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Blessilda is an administrative assistant at MMC, which is owned by the Centeno family. a company that produces and imports alcohol outside the Philippines. Blessie is a woman with high confidence, even though she is not beautiful but has a sexy body. That's what she's often called because of her curvy body and smooth skin, but with an ugly face. He has a super crush on his boss, the CEO of MMC, Marius Martini, a well-known playboy who loves beautiful and sexy women. How do you know that the love you feel is real? Will you take this as a chance to win the heart of your love, or will you ignore the feelings of your heart?

Chapter 1 First Heart Break

Blessilda Magsino's POV

Hi, everyone!" I greeted everyone I meet with a sweet smile and wave proudly as I walk with poise.

"It's a beautiful day but not as beautiful as me! It's really unfair!" I said to myself.

"Why life is so unfair? I wonder why it's like that because I'm sexy, and I'm sexy again but I don't have a boyfriend!" pretending to cry that I hurt myself.

I'm Blessilda Magsino, 24 years old. My vital statistics are 36-24-36. an administrative assistant at MMC, the Metropolitan Manila Company. It's a joke! It mean, Marius Martini Company. This is one of the companies here in the country that produce imported wine. That owned by the Centeno family, which is known for so many businesses in the country. MMC is managed by the son of the Mr. Marina and Reynaldo Centeno- his name is Marius Martini Centeno. The most handsome CEO on the earth. He is my papa, jowa, and my love. I have a crush on him. No! What I mean he is super duper crush. But his type is a beauty queen. Same as the contestant of Miss Universe. They are prettier than me. I just sexy but don't have a pretty face.

Just look at my body, not my face. I'm a shrimp if they call me, and they say I'm only beautiful when my back is turned. He has straight shoulder-length hair, thick eyebrows, braces on his teeth, and a sharp nose. I also have glasses that are not that high-grade. I just don't feel like mirroring. But my small waist, big breasts, and plump asses are obvious. I have a Coca-Cola body. I also have white, smooth skin that I take care of. It's one of the things I'm proud in my body, so I take care of it. I'm here at the mall wearing the clothes that match my skin tone and so fit to my body. I will meet someone. He is my chatmate on a dating app. I do use dating app to find my future boyfriend.

His name is Carlo San Juan, and he's a handsome and hot guy. Carlo and I have been chatting for a long time. So I also agreed to meet him when he invited me to meet him. While I was looking around and looking for Carlo, someone called me from behind me. And then I faced him.

"Blessie!" Carlo shouted at me. But his face grimaced when I turned around.

"It's Carlo!" I happily said to myself that I almost wanted to jump for joy because she was hot. I approached him. I saw that he was retreating.

As I approached, he backed away. "I'm sorry. I think I'm wrong," he told me, scared that he saw a white lady. And then walked away from me.

"Huh? I thought you was looking for me--" I didn't finish what I was going to say because I saw that he was too far away from me. And near the door of the mall. I was really disappointed that he just ran away from me. He said that to me then.

"It's really okay to me if you are not beautiful. What really want is, you," Carlo said to me on the phone when we talked.

It would have been so nice to hear it in my ears, but now that he saw me, he suddenly pierced me and avoided me as if I had a sickening disease. Oh right! My heart jumped because of happiness before. When we still didn't meet. But now I feel like I want to cry. His reaction when he saw me was so embarrassing.

I left the mall and went home. When I arrived, I found Mama preparing our lunch. She looked at me when I entered the kitchen.

"Oh, you came home so fast. You just left. I thought you were going to the mall; why did you come home so soon?" Mama asked to me. She noticed that I was frowning. She walk towards me and removed my glasses. And then hugged me and kissed me on the cheek.

"Hija, go ahead and change your clothes and then we're going to eat. I cooked your favorite dish," she said smiling at me. My broken heart melted. It's in the race, having a beautiful and kind mother.

Mama is just a simple housewife, and papa works in a shoes factory in Marikina. Even though papa was only a factory worker, we all finished our studies. The scholarship I got in college also helped me. And so I'm working at MMC. My eldest brother Ben and next to the eldest brother, Benjie are both working abroad.

I faked a smile at Mama.

"Really, Mom!" I answered, pretending to be excited, and Mama nodded her head at me. Mama really makes me feel better every time she sees that I'm sad or annoyed by those who tease me that I'm not beautiful.

"Blessie, you are the most beautiful girl to me." That's what she always told me. Of course, I'm her only daughter, so she will tell that. I know she just wanted to lighten my heart. I hugged Mom and give her a wide smile.

"I love you, Mama," I said while smiling at her.

"I love you too, Blessie," she replied to me and Mama.


Marius Martini Centeno, CEO of the Marius Martini Company Handsome, tall, rich, and super hot That's how it is described by the women who kneel down for him to notice. But if the woman is beautiful and sexy, that's within his standards. He can't be chosen just because you're beautiful; that's fine with him. a simple fool, but the standard among women is high. He is not a typical guy who just falls in love with a beautiful girl. What he prefers is the one that can be quickly left behind when he doesn't want it anymore. when he gets bored.

