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Have you ever heard of Hillary Del'mundo?, If you haven't let me quickly brief you. He is a young billionaire who acquired his wealth through hard work, he doesn't rely on his father's wealth. At the age of 25 he was said to be the richest billionaire in San Francisco. His mum is a pain on his ass cause of his single lifestyle. She was really getting on his nerves so that made him met Cherry Harold a waitress in a popular and classy restaurant, which Hillary always visit for dinner. He decided to let his guard down and have a contracted marriage with her with a huge some of money. She was hesitant at first but accepted when she was desperately in need to pay her mom's surgery. Her mom reside with her dad in Italy while she came to San Francisco to hustle. There were many rules to abide with, it wasn't easy at first but she got used to it with time. Will the both of them abide to the rules for a long time? Join me as we ride into the journey of romance.

Chapter 1 Get yourself a fiancee

" Mom why are you here?"his cold voice echoed in the sitting room as he ascend the stairs, with his hands tucked in his tuxedo suit like a demigod.

" don't I have the right to be here?"Mrs Del'mundo asked furrowing her brows

" you should at least let me know before coming" he said and sat down on a sofa

Mrs Del'mundo looked around the whole luxirious sitting room before sitting on a sofa facing him.

" don't you get tired of being alone?"she asked but he ignored her question by looking away.

" am talking to you Hillary Del'mundo!!"she half yelled with anger and sadness visible on her face.

" not now mom"he groaned and check his expensive and flashy wrist watch.

" I gotta go now" he stood up walking away leaving his mum

" don't tell me you're walking out on me?" She asked as she walked after him to the parking lot.

" what does it look like am doing"he said without turning back as he walked to his black Lamborghini.

" You're no longer a kid Hillary!!"

" Mom!! am just twenty five okay so let me off the hook already"he said and opened the car door but his mom hit the door and it shut immediatly with a loud thud making him to flinch.

" you're going nowhere if you don't set me a date to show me your fiancee"his mum said in a serious tone.

Mrs Del'mundo is a beautiful woman in her mid-forties with blonde hair and hazel eyes. She wearing a fitted red gown with slit at the back, a red heels and black designer bag.

Her heels kept clicking as she followed Hillary to the parking lot.

" are you ready to leave this house or we both remain here?"she smirked and he scoffed.

" mom really!! you're delaying my meeting, I have some clients to attend to for fuck sake!!"he groaned but Mrs Del'mundo wasn't ready to listen to him as she held the handle of the door so tight and Hillary let out a frustrating sign.

" Mom just give me some time I would find a bride for myself"

" same old story!! you keep telling same old story,how many times have you told me that?, no!!no!! don't answer it, I will do it myself"

" This is the one thousand and one times you've told me this"she rolled her eyes.

" why do I have such a crazy woman to birth me" he muttered lowly rubbing his forehead in frustration.

" I heard that"she said

" fine!!fine!! just give me a month, I promise to find a beautiful and elegant fiancee" he said feigning a smile

" I won't buy that!! it just one of your numerous lies just to let you off the hook, but trust me I won't let you fool me with your lies"

" I promise mom" he said with pleading eyes.

The woman he loves with his whole heart is his Mom and he can't trade her for the world. She's the only one who can make him smile even if he is mad, upset, sad.......

She's the best thing that has ever happened to him and she's the only person he is not cold towards.

" I won't fall for your pity face"she told her eyes again.

" Mom if you keep rolling your eyes they might fall off"he said and she rolled it again.

" are you leaving!!"

" Okay fine!! If I don't bring my fiancee after this month you gave me then you're free to get me one"

" Is that a promise?"

" Yes it is , so can I leave now?" He asked and she let go of the car's handle and he got in immediately.

" don't try me Hillary Del'mundo" she shouted as he drove out of his mansion.

" Such a crazy woman" he smiled and drove off to his company.


" You're welcome sir" the staffs all stood up to greet him but as usual he put on a cold look ignoring their greetings.

He walked Straight to his office without sparing them a glance.

He sat down in his chair, took the telephone which was neatly placed close to his laptop.

He punched a number on the telephone and placed it on his ear.

" Come to my office now"his commanding voice could send shivers down anyone's spine and without waiting for a reply he hanged up and concentrated back on his laptop.

Not to long a guy came dressed in suit, he is Reece Fargo his manager and assistant.

" Good morning Mr Hillary "Reece greeted but Hillary just nodded and Reece frowned.

He knew Hillary wouldn't answer his greetings right from the very first day he started working with him as his assistant and manager.

He has been cold towards everyone and barely talks except during board meeting or urgent meeting.

Some of the staffs in the office call him cold-blooded boss, cause he is as cold as ice.

" I wish his heart could be open again to love....... wait what am I bluffing, this dude here can't change no matter which lady comes into his life, and moreover all lady's are after his money and good looks anyway, they don't love him a bit and that's what is annoying me"Reece thought.

All this while Reece was lost in thought, Hillary stared at him for a while before continuing.

" How busy is my day?" His cold voice could make shivers run through anybody's spine cause of how cold he sounds.

" The investors from Moreno oil company would be here in an hour, you also have a meeting with the clients from Korea............."Reece kept reading from the tablet he was holding.

When he was done Hillary signed and relax his back on the chair.

" Sir should I cancelled your meeting with the investors from Moreno oil company" Reece asked with hesitation in his voice, cause of the look Hillary throwed at him.

" Did I complain to you?" Hillary raised his brows giving Reece a questioning look

" Thought you're tired of going to different meetings"Reece muttered.

" Are you tired of your job?" Hillary asked and Reece immediately shook his head.

" Prepare all what I need for the meeting with Moreno oil and also prepare my meeting with my clients from Korea" he said and turned to his laptop again.

Reece left his office and shut the door behind him. He immediately let out the breath he was holding since he entered Hillary's office.

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