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Baby For The Beast Alpha

Baby For The Beast Alpha

T. Tarshall.


An Omega from the Dark Blood Venom Pack, a sixteen years old, a high school nerd, born in the wrong family, struggling to fit in so she could be loved, cherished and accepted by her family, by the clan and the realm. She discovers that her family and the clan held a deep secret that is never to be discovered for eternity, until she meets the one, who could make her see colours, shift into her wolf form and he mets the one who could solve all the problems for all the years he has lived, looking for a solution. He was an Alpha, a cursed one who craves to live a normal life like an Alpha, a broken wolf who had lived for years, yet wishes to die. one craves for a mate to love, and bond. The other wants to kill his fated mate to survive, and break the curse the moon goddess had casted upon him.


Stained roses replenished with blood, thorns were eternally around me.

I have always had a dream, every day, every night, season, winter, and spring since I was born, I assume.

It's hardly ever peaceful to go to sleep without having this terrible nightmare that seems to not have ended up on leaving me alone.

It's devastating, makes my heart sting exceedingly, wells up tears to my eyes and I can't seem to stop it from coming, tormenting my life in every aspect, waking up with my nightgown soaked to my body with a loud terrifying scream.

In my dream, comes a tall, muscular Alpha, his hair was so long and red with a lot of black scales on his body, his eyes were bloody, and his face morphed into a black wolf's head. I could hear hawks screeching, flying around him, he howled aggressively, lunging at me with his claws, calling me his mate and roaring angrily for me to die.

There were times he had sex with me in my dream, he was quite rough but it felt good and I couldn't stay a day without thinking about him, it didn't matter how young I was.

To some extent, I felt like I was facing a demon, he was intimidating and his appearance sent chills down my spine.

He was always ready to kill me, pluck out my eyes and tear me to shreds. I recall crying and asking him why he despises me.

He didn't respond.

His eyes were filled with so much disdain, I never knew why, but my eyes would hurt so much when I woke up, my nose would bleed so much for an hour, I turned color blind for a couple of hours, before turning back to normal and my mouth would throw white foams out of it.

This became so serious, that my parents had to quickly look for a solution.

My Mom had taken me to several priests and priestesses, and they always told her to warn me to stay away from him but how will I stay off from someone I barely even know?

I haven't come face to face with him in my entire life, I'm not even sure I will recognise him if I come across him.

Will someone like that exist in real life or was it just in my head?

As time went on, my parents felt like they were wasting money on me, they began to think I was crazy and watching too many movies which resulted in my continuous dream.

"Your wolf could be playing with your head.' My father once drunkenly uttered.

Deep down, I knew that wasn't the case, I knew what I saw, and sensed it in my bones and they were all real, I knew something was wrong with me.

But what was it?

I couldn't figure it out, it bugged me since I was a little kid till I turned thirteen. I was still seeing those dreams, eventually, my parents gave up and took it like a normal routine and always said I was crazy.

I became a loner at school, tagged as "The Nightmare Wolf" because I was always seeing nightmares even when I'm in class, and told it to some of my classmates, thinking they could help me out.

Instead, they turned against me and said I was some bad luck, bullied me and did all sorts of dirty things, so I ignored them all. I couldn't fight or do anything, so I just swallowed it and told no one my misery and kept it all to myself.

After all, I was just some common wolf from the Light Pack, a weak pack to whom no one pays scrutiny to. Even worse, I can't change into my werewolf form.

Who was going to pay attention to Alyssa Bardawulf, a smelly Omega wolf from a poor family who couldn't hunt or afford a new pair of socks?

Yeah, that's right people, that's what I am. I belong to the weakest of the weakest clan, which other clans had named us as WOAT.

Meaning, Weakest Of All Time, and that was what we were called.

We were born to be Alpha's slaves, breeders because they were higher than us.

They didn't give a shit about us, because we were Omegas meant to open our legs and give birth to a pup. We were looked at as the weakest pathetic losers, vulnerable and cursed as part of the Light Pack.

We were always looked down upon and our pack is mostly full of Omegas, but we are not always rampant like the other packs, we just keep a low-key profile and don't like attention, or be noticed by the higher-ups.

In this society, we Omegas struggle a lot and we have to endure it, hoping to be able to meet our mates, who will protect us, guess those are just fairytales and fantasies.

I wish I was Cinderella, who gets to meet her Prince Charming at the end of the movie.

I'm about four point six feet tall, little cute feet, my eyes are bright red, and I was born with it. Some people call me, the demon or the bloodsucking leech, a vampire and that's what made my parents hate me more because of my eyes and I was bullied a lot during the whole time in school and that's why every now and then, I have to wear black contact to cover my red eyes, to not create attention.

A young Omega with worn-out clothes, unkempt blonde long hair, amber eyes, blemished skin, dirty feet and I was a bit curvy for my age but I never knew how it felt to be beautiful. I had a bit of a big nose, cute white cheeks and pale pink lips. A cute round face, full eyebrows and long eyelashes wearing a faded brown gown washing dirty plates in the outskirts of town.

I was the outcast and so, I accepted that.

"Aly," Haley called me, while I was dressing up in my room, so I could get ready for my part-time job after I just came back from school removing the eggs those bullies splashed on me.

This is what I go through every day.

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