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The Orange Lily

Chapter 2 I

Word Count: 4147    |    Released on: 13/12/2022

ival Game. To come out alive

e pe

essly be

t make

f at questionable pl

rsing with the opposi

etty and a

u'll b

and become th

ged and drive

n ugly f


ous home. Some things are forbidden. Especial

tattoos, piercings, wearing shorts revealing clothes, party and club addicts, smoke and drink, love the things of the

you fall a victim of the second to l

y are never entertained i

ssociates itself with a Christian girl child forn

oul if you come out

med if you're

hristian homes

standable and supportive, even th

with Gracious' home. Her h

ectful and reputable Christian home. Sh

women fellowship of their church, the first born and eldest son of their family an elder and soon to be

the chaste girls club, teacher and assistant leader of the children m

r and actress. (Mostly Christ

ucer, song and script writer. She loves this sid

ding to their family and church policies. They will rather go astray than be tied down with r

steps and first word. And they are okay with the path they chose, to live their lives freely like a bird without any

ways being compared to the

e up on them. And their sole concentra

e Grac

ounger generation. Young girls from across the world look up to her, their i

ld admi

finition of perfection,

y as Perfect Pure Graci

with the wisdom of God--- deepe

ords melt the coldest heart, her wisdo

l sound to the ears, filling the l

character won her

and innocent like a beaming hope of lig

honour and confidence, her

e was


three beautiful si

t changed everything, took away everythi

whipping to the side. The stinging pain nothing compared to the pain, hurt, an

d and betrayed parents pleading for forgiveness. Her loud guilty and regretful w

anger fill the hearts of her parents as they gaze down at

hey go wrong i

good parents--- responsible p

cruel reward, shame

ouldn't look into the eyes

h shame, when she was the cause of the hurt and disappo

as heavy sound of sob

." She sobs bitterly, heart heavy with guilt as she tries to get a

ptly standing up. Tears of betrayal run down her perfectly beautiful golden wrin

ɛ wo, wɔ neɛ wayɛ nyinaa akyi!" (Give me one reason why I should forgive you after everything you've done!). Mrs Ɔdɔ (Love) pauses her ranting, shakes her head a

ght to cross her chaotic mind righ

love? My valuable treasure why did you do this to me?)" Both mother and daughte

ant women in his life. He couldn't look at them without

e times, not in front of them. Silentl

aame." (Forgi

etew yie?!" (Was my c

wai?" (I'm begging you okay

Ɛna wo tua yɛ ka sei?!" (We raised you with love, fe

y crawls over to her seething mother and wraps her shaky limps tightly around her legs, determine to seek her forgiveness. The act has the mother bursting into another tears, the pain an

ion is too u

, I didn't mean to do that. You know me right? You know that I wouldn't do something like this intentionally right? Father! Father!). Crawls towards her cold furious father, grabbing his knees she plead

ng towards their bedroom door she flings it open with such force that the frames shook violently. Impatiently she waits for her crying daughter to get the massage across and leave. "Pue! Me se pue f

s that once embraced her with warmth, love, care and happiness. Instead of the warm motherly embrace she is met with the hard mahogany door, instantly her forehead s

her hoarse voice calls out to her mother and f

und came from

t take it please say something!" Her aching heart falls in

hole mansion of the Love resident and

leads receive nothing back but

the noble house gather around at the peak of twilight. The youngest in desperate plea

-- the world alone. Her parents already refused to help, she hope

ate luck, her hope

their oldest sister) let out a mockery laugh, givin

ughter has become the thorn in the eyes of their

with her pure lotus innocent act, prete

ɛn, wode sie mmerɛ tintin sɛn araa ɛbɛpue) which means 'Character is like

has been exposed. She forgot

e living room, follow by a taunt. The harsh sound pi

the third born of the six si

gest sister adds earning a disapproving glare from thei

that type of sister who will always laugh and make hilarious sounds at the wrong time and cir

She dares not look up at the colours of

er soul. All she could do is bow

rop that act and go face the world all by yourself!" Gracious pales from her sister's harsh and heartless words. Her small hunch head looks up, staring

without an ounce of empathy. The rapid change of her sis

n think that after everything you've done. You can't fool us with your weak appearance again." S

n whistles with

he disgraced daughters to atone for her foolishness?!" Serwaa

ir oldest sister Jacinta scol

inition of a perfect daughter and sheep, bringing glory to our family' and refer to

ho obeys and knows the voice of her shepherd' and us 'the goats and

t sti

t we let what this sneaky little rat did go

s and insensitivity. "We'll deal with her mistake, however at this del

mong the five sisters strongly object simultaneously

nta?! What went up your butt t

tched by her 'fake' pure innocence?" Serwaa ad

e on girls, you forgotten that sister Jacinta is the wife of a pastor and the soulm

ds are not welcome here especially in my prese

oly woman

ing one another and pointing fingers isn't

here, to the land of joy." This earns h

oo." Serwaa a

eir mouth at any moment. "Stop being insensitive and act like family!" She scolds them,

ree glare at the sobbing little sister, hearts a

he wheel. "Tell me Gracious, how does it feel like to be the family's disgrace and disappointment? How does it feel to be looked down upon? How does it feel like to be the laughing stock of the family? How does i

intment because I couldn't be like you? Obedient, love everything about God, have multi-talents like you? Did you know how painful

he perfect daughter. The famil

I tried everything to please Maa and Daa and not once, did they look at me with pride--- not once did Maa and Daa say they were p

. All the love, care and attention were showered on you. You took the spotlight.

es of flowers." Scoffs a self mockery laugh. "But we, we were the smelly filthy trash can everyone could dispose whatever t

e bias with their children--- how unfair of our "nobel" family to treat us this way! Ho

g but hate, anger, pain and contempt. She doesn't b

regret and guilt as her sister shares the

wn. But then again, they were always happy and laughing, as if nothing was wrong. They hid their pain ve

mily. I. Hate. This. Hypocritical. Family." Stalking slowly towards a shock-- pain gripped Gracious like a pre

oathe you with every living fiber coursing thr

hispers incredulously, f

emy's downfall hello.....?" Laughs maniacally, tears accompanying every sound of her broken laughter. "Aahh......!" Sighs in

s. She can't take it, it hurts to hear such sadistic and cruel words from the sister she h

e experienced in that field for guidance. A lying piece of shit, your lotus appearance won't fool me anymore." She watches speechlessly as her most beloved sister glares at her wi

dds, brushing Gracious' hand attempting to hold her off she wal

cious to disgrace ooohh la laaa! white sheep now black

e....." Serwaa snaps, earning a laugh. Their voices become

oungest and eldest sisters, as both

ensifying every

growing pain inside of her chest making breath

bly. The soft silent sobs of her little sister haunting her ea

s the killing silence. "You should have thought about everyone before commiting such a grave mistak

iding behind thick curtain of Africa

" Her chuckle turns into fits laughter, tears rolling down. "How-- unfor-- tunate of-- you?" She continues to laugh, the tears un

sorry. " Gr

rld will do to you-- how the world will view you now Grace." The two sisters break into an emoti

se help me, I'm s-scare

t further. "I can't help you o

g her face in the hollow of her back as if to shie

, her broken cries muffling. "No! You ca

that before making such a

w I won't do anything stupid on purpose right?! I

vents attacking her all of a sudden she runs out of the ha

e was young. Why must Gracious, out of all people face th


is doom



u think of the

his book, it's means a lot to

the ride with a pur

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