’ Adriana gasped and got out of the Porsche after the driver pulled over at the parking lot.

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