"Tessa, prepare the conference room now!" he shouted to his secretary. He had just arrived at the office, and suddenly his head was hot because of the applause of his staff.

"Right away, sir," his secretary answered in confusion. It's also beautiful and sexy. He does not accept an employee who is not beautiful and sexy. Others wonder why he hired Blessie as an administrative assistant; she's just sexy.

"Okay, I will be right there," he answered. "Ah, Tessa, can you come inside my office?" he ordered his secretary and then smile mischievously.

"Okay, sir," and the intercom was turned off.

Tessa quickly entered Marius' office; she didn't even try to knock. And when Marius saw the secretary, he approached her. He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her close to his body. Tessa was barely able to speak about what her boss had done. He was also happy that the handsome boss was so close to him.

"Tessa, are you aware that you are hot?" Marius said softly as his eyes widened and he showed his tricks again as a playboy. And he stared at the woman who was almost hugging him.

Tessa's lips parted. And by doing so, she is surprised by her boss kissing her on the lips. They were panting when they stopped the passionate kiss.

"I will be waiting for you in my condo," he said softly, and his eyes widened. He let go of Tessa and left without looking back to go to the conference room.

When Marius entered the conference room, he was stunned when he immediately saw Blessie. "Why is she here?!" Marius asked angrily in his mind and looked at Blessie. He walked straight to the first seat next to the people with positions in his company.


"What a tired day!" Marius muttered to himself as he sat on the couch. He was tired because he had too much work after the meeting. He hasn't even been able to change his house clothes yet. He feels his body is very tired. He was at his condo to rest and wait for Tessa. His sexy and beautiful secretary.

And when he heard someone ringing the doorbell, he stood up, loosened his tie, and went to the door to open it.

"Hi, baby," Marius greeted with a smile to the person to whom he opened the door to his condo. But he was surprised by what he saw.

"Hello, sir," greeted Blessie shyly. It was Blessie who came to give Marius his expensive cellphone. "I'll just give you your cellphone."

"You left it in the conference room; I didn't see Tessa in the office, so I brought it to return your cellphone," Blessie explained at length. He can't look directly at our crush, who is so handsome. She felt like her pants were going to fall off with so much excitement.

"I can pass out in front of him so he can catch me and I can hug him," she said mischievously in his mind, trying to look at her boss. Blessie looked into Marius' eyes with wide eyes. Only now did Blessie see the entirety of Marius's face up close.

"Wow, he's really handsome!" Blessie said admiringly to herself. Her eyes were also watering from staring at his boss.

Marius raised his eyebrows at the visible movements of his ugly employee. He was forced to smile at the delivery of his expensive cellphone.

"Thank you," he said sparingly, and he faked a smile at Blessie. He took the cellphone that Blessie was holding. After getting the cellphone, he didn't wait for Blessie to speak and closed the door.

"Huh! What happened to him? I thought gratitude was welling up in him. "Suddenly he closed the door on me!" Blessie muttered to herself in disgust and turned to leave.

When he arrived in front of the elevator, he spat out Tessa's body. Tessa smiles at Blessie as she exits the elevator. Blessie smiled back at her. He didn't close the elevator door first and followed Tessa's way. She was surprised that it was in front of the condo of her handsome boss. So later, she saw her boss come out of his condo and smile at Tessa. Her eyes widened when she saw the two kissing.

"It's too painful!" Blessie cried to herself. I feel like I'm being cheated.

"I thought you were a stickler for me, Baby Marius!" she added angrily, acting so angry toward herself like she was the girlfriend of the handsome Marius Martini. She closed the elevator door and pressed G to get down to the ground floor. She stand straight and wiped the tears that fell from her eyes. She is thinking about going to see her friend. She feels that she needs someone to talk to during this broken-hearted period.

Sarah and Blessie are schoolmates. No one would have thought that the two of them would become best friends because they were not in the same class or knew each other before. One time, when Sarah saw Blessie being bullied at their school, she defended her. And after what happened, they became best friends. Even though Blessie has high confidence in herself, she is not as brave as Sarah. She cannot defend herself alone. So Sarah became her protector from all those who teased and bullied him.

Blessie is knocking on the door of Sarah's house. She saw that her friend was sad, and her shoulders slumped. She hugged Blessie and cried on her shoulder.

"What happened to you?" and "Why did you cry like that?" Sarah commented to her friend while stroking her back. Sarah made Blessie face her, took one of Blessie's hands, and led her inside their thing. They sat side by side on the couch in the living room of Sarah's house. Sarah was still holding Blessie's hand. "Tell me, what's wrong?" The worry in Sarah's voice was obvious. Blessie sighed.

"I'm fine," Blessie lied.

"Blessilda, you cry like that and then you say you're okay!" Sarah said it angrily.

Blessie was surprised by her friend's scream.

