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Yoori The Rejected Bride

Yoori The Rejected Bride

Rachel M Nyambu


It's everyone's wish for their wedding to take place without any issues. But what happens when the darkest secret you were hiding from your partner surfaces that day? Meet Yoori Jonhs, a twenty-year old bride whose dark secret was known on her wedding day. What will she do when the groom's family and her parent's reject her? Will she able to prove herself clean? What of the fact that she will never belong the man who stole her heart? Will she accept it? There is one person who can help her, but what will she do when she refuses? Will she able to live in shame or will she go away?

Chapter 1 Room 196


©Rachel M Nyambu 2022

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be transmitted by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage, without the prior written permission of the author. Inquiries about plagiarism should be directed to the email address listed above.

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It’s every girl's wish to be married to a possibly handsome man who is caring, loving, passionate, understanding, and respectful. This was Yoori's dream too. She found her perfect man, planned their perfect wedding, and got the perfect venue for their ceremony.

Everything went as planned until vowe's time. Murmurs broke in the crowd as everyone's phones bleeped. A video of her shagging another man in a hotel room the day before their wedding went viral. The crowd gasped, and walked out of the venue one by one, leaving only her (the bride) and her family, the groom and his family. The groom's family threw disgusted, hateful eyes at her, pulled their son, and walked away. She was left on the alter, standing, tears welling in her brown eyes. It was a great shame, not only for her but for her husband, Yeshen Paley.

He was a worldwide business tycoon, respected by all and feared by many. The utterance of his name made people tremble with fear. No one dared to look at him for fear of meeting his chilling, piercing gaze, which turned every warm room he walked into into a freezing bathtub, which no one dared to dip into.

Yoori scrouched down, her knees pressed against her chest, trying to calm her trembling body. She looked at her parents, then at her sister, who stood at a far distance ogling her and shaking her head in pity.

A violent tremor ran through her body since she had cried for a really long time. She smiled bitterly, swallowing the painful lump that had stuck in her throat. She closed her eyes tightly like a notorious child who was threatened with meeting an orge face-to-face because she had misbehaved. She let her mind drift on that worst day. She inhaled deeply, letting the images and events of that day replay in her tired mind.

She was in her room reading a novel, as usual. As the novel became interesting, she went to her study table where her phone was charging and made an attempt to turn it off. Whenever she found a certain novel interesting, she switched her phone off to avoid distractions from her elder sister, Evelyn, and her best friend, Kate. They had the tendency to send funny memes to her, which caused distractions most of the time.

That day, as she grabbed her phone, ready to switch it off, fifty-seven missed calls on her screen astonished her. She cursed loudly, throwing the book away and dialing the number.

"The number you are calling is currently out of service." A robotic female voice echoed.

"Sister!" She screamed in panic, descending the golden spiral staircase in a rush.

She barged the wooden door open and headed straight to the garage, hopped in her newly bought black jeep and zoomed off.

Her sister was not the kind of person who would call you more than twice. She had the habit of calling only once, and if the phone was not answered, she would wait until the receiver answered her again.

"Fifty seven missed calls from my sister. There is something wrong. " "Something must have happened." She guessed inwardly, dialing her best friend's number. On Fridays, her best friend had the habit of taking her sister out. It was their routine. If Evelyn took Kate out this Friday, then next it will be Kate's duty to take Evelyn out.

"The number you are calling is currently busy." A robotic female voice echoed.

Darn it, Kate! How come your phone is always busy? " She cursed, the car tires screeching on the rough road. A male traffic cop in a blue uniform attempted to stop her by waving his large hand, but Yoori threw a bundle of cash under his nose and sped away.

"Slow down unless you are looking for a death wish, lassie." The cop's voice was carried away by the wind before reaching her. She only heard bits of it, in which she nodded absent-mindedly.

Taking a halt at the gates of Spiral VVIP lodges, she jumped out of the car and strode towards the receptionist.

Her phone beeped, and she took a look at it as her heart raced. She was afraid it was going to burst through her ribs.

"Sister, some men have us. They have sworn to gang rape us.

Her sister had sent a message.

She dialed her number but a long beep sound echoed. A female robotic voice then answered, and she hung up angrily.

"Darn it!" She cursed inwardly, "Please, can you tell me the room in which Eveyln Jonhs and Kate Hurds have checked in?" In a polite rushing manner, she asked the receptionist, who stared at her for a while before busting into a fistful of laughter.

Yoori opened her mouth, ready to lash out at her, but her reflection on the glass table silenced her.

