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Love matters

Love matters

king Kaleb


Caroline a girl who have been looked up by her dad her whole life , in the name of security , grow up and left her parents in the quest to find a normal life , and then she meets Joshua , a regular guy and the fell in love , but as the saying goes you can't eat your cake and have it , her dad could not let it stand because of his status in the country , and at a point Caroline's dad regreted what he did Because of an act which Joshua did

Chapter 1 Love matters 1

In the parlor of the president of Canada , Mr Gabriel john and his wife ,the first lady ,miss blessing Nazi ,the where both sited , while some guards where standing around them

We have to did this ,it is the only way ' mr Gabriel said

This is not right atleast not for our daughter ,she is just starting to have a normal life ' miss blessing said

I know but this is the only way to ensure our daughter's safety ' Mr Gabriel said

But this is not just right at all ,since you became the president ,this family can't have a normal life again ,now you want to use they same reason to kill our daughter's social life ,it is not just right ' miss blessing said angrily and left

You have to understand ,I am the President now things have to change ,our daughter can not go out there it is not safe ' Mr Gabriel shouted for miss blessing to hear .

Miss blessing was in a room with her daughter Caroline,

So is dad still going on with his plan ' Caroline said

I am sorry dear ,I know this is not fair ' miss blessing said

So dad seriously want to take my life away from me because of some presidency position ' Caroline said

But If you look at it your dad have a point ' miss blessing said

Seriously dad just said he wants me to drop our of school and take home ,lesson ,is that even legal ,I don't get it ,what of my friends,how do I write exam and competi with my mates ,it is not fair ' Caroline said as she started to cry

I understand how you feel but as you know your dad is a president he can arrange all this in a sec ' Miss blessing said.

10 year later

Caroline was in a car with her mother

So are you not going to greet your mother ,we have not meat for mouths now ' miss blessing said

They was no word from Caroline

I don't understand you ,atleast all this time is enough for somebody to miss her mom ,since you entered the car you have not spoken to me ' miss blessing said

The was still no answer from Caroline

Caroline what is the meaning of this ' miss blessing shouted before Caroline interupted and shouted back

Why should I miss you, ah why when everyday reminds me of how you and Dad destroy my life,no why should I miss you when the only face of humans that I can remember talking to is you and Dad , mom you freaking let dad take me to a university where I am alone ,no one in class with me ,just me and the lectures ,is that even a life , you let dad forcefully make me anti - social ,like I don't even know how dad stay that long in presidency , mom like I don't even know what other people look like because you and Dad did not give me a chance to take a good look at anybody,mom I am 20 years old I don't even know how to talk to people ,I don't even know how to start a conversation ,so don't even talk to me ' Caroline said as tears roll down her eyes ,with anger in her heart

We where not like this ,we where always close , so when did you turn like this ' miss blessing said

Maybe because I don't have any body to talk to ,just you and Dad ,I can't even believe that dad told his guards not to speak with me ,I can't forget the time that he dismiss aunty Minna because I was talking to her too much with her, so don't talk to me about , coming close to you ' Caroline said still crying

So why now ,why tell me this now why ' miss blessing said as she begins to cry

Why ,why because now you don't have control over me ,I am done with schooling mom ,I don't need your money and even dads money ,the money I have on me is enough to take care of myself , atleast now dad would not tell me to go and work,where I am the only one ,ah where I have my own office with the doors locked ' Caroline said

I thought you understood,as you dad had the presidency position, he had enemies that will do anything to hurt his family ' miss blessing said

Ya ya ya dad had enemies that wanted to hurt me , am I the only daughter of a president in the world,for God sakes ,their parents let them have friends , even when you tried to let me meet friends, after some months you just turned over with your isolation ,and keep me in a mansion with no body ,I had no body mom , don't look at me like that you are nothing to me ,all I want you to know now is that ,that understanding you though I had all those years will be the same understand I hope you have knowing you lost your daughter ' Caroline said still angry with tears in her eye.

The finally reached the the presidential house and immediately they car packed Caroline got out of the car and run inside ,as she opened the front door she saw every where decorated , with a big posted hanging that says welcome ,and the where boxes of gifts every where , and Mr Gabriel was standing in front of Caroline with his hands spread widely for a hug

Welcome my beautiful damsel you look beautiful ' Mr Gabriel said as he hug Caroline

What is the problem ' mr Gabriel said

Dad seriously ,you made a party for me ' Caroline said

Yes my girl ,I will do anything for you ' Mr Gabriel said

and did not invite any body ' Caroline said .

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