"Because I saw Baby Marius and he is kissing someone," Blessie said and frowned at her friend.

Sarah laughed when she heard about Blessie's problem.

Blessie's eyes widened.

"I was wondering what it was. "You growl; like you've been divorced by a boyfriend," Sarah said with a restrained laugh.

Blessie was annoyed to hear from Sarah. "I really like Baby Marius," Blessie replied seriously, and she gave Sarah a hard time.

"In your dreams, friend! Go ahead and fantasize about your boss more," Sarah scolded Blessie angrily.

"I thought you were my friend." "Why don't you want to support my dream?" She was hurt by her friend's words.

"I'm your friend, so I'm telling the truth." Don't fantasize about your boss, Blessie. That man is better for someone like him; he's handsome, and the woman that's meant for him should also be good-looking. And not like us; we're just sexy and charming. "You will only hurt yourself just because of that fantasy," was Sarah's long advice.

It was as if Blessie had been hit by Sarah's words. Of course, the handsome are only for the beautiful, and the rich are only for the rich. Blessie stared blankly. She wanted to stop the tears that wanted to escape from her eyes. and he didn't want to show it to her friend. Sarah noticed Blessie's silence. She approached her and made her sit up. She held both of Blessie's hands.

"Bless, I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. I love you and I'm your friend, so I'm just telling the truth," Sarah passionately told Blessie.

Blessie hugged Sarah. She knows how her friend Sarah feels, and that's why she's lucky to have a friend like Sarah.

Blessie faced Sarap. "I love you too, friend. Thank you, because you are always there for me," Blessie said while smiling.

Sarah invited Blessie to eat dinner in the kitchen. "Come on, let's eat first before you go home," said Sarah to Blessie. They walked hand in hand as friends toward the kitchen.

Meanwhile, at Marius's condo, Blessie suddenly crossed his mind. He just took his cellphone and suddenly closed the door of his condo. He knows he was rude in front of the employee. because he couldn't stop himself from being cool in front of Blessie. He didn't want to talk to or face Blessie.

"Of all the people, I can see that ugly thing," Marius said to himself in disgust.

He thought it was Tessa who had arrived. What shocked him even more was that he made her cute.

"Where did she get the courage to act cute?" "I have no intention of beating that ugly girl." "Even if she is the only woman left in the world, I will never like her!" Marius swore to himself.

He was shocked to hear the doorbell at the door. He didn't want to open it, but he thought it might be Tessa. So he was forced to open the door. Marius smiled when he saw the beautiful Tessa. Without saying a word, he kissed Tessa on the lips.

Tessa was surprised by what the handsome boss did. She also didn't refuse to kiss because Tessa really liked Marius. She stopped panting. And Marius grabbed Tessa by the waist and pulled her inside his condo.

"I know you will come," Marius said with a smile to the woman. Suddenly, he kissed her aggressively again, as if there was no tomorrow. They walked with their lips together into Marius' room. Marius's hands have become mischievous on Tessa's body, and his touches are searching.

"Oh!" Tessa couldn't stop moaning.

Marius looked at the woman he was intimate with; she closed her eyes and was enjoying what she was doing. When Marius kissed Tessa's lips, he started to undress her, and then he also took off his clothes in front of the woman.

Tessa's lips went "Oh" when she saw Marius hiding inside his slacks. Marius pushed Tessa to lie on the bed. and crawled closer to Tessa's face, stripping it.

"This is life," Marius said to himself while smiling.

Tessa is just one of Marius' girls. He noticed that the new secretary seemed to be fantasizing about him. Tessa has been working at Marius' company for five months. His first secretary left because she couldn't handle Marius breaking up with her. Almost all of Marius's secretaries became his girlfriends, but they all left because of his attitude of not wanting commitment. In short, he is afraid to commit to a relationship for a long time. It is easy for him to get bored with the relationship. And those are not the kinds of women he wants to tie him to in a relationship. It's just that he doesn't really know what he really wants in a woman. It's just that he only wants sexy and beautiful women.

The next day, Marius woke up with Tessa in bed. He woke her up to leave his condo. "Hey, wake up!" Marius wakes up Tessa.

She squirmed on the bed and opened his eyes.

Tessa greeted Marius with a smile. "Good morning, babe." Tessa greeted Marius softly. She was about to kiss Marius' cheek, but he avoided the woman's face.

"You haven't brushed your teeth yet!" Marius said it irritably. Tessa was surprised by what Marius said. "Put on your clothes and please leave," said Marius, annoyed.

Tessa's eyes widened. She couldn't believe that after what happened to them, he would just tell him to go. "Early in the morning, you are rude!" "What happened?!" Tessa asked angrily.

"Nothing! I just want you to leave my condo! Marius shouted.

Tessa immediately stood up and picked up the clothes from the floor one by one. She has put on clothes. This is how she proved that all the things that her work partner was saying were true, including the roughness of Marius' behavior and his womanizing.

"You will pay for it! Tessa angrily threatened and walked away from Marius' condo.

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