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Once Bitten

Once Bitten



Xiao Zhang's life was never normal when she turned 21. She lived through things that no one could explain. Been through changes that pained her in many ways. And once she was finally feeling normal again, it happened another time. The world went to chaos and all she could do was run and survive. If you think that was hard, try falling in love in the apocalypse. What ever will she do? Will she go through life and death just to protect the one she loves? The people who she started to call her family? Come and find out.

Chapter 1 The Beginning Pt. 1

2017, that's when it all started for her. She lived in a shitty town known as Kettle City. You could probably guess how much of a shit storm it is just by hearing it's name. The people there were probably the most shittiest people you could find. Rude, sarcastic, egotistical, you name it. Xiao Zhang was only seventeen when she started working for the police station's rescue team as their prodigy medic.

Her team was set to leave for a mission in Mexico on July 23rd and she was set to go in case anything went to hell, but the night before their departure, one of the station's dogs started acting crazy. They thought that because Xiao knew of anything medicinal, she could help the poor dog. She didn't even get a chance to help before the dog had lunged at her, breaking out of it's cage with a snarl.

She grunted, pushing the dog back as it tried to attack. The police members aimed their guns at the dog, hesitating to shoot it. They didn't know what was wrong with it, but they knew it needed to be put down. One of the members finally realized the severity of the situation and pulled the trigger, missing by about two inches.

Xiao cursed loudly as she felt her arms losing their strength. Then she made a mistake. To get more of a grip, she positioned her arm under the dogs neck, pushing it up. That gave it the perfect opportunity to slam it's jaw onto that arm. She screamed in pain, using her other hand to the dog's face so it could let her go. It wouldn't though and that made her panic more.

A gun shot exploded into the air and everything stopped as she felt the dog's jaw loosen up before it fell over completely to her side, a bullet hole in it's head. Xiao cradled her injured arm to her chest, staring at the dog with fear and sadness.

"Are you okay?" A team member asked as he crouched next to her.

She nodded silently, her body shaking from both the fear and pain. She looked down at her arm, a mangled mess, as it bled profusedly. The member that shot the dog put his hands under her arms and helped her stand up, making sure to be careful of her arm.

"Go get that checked out. I'll let chief know that you can't go with your team tomorrow." He said, pushing her towards the entrance.

And with that being said, her team went on the mission without their medic while she was stuck in the hospital in case that dog that attacked her had rabies. The dog's body had been sent into the lab for testing to see what could have made it so vicious, but they were surprised when they found an unknown virus in the dog's blood.

When they didn't find any of the virus in Xiao's wound, they released her the next day. She wanted to pack up and meet with her team on their mission, worried that someone will get hurt. Her chief didn't allow it though and said that she needed to rest her arm before anything else.

That's exactly what she did, very boredly might she add. She was never the one to just sit and relax. She hated when she didn't have anything to do. Letting out a sigh, she got up from her bed to get a drink of water.

She watched as the water hit her cup. Her arm was aching badly. Her head whipped towards the door, hearing running footsteps outside in the hall. She rolled her eyes as she though, 'Looks like the neighbor's kids are at it again.'

Xiao was going to leave it alone, wanting to lay back down and go to sleep, but then she heard loud screaming. She gasped and without grabbing her gun or anything, bolted out of her apartment to see if anyone was in trouble. Everyone poked their heads out of their rooms with wide eyes, looking towards what she could assume was two people fighting.

"Hey!" She yelled, running towards them and tackling the body off of the other. "That's enough!" She grunted as she pushed the person's head face first into the ground, him snarling and growling like a crazed person.

Her eyes quickly looked towards the other body, scanning the damage and gasping when she saw that she had laid unmoving with a piece of her neck torn off. She looks towards her neighbors, shooing them away, "Get inside!" The body under her continued to move as she forced him further into the ground and felt around for her phone.

Cursing when she realized that she forgot her phone in her apartment, she was just about to get up and bring the man with her until she heard moving. Moving that came from right beside her. From the exact body that laid dead. She slowly looked towards the girl, eyes widening as she witnessed the girl's eyes flash open.

Pale milky white eyes stared up at the ceiling. Xiao didn't dare make a move, afraid of the outcome. Her breathing was hitched as she watched the next move of the girl. Her head fell to the side, looking straight at the cop. It was silent before the girl lunged.

Xiao fell off of the body, letting out a scream. She got up, legs shaking as she watched both of the bodies get up now, looking straight at her with growls and snarls. Turning around quickly, the girl bolted down the hall towards her apartment as the two crazed people followed closely behind.

"Everyone, stay in your rooms!" She yelled, just as she got into her apartment and slammed the door shut, listening when the people started banging on her door.

The first thing she did when she got back was grab her gun and phone. She dialed the police station, cursing once again when no one answered. Suddenly, her door swung open causing her to turn around, her hair hitting her in the face. At the door stood the two crazies, ready to lunge and tear through her flesh.

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