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Unlove me, Uncle Donovan

Unlove me, Uncle Donovan

Rachel M Nyambu


"Love me, Donovan." "I do, Charm." "No. "Love me deeper." She begged. And like she wanted, she was loved—more than she had expected—but then good things don't last forever, right? Donovan, the man she was crazy for, was her uncle. Will she let go or let herself sink deeper into his already unconditional love?

Chapter 1 Birthday Gift

As she walked into the house, her boots clung, echoing. The living room was full of teens, who were either smoking, drinking, or dancing in pairs. A few shameless ones were fucking right in front of everyone, filling people’s eardrums with their sluttly moans. The girl continued to push through the crowd with rose flowers clutched in her hands as the music stopped and all eyes turned to her. She held her head high, hoping that her face showed no signs of breaking down.

Her eyes darted to that particular person, who was among the shameless ones and had a beautiful girl wrapped between his hands, fucking her senselessly. She could see the fear and guilt in their eyes, but she just smiled at them and continued to walk towards them.

"Oh my gosh! What are you gonna do, Bianca?" A mocking voice rose, making the girl bow her head in embarrassment. Everyone thought that she had no idea that her boyfriend was cheating on her with her best friend, but she was all too aware.

"Hi Bianca, hi Damien." The girl, clutching flowers, greeted them, finally reaching where they were. They just looked at her, fear gripping them, and they pushed each other aside. The Bianca girl struggled to wear her clothes, while Damien struggled to wear his trousers, buckling up his belt.

"Babe, it’s not what you think." He said this while holding the girl's hand with flowers, and she just smiled and murmured, "Mmm." The girl took a deep breath, allowing all of their past memories to wash over her. She had been dating Damien for four years until that Bianca girl came along. When she was first admitted to the school, she had no friends and was always bullied a lot. She decided to do what no one had ever done, and one day she fought with her bullies on her behalf.

They had become inseparable since that day. They became the best of friends, which everyone envied. Many were the times when they were mistaken for being sisters. A year later, after she introduced him to her boyfriend, the worst happened. She would always see them together, but she never cared; after all, she was her best friend, and she would never betray her. Things worsened when Damien started ignoring her and dedicated most of his time to her best friend. In the past, they used to hang out together, but they both started turning on her when she brought up the topic of them going on vacations or outings.

Although they both gave her different reasons why they wouldn’t be joining her, she grew suspicious. What was it that the days Damien wasn’t free was the same days Bianca wasn’t? Her question was answered when, one day, during her birthday, they turned her down, saying they were stuck up with school work. Later at night, she was shocked when an anonymous number sent her a clip of them enjoying themselves at the beach. They had gone out for a date.

The next day, she questioned both of them and demanded to know why Damien would take her best friend for a date rather than her, and they said that they had bumped into each other over there and decided to hang out. Although she didn’t confront them any longer, she started stalking them. She came to realize that they were dating and that they were taking her for a fool. She decided to give herself a break and swore never to ask them anything. She hoped that after a while, Damien would realize what he was doing was wrong and return to her, but that never happened.

After giving it much thought, she decided to end everything. She accepted the fact that she no longer made him happy, but her best friend did. She had decided to end things with him on his twenty-first birthday, and that day had arrived. Before getting in the building, she inhaled deeply, sighing every now and then to calm herself. She knew that her arrival would shock them because Damien hadn’t invited her to his birthday. "This is going to be the best birthday gift I will be giving you, Damien." She murmered. His happiness was what she was going to give him.

"I do hope you will like it.“ She thought once again, looking at the flowers on her hands. "I'm so sorry, babe. I can explain." Damien’s voice brought her back to the real world.

"Explain what?" "The fact that you've been cheating on me with her for a year now, or that you've been lying to me and you both never told me the truth?" She asked, and everyone gasped. She knew that was going to be the talk of the school the next day. She knew that her enemies would laugh at her, but she didn’t give a damn about that. She just wanted to end everything between them because he had made it clear that he would never change.

"We are sorry, Charm." We were planning on telling you today that we are in love with each other. Bianca said, wrapping her arms around Damien’s neck. Charm chuckled, not shocked at the change in her behavior. One minute ago she was a trembling chicken after being caught red-handed, but she was now a courageous bitch who had the guts to tell her that she was in love with her boyfriend!

The smile on her face was wiped away when Damien stood from the sofa he was sitting on, yanked her hands away, and told her that she shouldn't believe what Bianca had just said because she was lying. Bianca cried as everyone in the room laughed at her. She picked up her purse and ran away, sobbing, after giving Damien a hot slap on the face.

"Babe, we had agreed on having sex only with no strings attached." You know that I am a man, and I can’t do without sex, something you were depriving me of. He said this in an attempt to entice her into his arms.

"What?“ Charm asked. He shamelessly pushed the blame on her.The fact that he was not apologizing sincerely and that he was clearing his name by trying to tell everyone indirectly that he wasn’t a cheater but a one-woman man who cheated because he was deprived of sex disgusted her. Charm could hear a few students saying she deserved to be cheated on because she was selfish.

"So what you are trying to tell me is that you cheated, fucked my best friend behind my back for a fucking good year, and it's all my fault?“ She asked.

"No, babe..i..“ Damien started, but she cut him short. She wanted to throw the flowers she had brought for him on his face, but she swallowed her anger and placed them on the table, saying, "Happy birthday, Damien." I didn’t come here to talk about us, but I came to end the "us." I have thought deeply, and I have decided that this year I won’t give you any solid gifts. The gift I will be giving you today is your happiness. I no longer make you happy, but Binca does. So do me a favor. I want you to run up to her and tell her that you were just kidding and you didn’t mean to choose me over her. From today on, you two have my blessings, and I will never question you guys for betraying me. She said.

Giving Damien no time to say anything, she turned to exit the house. At the door, she bumped into Bianca, who was still crying. When she saw her, she apologized, saying that if she had known Damien was a jerk, she could have never snatched him away from her, but she chuckled and told her, "Go back inside because Damien wants to apologize." He never meant what he said.

"Does it mean we are now friends?“ She asked her. Turning to face her one last time, she smiled and walked away without saying anything. At the garage, Charm hopped on her speed bike with tears brimming out of her eyes. She was finally far away from them, and she could cry freely without them noticing her. Igniting her speed bike, she drove toward the only public bar in the city to drown her sorrows.

Behind her was a man who had masked his face and was watching her every step. When he saw her riding away crying, he asked his driver to follow her secretly and park the car wherever she would park her bike.

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Unlove me, Uncle Donovan

Chapter 1 Birthday Gift
