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The Rejected Bride

The Rejected Bride

Hunny bunny xx


"I appreciate what you've done Mrs Hale and If there's any way I can repay you, for this kindness... " Alicia began. Mrs Hale seemed to take the comment seriously, she suddenly paused and a thin line formed on her face. " I do, have a proposal which you're welcome to decline of course" a stiff smile crossed her lips. A smile Alicia felt wasn't exactly a smile. "What proposal? " She suddenly gulped, the air became thin. She was sure that Mrs Hale wouldn't make an outrageous proposal. " I want you to marry my grandson." She deadpanned. Her heart raced, Alicia was sure she didn't hear clearly. "Ma- Marry your son?" She stuttered, Mrs Hale nodded and Alicia's eyes grew wide as saucers.

Chapter 1 1

Alicia had just left her mother's room in the hospital. Her mother was sound asleep when she walked in. She placed her bags on the little counter and looked at her mum who was fast asleep. She saw a little note by the counter. The doctor wanted to see her.

"I am sorry, but if you can't get the drugs to calm her down, we might have to withdraw from treating her here, asides the hospital bills that have piled up; we believe as a hospital and as a corporation we have tried the best that we can." The doctor who called Alicia into her office spoke with anger but on a mild level, you can sense how she tried to understand and how she held herself back. She adjusted her glasses and read through the files in front of her.

"I know, you have been patient and kind enough for me and my mum; Dr. Lawson." Alicia spoke with a sad tone, while she rubbed her hands on her laps, she sat down being restless. But who wouldn't be?

She started working everyday after she dropped out of high school, with each debt she settled, another one popped up. With the various types of jobs she had done. She had never paid off the debt. Her mother worked hard too but it wasn't never enough. What's worse? She fell terribly ill; failure of the heart and kidneys they said. Her mother lost her job after that, the insurance company made too many fusses about the debts.

"I am glad you know and realize that I have been kind enough to be understanding in regards to you and your sick mother. But these bills are piling up and they have to be paid immediately. You know that; without these drugs I am afraid she might need surgery and that is like." Dr. Lawson chuckled before she continued. She was expressionless for that moment, the stare she gave Alicia gave her chills. She felt hot, her body generated heat from the thought of how she had to run twice as hard and work more than she did before. If she was working at the pace of a snail; she needs to power it up.

"That is a heavy cross, a very heavy cross for you to carry. And I won't be here to help, so if you may? You can leave my office and I hope the next time is for you to pay your bills." Dr. Lawson stretched her hands and pointed the way out of her office. Alicia sighed as she stood up.

She bowed immediately "Thank you so much." She gestured with the wai sign.

Her head hung heavy with the weight of everything happening around her, worse of all was she didn't have anybody to help her.

She was suddenly drawn to the vibration coming from her bag as she was sitting outside. She took her phone out and a sort of smile crossed her lips. Josh was her boyfriend of over 2 years, she loved him so much and she made sure to dote on him.

She answered the call but nobody said anything.

"Hello?" She spoke into the receiver. She kept on hearing thudding sounds, her mind went into panic mode.

"Yeahhhh… you like that?" Josh's voice came out huskier than she had ever heard and an inescapable moan emitted from within the background.

Tears leaked from Alicia's eyes.

"Shit!" Josh suddenly screamed, choas trampled in the background and he ended the call.

Alicia stayed with the phone still pressed to her ears, makeup and everything ruined with snort decorating her face as an extra bonus.

In all her life, Alicia never believed life would deal her two blows in one, she had no money to pay for her mother's bills and now she just caught her boyfriend shamelessly smashing someone else.

As the phone gradually left her ears, it vibrates again. She momentarily glanced at the screen and answered.

"Licia!! Where are you?" The cheeriness of Laura's voice couldn't be avoided. Laura happened to be her best friend who had left town after their high school graduation.

Alicia sniffled through the phone and tried to hide the fact that she was emotionally destroyed.

"What's wrong? Are you crying?" Laura's cheerfulness slowed instantaneously.

" Where are you? I'll come to you" Laura said again but this time, Alicia couldn't make a single sentence.

"Send me a text? I'll come to you right now. We'll be ok, ok? I'm waiting" she said and ended the call.

Alicia suddenly wanted company even though she was facing what she was facing alone, she texted her home address to Laura five minutes after her meltdown. She was in a taxi, handkerchief in hand wiping both the snort and the tears that leaked from different places.

It didn't take Laura five minutes after the text to come by her place with ice cream and booze. Alicia tried to receive her with open arms but immediately Laura wrapped her hands around her, she went into full meltdown.

Alicia explained what happened to her as best she could and Laura listened attentively.

"... And I was asked to bring the remaining balance or else. Laura, I really don't know what to do. I don't have any other options or job opportunities, I need help and fast" Alicia said, now free of snort and tears.

Laura seemed to think as she stopped a spoonful of well mixed boozed icecream into her mouth.

"I don't know Alicia, getting a job without good grades is really difficult, I mean the only job you can even get is if you decide to be a call girl" Laura said unconsciously.

" I don't mind" Alicia said, bring Laura's focus to her. She frowned deeply.

"No,of course not. You can't be… that!" Laura countered but Alicia had her mind made up.

"I have to Laura. It's the only way now" Alicia said, trying to convince Laura.

" And you're going to help me. Please" Alicia added. Laura kept on shaking her head, to say no but Alicia grabbed her hands, desperation flowing like a river through her.

"If you've ever cared about me. Help me! Please." The look Alicia gave Laura, stilled her instantly.

Laura released an air of resignation.

"Fine." Laura said.

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