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My Estranged Wife (The mayor's long lost daughter)

My Estranged Wife (The mayor's long lost daughter)



Jason Anderson was planning to propose to his best friend Elsa Charles, after their graduation, but before he could do that, his friend Ivan Wyatt fell in love with her at first sight and since she reciprocated, he (Jason) allowed them to have their way and kept his feelings bottled up inside because Elsa's happiness was his. Elsa Charles a very talented and brilliant young lady fell helplessly in love with Ivan Wyatt and the two courted and eventually got married, they lived a happy married life but it only lasted for some months. It turns out marriage isn't a bed of roses like they thought it would be. Due to some conspiracy's and controversies they got divorced and Elsa was forced to abort her baby because it was viewed as an abomination since they were said to be related by blood. Elsa was distraught and the doctor in charge of her abortion let her go due to sympathy for the young lady. Elsa ran away after facing humiliations, from her ex husband's family with the child in her womb. Hardly a year later, Ivan remarried to please his mother, since she was all he had. Elsa began a life of her own and she found love in her best friend's eyes who accepted the baby as his. As the child grows he looked exactly like his biological father, seeing this, he wanted to have Elsa back to himself but Elsa was way past him due to the humiliations she had encountered, she had chosen to let go of her love for him since she was in a cordial relationship with her best friend. Ivan's new wife learnt of her husband's love for his estranged wife and swore to dent her image. She did lots of unspeakable things, but Ivan wanted his child and his first wife, will he succeed in making his family whole? Will the current lover (Jason) of Elsa let her go just to please his friend Ivan for the second time? Will Ivan's child learn to love his biological father? Find answers to those questions as you flip the pages of this amazing story.

Chapter 1 Eleanor again

In 1985 UK(London)

Eleanor a beautiful and talented young lady fell in love with a young dashing handsome man named Sam. They were both head over heels for each other and thus were in a relationship.

Nathalie a rich and sophisticated young lady who has always had her eyes on Sam was furious at the fact that Eleanor and Sam were together, she kept looking for ways to tear them both apart.

'They both can't be together. I love Sam I've always loved him, and for that cheapskate he stopped spending much time with me, he even stopped talking much with me altogether and I was his friend first before that bitch came into the picture. How could Sam just ignore me because of some middle class bitch? I will do whatever I can to separate them even if it means using my parents wealth and influence to my advantage I would.' Nathalie thought pacing around her room.

But her thoughts were interrupted by someone who came into her room.

"Miss, breakfast is ready, Your mother is waiting for you downstairs." Her nanny conveyed.

"Okay thank you nanny." she replied in order not to sound weird.

She then adjusted her mood and headed downstairs.

"Good morning mom." Natalie greeted amicably giving out the best fake smiles she can come up with.

"Morning my dear, sit." Her mom beckoned.

"Where's dad?" Natalie asked as she sat on her chair after noticing her father wasn't there for breakfast.

"He is out on a business trip my dear, you know how busy your dad can get." Her mom replied and began eating breakfast.

Natalie unknown to her was subconsciously playing with her food, due to the fact that her thoughts were far away and this came to her mom's attention when she noticed something was off.

"Is all well Nathalie dear, why aren't you eating? Why are you playing with your meal?" Her mom asked out of concern she was always good at reading her daughter, she gave birth to her after all.

Natalie didn't want to trouble her with her little problems.

How could she possibly tell her mother about her little love and crush for Sam and how he's in a relationship with someone else? So she made a resolve quickly that she will deal with it herself and if she finds out it was beyond her powers, she'll then inform her mom about it.

"It's nothing mom all is well." She said.

"Are you sure? If there's anything bothering you, you can always tell me my dear, you know that right?" Her mother said holding her hands lovingly.

"It's nothing I can't handle mom and if I can't, I promise, I'll come to you first." she said with a smile on her face.

Thankfully her mom didn't push it any longer and she was glad she didn't.

"Oh my! I am almost late for school, see you later mom, love you." Natalie said and kissed her mum on her cheeks and ran out.

The driver was already waiting for her, immediately she got into the car, it drove off towards school.

Sam and Eleanor were both holding hands together and walking side by side. Nathalie got to school and sighted Sam from afar and ran towards him but then her expression, and her countenance changed when she saw Eleanor holding his hands.

Rather than get mad about this, she had to fake a smile in front of them because of Sam.

"Hey Nathalie." Sam waved casually.

"Morning Sam." Nathalie greeted completely ignoring Eleanor

"Morning..." Sam replied

"Hi Nathalie." Eleanor greeted warmly.

"Oh hello." She greeted in order not to get on Sam's bad side

"So Sam, are we going out together later this evening, you promised to take me to the park today." Nathalie said with a pout.

"Oh that was today? Sorry Nathalie, I will be going out on a date with Eleanor later, can we go out tomorrow instead?" Sam asked hopefully

Nathalie was quiet for a second her head filled with thoughts.

'Eleanor again? She is always first in his heart, he even cancelled the outing with me for this bitch, what leverage does she have over me? What on earth does she have that I don't?' Nathalie thought.

"That's okay since you have a date, then I won't interfere." Natalie managed to say.

"She can come with us if she wants to, besides she is our friend too and you already promised her." Eleanor said suggesting.

"No don't worry about me, I just remembered my mom and I would be going shopping later in the evening as well." Nathalie lied.

"Oh okay see you later." Sam said and he and Eleanor left hand in hand.

"So where are we going for our date later?" Eleanor asked

"It's a secret, I am sure you will love it. It's our first official date together after all. And I promise you, it would be a perfect night for us." Sam said with a smile on his face.

"Then tell me about it." Eleanor tried to persuade him

"Don't you worry about that, I will be picking you up later in the evening my love." Sam said caressing her head and kissed her on her forehead after which they both went into the library.

Unknown to them, Natalie saw Sam kiss Eleanor and this made her very furious that she went back to class sulking all day long.

After school, Sam took Eleanor home and then went back home to prepare for the date with her later.

"Who brought you home Eleanor, was it Sam again?" A woman in her early thirties asked with her hands akimbo.

"Yes mum, we are both going out for a date tonight." Eleanor replied

"You better be careful around him, I don't trust that young man, and besides Eleanor, we are not in any way in their league. They are rich people we are not, I don't want any trouble. You know how much we are suffering right now because your dad left us with a lot of debt and just went off to die. I didn't send you to college to date guys that are way out of your league, I sent you there to study. So you better focus on that and get us out of this mess your dad put us in. Is that clear?" She said sternly.

"Crystal clear mum... I promise to do just that, but can I just go out with him tonight? I really like him, mum please just for tonight... mhm." Eleanor said with pleading eyes.

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