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My Worst Addiction (Billionaire CEO's Love)

My Worst Addiction (Billionaire CEO's Love)

Valentine Gese


Rylan, who has never been in a successful relationship before, resorts to hating women, earning for himself, the title of the 'cold'CEO. However, with the emergence of Grace Hamilton whom he happens to meet by chance, things would have to change, as she shatters his perception about women. There are lots of women trailing the cold CEO. Would Grace really have her shot?

Chapter 1 Late To Report 1



-Barr. I.S GESE, for his untiring love and support;

-Lady EVELYN GESE; for being a real mother.

I love you all!


This book is totally a work of fiction hence; any resemblance to a person, place, event e.t.c is completely coincidental and the product of the author's wildest imagination.


The CEO's Lover is a thrilling romance piece that is filled with adult and action scenes. It brushes on the themes of love, impression, hatred and justice.


She woke up with a start, her brain and whole being still lost in the dream world. Lazily, she glanced at the wall clock which hung just above her alarm device and that instant, she jerked out of bed, hurriedly making for the bathroom.

"9:00 O'clock! Why did I sleep like a log of wood?" She lamented in a bitter voice as she quickly brushed her teeth.

She stood just in front of a fairly large mirror and while she brushed her teeth, she could not help but wonder why with all her beauty, she had never for once, hooked up with a 'well-to-do-man'. Her face was oval, with high cheekbones. Her complexion was that of a freshly baked bread. Her hazy eyes were remarkable for always sending weak and tempting signals to males.

She rinsed her mouth. As she quickly slipped out of her pyjamas, her long, slender legs became visible. Even from afar, her body looked every inch, inviting and her skin, soft.

After putting away the pyjamas in a laundry basket, she went and stood under the shower and turning it on, patiently allowed the water to run down her body for a while. As she turned to fetch her shampoo and bathing soap, her shapely, firm, medium seized breasts became visible. Her nipples faced upwards slightly, implying that her breasts were not likely to sag anytime soon.

Presently, she applied the shampoo to her hair and quickly washed it. It was always a special ritual for her whenever she wanted to wash her hair. But that morning, it was simply different; she had no time.

Five minutes later, she was done taking her bath. She walked out of the bathroom with a pink towel loosely wrapped around her chest. It was evident that she was every inch endowed. She had all the things a woman could ask for, all in the right proportions.

Presently, she dried her body and applied some lotion to her skin. Hastily, she slipped into her work clothes.

She grabbed a random handbag and without even making a cup of coffee for herself, ran out of her apartment.

Coincidentally, it happened that her housemate was also leaving her apartment. Grace nearly bumped into her.

"Grace... Why are you so late for work? I think you told me the other day that work starts at eight?" She asked in a concerned tone.

Grace smiled briefly as she threw her a glance. She was too late to talk to her extensively.

"That is very true, Alison. See you when I am back!" She said, already hurrying down the stairs.

"Have a good day! See you!" Alison said loudly for her benefit.

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