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Grace Anthony


"Get your hands off her!" Daniel yelled, standing angrily at the door with his broom stick. "You shouldn’t be here, boy." The leader said, glaring back at him, and one of his men started walking toward him. He moved forward and hit the stick on his head with all his might, and the man fell to the ground instantly. Linda Michael is from a very wealthy family and the only heir to her family’s business, but she never got the parental love and care she needed from her parents from a very young age, which led to the hatred she had for them and her wayward lifestyle. While Daniel Wright is a young man from a poor family background who managed to go through business school and came out with good grades, but he still hasn’t been able to secure a job. Linda’s father wasn’t happy with the life she was living, so he forced her to join his company, and later decided she should get married to his best friend’s son, "Richard Robinson." After discovering he had lung cancer and might die soon, Richard Robinson was Linda’s ex-boyfriend, whom she hated so much. Will Linda get married to her father’s choice or will she find true love?

Chapter 1 First day at work (1)

Author’s point of view

It was late at night and club 020 was crowded with lots of people at the bar and on the dance floor. Daniel was at the counter pouring beer into different glasses. He was a handsome young man in his mid-20s.

With his great efforts and hard work, he managed to go through business school and graduate with the best grades, but due to his poor family background and the cruel people of this world, he has been in search of a job for the past year. He applied for a job at many companies but was rejected countless times.

He felt like he wasn’t good enough, so he gave up on having the perfect job and was ready to settle for less. He finally got a job at this club, and today was his first day on the job.

He carried a couple of drinks on a tray and walked up to a table. He served the drinks to some customers before walking back to the counter with his tray. He kept the tray on the table and started cleaning the table with a cloth when a muscular man walked up to the counter with a lady who was putting on a lot of makeup. She wore a very short dress, revealing her white legs, and there was a huge hole in the front, revealing the middle of her chest and the corner of her two big boobs, and she was chewing gum like a professional whore.

They sat on the chairs in front of the counter and rested their hands on the table in front of Daniel.

The man turned to face her, and a smirk formed across his face as he stared at her boobs and then at her face, admiring his prey for the night while she looked at him with seductive eyes.

Daniel suddenly placed two glasses with ice cubes in front of them. "May I have your order?" he asked in a polite tone, and they turned to look at him at the same time.

"Oh my... hello handsome" The lady muttered in a sexy tone and started making seductive eyes at him. She rested her two hands on the table and turned to face him, showing him her exposed boobs, and he quickly avoided looking at her boobs.

"Oh no, not again." He cursed under his breath as he turned his gaze to the man. He'd gotten the same reaction from several ladies in one night.

The man’s expression darkened as he looked back at him, sending a weird shiver down Daniel’s spine.

"Give me a glass of water." He ordered in a deep tone.

"On it," Daniel replied and looked back to the lady, about to ask for her order, but she winked at him and licked her lips seductively. He turned his gaze back to the man and said, in a nervous tone.

"Water, coming right up." before turning around to look for water.

He walked back to them with a bottle of water and filled up his glass, "Your water, sir." He said and was about to leave when the man picked up the glass of water and smashed it on the floor before jumping down from the chair, attracting everyone’s attention.

"Who the hell asked for water? How dare you serve me water? Do I look like I came here to drink water? This is a bar for fuck’s sake!" He yelled in an angry tone.

"But you..." Daniel paused for a moment. He was lost for words because he understood what he was trying to do. He looked at the lady who tucked her hair behind her ear and turned in the opposite direction, pretending she didn’t know what was happening.

"Who asked you for water, huh? I clearly asked for a glass of whiskey. Do I look like a fool to you?!?" He yelled again, banging the table.

"I’m so sorry, sir. I’ll get you a glass of whiskey." He said and was about to pick up another glass from the table, but the man quickly pushed the rest of the glass to the ground, burning with rage, and he moved away from the table stunned.

"Where the hell is your manager?... I hate your face; call me the manager, right now!" he yelled, pointing a finger at him, and the manager suddenly ran up to the counter out of nowhere.

"We are so sorry, sir. Please calm down... I’m his manager. It's just his first day of work and he doesn’t know how to handle customers. I will deal with him. Please don’t be mad. " He said, pleading with him.

"Get him out of here; I don’t wanna see his face." He said, glaring at Daniel as he pointed a finger at him. Daniel rolled his hand into a tight fist as he glared at the lady, and their eyes met.

"I’m really sorry. Please don't be mad. I’ll get rid of him soon." He replied with folded hands, and the lady got down from the chair and held onto his arm.

"Please stop creating a scene. Let’s go." She said in a hushed tone, with her head down.

The manager picked up a bottle of red wine and extended it toward them, "Please accept this as a token of my apology." He said, and the man snatched it from him before glaring back at Daniel.

"Come on." The lady said, pulling his arm, and they both walked away while everyone else looked away, minding their business.

The manager turned to look at Daniel and said, in a harsh tone, "You better clean up this mess." before walking away from him.

He let out a heavy sigh and shook his head, "I guess working here was a bad idea after all." He muttered before walking toward the broomstick.

He walked around the table with the broomstick and parker, and he started sweeping the broken glass into the parker when the door suddenly burst open and Linda and her friends walked in majestically, grabbing everyone's attention.

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