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Craving Her Second Chance

Craving Her Second Chance



“Why would I marry you again?” Anger lingers within her voice. "Don't underestimate the things that I can do," he says, grinning slyly as he turns to face Abegail. "I might marry someone the day after our divorce." Abegail Taylor has been troubled by those remarks for the past three years, and Selvin wasn't lying. The day following of their divorce, he marries someone, and when Abegail learns of it, her heart violently breaks. However, she is filled with optimism when she discovers that Selvin's mistress forged the divorce documents and that, in reality, she was still wed to Selvin Jones. Yet she swears that she’s not going to love him ever again, and she’ll make them suffer. Can she stand what she declare after Selvin’s plans and all?

Chapter 1 Accusing The Wife

Abegail’s Point of View

“Are you sure you are fine?”

I took a deep sigh when I heard the words coming from my best friend, Macey Lewis. I know in myself that I am not okay with the treatments I have had in this mansion, but I know that I have nothing to put against it.

They owned the house, so it’s their rules. I have to obey them. I have to do it since, in the first place, it’s my decision to marry Selvin Jones.

He’s been so good to me for four years. He was there when I had nothing and no one to talk to. He’s been so caring and understanding, so if this is the return, then I should embrace it.

It’s my choice; I must stand for it; and also, I love my husband. I left everything behind just to be with him.

“Hey, did you hear what I said?” Macey asked, and that made me shoot back into reality.

“Yes,” I almost mumbled, before I stifled another sigh and raised the tone of my voice. “Yes, I am fine, Macey. Don’t worry about me.” But inside my head, I crossed my fingers, disapproving of the lie I said to her.

I looked out from the window, thinking that I should come out for the mean time. Maybe I was just overreacting a while ago. That’s why Jessica Jones didn’t like it.

The story is that I went inside their room since my husband, Selvin Jones, told me to get the files of the family’s company. I’ve been told to do so. That’s why I came inside, thinking that maybe Selvin had informed his mother about his request. The room was empty, so I just searched the files all by myself.

But I didn’t expect Jessica to enter the room and start screaming her assumptions. She had a fit. She started accusing me of things, telling me that I was about to steal their stuffs inside their bedroom.

I explained everything, but neither of the family members listened to me. That gave me annoyance, and I talked back to them. I expressed all my thoughts about them, and the emotional breakdown sent tears to each corner of my eyes.

But they didn’t listen, as expected.

“I don’t believe you at all,” Macey told me over the phone. “Why don’t you just call your husband and tell him about what happened? Since, you know, in the first place, he’s the one who told you to get the company files. “

I muttered, “I should have told them earlier, before I came inside their room.” I shook my head when realization hit me, it’s really my mistake in the first place. “It’s still my fault. I just hate it when people don’t hear me out.”

“I understand!” All of a sudden, Macey exclaimed, and that made me pull my phone away from my ear. “It’s the most frustrating thing ever! Why are they so close-minded?”

“Yes.” That’s the only word I could use to reply to my best friend. My mind suddenly went blank, and all I could do was stare at the gate meters away from the mansion.

I should go out and unwind. I have to clear my thoughts today. Everything has become too heavy inside. I should forget about it.

That’s it! I should invite Macey for a coffee date.

“Macey?” I called out. “Let’s go to Times Square. Let’s have a coffee and call out to our friends to come over. It’s on me. “

“Oh yeah!” Macey answered. “You should relax, wait up! I’ll invite Camille and others to join our call. “

“Yes, thank you.”


I froze when I heard someone calling my name. I whispered into the phone instantly. “I’ll give you updates,” I told Macey. “I just have something to do. I promise to call you right after I finish this.”

Without waiting for Macey to answer me, I dropped the call and spun around. At the same time, Sarah, my sister-in-law, stormed into my room. I stared at her and observed her actions.

She looked like she was not in the mood. She’s always not in the mood, truth be told.

“What can I do for you?” I asked the spoilt brat who was wearing a scowl on her face.

She crossed her arms and rolled her eyes at me. “There’s a rat in my room! You have to clean it, keep that rat away from me! “

I frowned. “Sarah, we have servants downstairs,” I uttered. “Why don’t you call them to do that instead of me?”

“Why, aren’t you one of the servants here?” she asked and looked at me condescendingly. “Come on, it’s just a little issue! Keep that rat away from me! “

“If it’s a small issue,” I answered. “Then do it by yourself.” I turned my back away from her and picked up my purse. I will just call my friends once I’m inside the taxi.

“Bitch!” she shrieked and marched her way to me. “Why aren’t you listening to me?”

I faced her, trying to conceal the irritation on my face. “Can you just stop? I am older than you. You should give some respect to—AAH! “ I screamed, cutting my line abruptly, when Sarah pulled my hair as I passed.

“Stop being so entitled!” She snapped and pulled my hair hard. “Our age gap is only 2 years! Don’t talk as if you’re the one who’s been looking after me since I was young! “

“Let my hair go!” I screamed in pain, but Sarah didn’t listen. I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth. “I said, let me go!”

“Not until you go into my room and clean the stuff!” Sarah pointed out. “Pick up that rat or else, I will make you go bald!”

I had no other choice but to nod at her. “Alright, alright! Come on, just let me go! “

“Hah!” she scoffed. “You just wanted me to mess your hair up before you could agree. Such a weakling.”

Without any words to add, she let my hair go and pushed my head so hard it almost hit the wall. I watched her leave with her supermodel walk.

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly through my nose. Indeed, Sarah is a beautiful woman with a very vicious attitude. She became a famous top model, but her attitude couldn’t be eaten by a dog. It’s so toxic.

To think that she doesn’t care at all, she’s so spoiled with her parents, who are good at tolerating her bad doings.

“Hurry up, idiot. Don’t make me go upstairs again and drag you down! “ Sarah screamed on the stairs. “What are you waiting for? Do you want me to put the rat on your lips to kiss it?”

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Craving Her Second Chance