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( inspired by knives-out )about a man named peter who embark on a mission in finding a kingdom that his grandfather was trying to find before he died, so he is left with his friends to help him finish the research and discovering a mystery but at first he did not trust them but as time goes on he got to understand that the idea that his grandfather put in his head of not trusting any one was a wall blocking his eye from seeing that the only was to find a kingdoms that spend century's hiding form man is to work with people who are willing to help. But that is where it begins , as Peter did not stop there , he when in to the world to find mysterys , see how a detective is born from the ash if his grandfather legacy , but with in romantic and betrayer chips in.

Chapter 1 PART 1 : hidden ancient kingdom ( Grandpa's

Waking up to a sun rise was one of the best things that ever happened to me now that I have seen what hunting for hidden mystery has brought to me without an escape but,only the will to discover what was ones known to man and now a tale of night stories.

It all began when I was eight year old on a summary holiday at my grandpa place which is one of my best place to be because of my grand pa was a treasure hunter he

discovers hidden ancient places and is pay by government.

In his three story building mansion,holds two large library's and an underground hall

where he keep personal artitacts and sculptures discovered by him and allowed to keep by government.

That was not the main reason, he was my favorites, and it was because of his lovely True tales he has discovered.

But today he promised to tell me a tale which has never being discovered. So l was woken up by my grandpa servant at 8:00am, all i really saw was the bright morning sun which I did not really value at that time.

And after freshen up I went down stairs to have breakfast on a very large table meant for 12 people but because of my grandpa lived only with his servant I was the only one on the table what multiple foods on the table.

After eating what I could I went to see my grandpa, going in to his room and meeting him with a big smile at the first site of me, "how are you' he said softly.

Am fine how is your health'I replied

I could tell he was really pleased to see me.

And today he promise to tell me the greatest tale story he has every told me 'i reminded him'.

He started with a tour round the house,after some min of walking round the house we got to a part of the underground hall where he turned the head of a dog stature and opened a secret passage which leaded to another room as he did all this,all the doors leading to the underground hall where automatically closed and locked.

The secret room was designed with newspapers and pictures of strange artifact which were discovered in the bottom of the pacific ocean and at a corner where body part of animals but was more human part than of animals that was why l assumed it was an animal bones and at the other corner the was a glass box With a golden spare in side of it the body of the spare was like a glowing diamond as it relfect the bud into my eyes and make it hard to look at.

My grandpa was still settling because of the how rough the place was with papers and was kind of dirty because he do not allow any cleaner to come in here.

His kind of over protective about his research, he has been like that ever since his closed friend stole his unfinished work years back.

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