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The Orange Lily

The Orange Lily

Abena Sadia


He chuckles humorlessly, eyes as sharp as a worrior's sword as they sweep across her delicately graceful and sneers at her. "Respect? You want my fucking respect?" smirking wickedly he adds, shattering her wounded heart to pieces. "Well my dear''innocent''wife, you lost that the moment you easily spread your legs wide for me like a desperate slut when you barely knew who I was!" Her face loses colour as she stumbles back, a gasps exiting her trembling lips and autumn orbs filling with utter shock and disbelieve. When the sadistic smirk on his devilishly handsome face stretches into a gloating grin, reality sinks in as she realizes her position in his cold heart and sadistic head. To him, she is nothing but a shameless whore---a harlot pretending to be a virtuous woman.

Chapter 1 Prologue

Gracious rinsed her mouth and splashed water on her face to cool down the burning heat ashing her face, after successfully heaving out all the content of her breakfast. Exhaustion took over her as she probed her hands on the edge of the sink for support. Taking in deep breaths she wiped off the fog and water droplets on her bathroom mirror.

Satisfied with it's clearness she stared attentively at her reflection, noticing the subtle changes on her body apart from the constant nausea feeling and every second throwing up, the constant loss of appetite and sensitive nose, the constant craving and exhaustion she has been experiencing a couple of weeks now.

Her dull autumn eyes stared back at her, lips and skin pale as a foggy morn. Cheeks and collarbone seemed to gain some flesh. Turning to her side and feeling the skin of her tiny waist, it seemed to gain some flesh too. Her breasts were sore and heavily swollen. Flat abdomen now forming a round swell.

She seemed...., Fat! And old!

Turning into a whale!

Goodness, she was too young to look this old and like a pregnant mosquito---

Wait a minute.....

Her eyes grew wide as lightening flashed through them. Recalling the last time her period came--- that had been three months ago and she has already missed her period on two consecutive months.

She gulped down.

Sweat began rolling down her spine and temples.

Flashbacks of a certain enchanting night surge through her bones, draining all the color from her golden face, stopping her heart beat and breath.

Stumbling back in shock a gasp left her parted mouth, her trembling hands fumbled around to grasp something for support as the flashbacks of that night invaded her shocked mind.

"No!" Panic rose in her whispered voice, fingers laced in her locks, she pulled and tagged as she fought to control her shaking being.

"C-calm down, G-Gracious." She took deep breaths. "M-maybe you're overthinking. Maybe it's one of those malfunctioning months where your period can delay for more than three months even, yes that's it." She tried to assure herself, which did support to subdue the fear caving in the pit of her gut. "Try to remember again, you probably forgot you had your menses a couple of weeks ago." She took another deep breath. "Just remember the exact day."

Thinking back to that glamorous night, filled with the smell of love making.

Her skin burn with fire, like maga dripping through her veins. It felt like yesterday.

Two months ago.....,

On a fateful night, in a far away glowing cottage. A glorious silhouette of love making blinded the eyes of the nosy night, seducing his ears with their infectious ambiguous intertwined voices.

Lonely and upset, he calls for help from the sun goddess, to rise and save him from this unending love making.

She lets out an ethereal seductive giggle, her lustrous golden goddess face blushing with mischief, which did not do good to the suffering night.

Gracing him one more time of her enchanting purest smile she promises him her presence, but that shall be awhile when she has finished preparing her gift for them.

Huffing begrudgingly he has no choice but to enjoy the long torture from the two young humans, and hope sun goddess keep to her promise before he burst with cold darkness.

The sleeping moon goddess has no idea the trouble she is causing with her silver rays illuminating through the enthralling scene inside the cottage.

Her silver burning rays could be felt on the skin of the ebony goddess withering in ecstacy beneath the unknown god.

Trembling lips and hot bodies passionately emerged into one, awakening the inner desire of their untamed hidden beasts with the undying flaming fire set in their souls.

Hot kisses, flaming touches and slow torture of caressing unleashed their craving souls, bathed in love making...,

Conquering the silence restless night were melodious sounds of pleasurable moans, melting their hearts and satisfying their bodies with trembling climax.

Slow pace of the night passed and the worship of bodies and physical desire was still wrapped up in heat.

As the night began retiring to his dark chember with a very huge pout and a sour frown on his raven shiny face, the dawn light finally whispered the arrival of pure light-- the sun. Her first peek beam, releasing her delicate rays unto the gracious rose lying fragile in the bed of roses. Her brown tender flushed skin and face coated in salty rain--- the aftermath of the wild night.

She whimpered and trembled all over. Goddess sun smiled knowingly, her pure light becoming prominent on the innocent face of the angelic beauty. She was determined to see her pleasurable face for the last time when she delivered her gift to her.

The pure sunlight added a burning longing touch to Gracious's sensitive used body--- surging in waves a sweet--- unbearable fire into her now tainted flower city.

A cry exited her quaking alluringly red swollen lips, waves of passion crashed through her as she welcomed his warm liquid into her home. Her nectar came forth to welcome his flaming magma into her holy and untouched chamber where the gift of sun arrived and began to bloom into a beauty of morning glory, with the chaotic shouts of early may spring of wildflowers.

As the angel from hell fell onto the beautiful delicate red rose, the impact and warmth of his perspiring body against her soft one clenched her chest and made her heart beat. The warm air of falling in love followed, taking possession of her gentle innocent bud with his dazzling smile and passionate kiss, making her chest bud bloom wildly with joy.

Her first everything was willingly offered to the beauty of the sky on top of her, breathing heat into her satisfied soul.

Little did innocent satisfied, joy filled and exhausted Gracious know that her blooming red rose of love was doomed to burn along with the golden light in the day sky, it's remains to bloom forth an orange lily of hate; that would haunt them for the rest of their remaining days....

"Oh my God!" Her legs felt like jelly as they gave out under her, her back slide down the tiled bathroom wall as her bottom hit the cold floor. "No!" Her trembling palms covered her mouth, muffling the instant sobs rocking through her.

Tears gushed out, with tremors of sobs. She could feel the weight of fear and regret looming heavily in the base of her womb as the truth was confirmed before her.

What has she done? What has she brought upon herself? What will she do? How will she explain herself to her family?--- to the whole wide world?

How will she break this to her parents?


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