She was wearing extra large piggy pajamas, hence she looked like a walking cartoon. The face mask she had earlier applied to her face was still intact.

She smiled apologetically and asked her again, "Which room did Evelyn Jonhs and Kate Hurds go in?"

"Room number 196, ma'am." The receptionist said, handing over the spare keys to her.

Panting and gasping for air, her long legs ate up the distance between the reception area and the lift, which immediately took her upstairs towards the room.

Barging in, Yoori turned on the lights and called her sister, "Evelyn!" She called, "Where are you?" She asked worriedly.

When she got no response, she went towards the bathroom and checked. When she got no glimpse of her sister and best friend, she rushed out, telling herself mentally to check the other rooms.

When she extended her arm to open the door, a rough hand from behind covered her mouth. She tried to fight, but her strength compared to that man was nothing. She was like an ant in the beak of a crow.

My sister is in danger. "Please let me go." She pleaded with the man when her fighting bore no fruit.

She tried to kick the man on the ground, but she failed when his strong, snow-white veined hands pinned her on the floor.

"I am in more danger compared to your sister." The man whirled, gasping.

"I want you, please." The man begged, panting like an athlete.

"You pervert, please let me go!" She yelled, punching the man on his tummy. The man groaned in pain as he lost his grip. Standing on her knees, Yoori crawled towards the door and tried to open it.

"I asked you nicely, but since you are proving stubborn, I'll take you by force." The man's hoarse voice said behind her. The noise of her pajamas tearing off echoed as she was thrown on the bed. When he was done with her, he collapsed beside her and lost consciousness.

Sobbing, Yoori collected her tattered pajamas and covered her body. Because they were damaged beyond recognition, she looked at the sleeping man and, without bothering to look at his face, she took his suit, which was lying on the floor, put it on and walked out to look for her sister.

She tried to take a step towards the door, but it became difficult and she fell on her knees, painful groans escaping her mouth. "For fucks sake, what is happening?" She exclaimed. That's when it dawned on her that the man had taken her virginity.

Looking back at him, she grabbed him by the neck and sank her teeth into the crook of his neck. When the mettalic taste of blood mixed with sweat savoured her mouth, she let go of him and ran away, leaving him screaming in pain.

Limping out of the room, she tried to call her sister's number for the last time, who answered, claiming she had been saved by a stranger and had already returned back home.

Without looking behind, she strode towards her black jeep and smiled painfully. My dear Paley, how I wish I could tell you what transpired the day before our wedding. It would be unfair if I didn't do that, but I'm sorry because I'll never tell you. This is a secret I'll take to my grave. " Words, little more than whisphers, escaped her mouth and floated in the air around her.

What she didn't realize was that as soon as she turned her back on the lodge and walked to her car, two people in black pants and black hoodies smiled at each other and handed a black object to a mysterious man who, all the while, was backing them.

"You are such a disgrace, Yoori." Her father's sharp voice jerked her from her flashback.

"Believe me, dad. I was raped. " She tried to explain herself, but her pleas fell on deaf ears.

"Raped? Who enjoys being raped? Take a look at that damn video. You are fucking moaning like the typical prostitute you are. " His father barked, thrusting his phone under her nose.

Yoori watched the video with growing alarm. Her face fell by degrees, creating wrinkles all over her smooth face. Curling herself into a foetal position, she mumbled, "No way! This is a damn freaking lie. The video is edited. I have never enjoyed this. Not even a second! "

A month later, she received a letter from the groom's family saying they had called off the wedding. The letter also said the groom was about to get married to another decent lady and she was invited to the wedding.

When the wedding day arrived, she arrived like a normal guest. She was anxious to know who replaced her place in her ex-husband's heart that easily. All the while, she couldn't believe Yeshen Paley was getting married again. He had told her she was his world and nothing else.

"Who could have taken my part that quickly?" She questioned herself, fidgeting in her seat. Soon, loud woows and oh my gosh erupted within the crowd as the bride and groom walked down the aisle. With her eyes wide open in shock, she sobbed. Her best friend, Kate, was the bride. What a heartbreak! Quietly, she sneaked out of the venue and rushed back home, packed her bags, and flew abroad.

She swore to never return home, no matter what.

In the other part of the city, a man lying in a hotel bed bledding profusely was rushed to the hospital in a hurry. When he woke up, he demanded to know the name of the girl he had taken advantage of. When they failed to recover the CCTV footage from the lodge, he flew abroad, pointing out he couldn't stay in the same city where he had harrassed an innocent girl because he would always be reminded of his evil deed.

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