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Getting Even

Getting Even



Betrayed by the person she gave up everything for, Wendy decided to get even. No one was going to be spared from her rage. Starting with her treacherous fiance, Martin. Then her beloved family and friends. Whoever happens to cross her path will never have it easy. However, with a baby in tow, will Wendy be able to succeed in punishing everyone who did her wrong? "Mama!, Mama, I want to meet my daddy," little Ian said to Wendy. Not knowing what to say to him, Wendy's mouth opened and closed severally. Then seeing her son was still waiting for an answer stammered, " I......uh.....mh........uh.... he......is.....coming.....no. I meant he is still working overseas." She said. "Then why can't we even call or skype him?" Ian questioned. Wendy became flustered. And scrambled to come up with an answer for him.

Chapter 1 Stolen Merchandise

Getting to the office in less than 30 minutes. Lucas forfeited taking the lift to his office. Instead he opted taking the stairs. Ironically, he felt his feet would be faster going up the 20 floors as compared to the lift that was taking its time.

While taking the stairs, he was silently cursing his assistant or whoever accessed the lift to his office. 'That idiot! What an incompetent person! Why did I hire him again? His bonus this month is gone! Gone with the wind!

Though physically, fit, he was heavily panting by the time he go to the 10th floor. In order to save some energy and face once he got to his floor, Lucas decided to catch the lift and his breath.

Luckily, the lift opened almost immediately he pressed the button. Taking a deep breath, he started tapping his fingers on his thighs while the lift ascended to his floor. A nervous habit of his when he was scared.

When the lift opened, the look on his face and the speed at which he was moving had the secretaries deeply worried. Simply, it meant heads would roll as a major mistake had been made. And one of them will definitely pay the price.

Once inside his office, all anyone could hear was the rhythmic tapping of fingers against the keyboard. The secretary intending to give him his schedule was scared to enter Lucas' office as she could feel his furiousness with each tap on the keys.

Bracing herself, Anna decided to knock the door before opening getting in. All she could see on entry were the sharp and handsome features of her boss. Fearful to interrupt, she continued studying his features and even compared them to one of the paintings by a famous painter she had acquired recently.

"Are you going to stand there gawking all day? Do I pay you to daydream?" Lucas asked Anna who was still lost in thought.

Startled to the present, Anna started fidgeting with the papers in her hand not knowing what to say. Some even fell to the floor. She knelt down to pick them up while apologizing, "sorry sir."

Despite the anxiety he was feeling since he received the call informing him his merchandise had been stolen, an amused smile grace Lucas' lips. He even stopped typing on his laptop, raised an eyebrow and waited for his secretary to continue.

With both hands and legs shaking, Anna ended up making more of a mess. The papers became wrinkled and even one was torn slightly as the edge. She even felt her hands sweating and sticking to the papers she was trying to collect.

Once she had all of them together, she supported herself on the table and tried to stand up, but her legs gave way.

Lucas could not help himself and burst out laughing. "haha! haha! hahaha!" before saying to Anna

"Take your time Anna. Don't be nervous. I don't bite. Not anyhowly anyway. hahahahaha."

Anna felt like crying. She had really embarrassed herself on the second month of employment. This was the first time she was talking to the boss directly. Other times, her immediate superviser, Benta had been the one to directly talk with the boss.

Believing for her to keep her job she had to get through this humiliation. Anna decided to remove her shoes while cursing in her mid. 'Stupid shoes! You couldn't wait to embarrass me today of all day!!! I will never wear high these high heels again!

It seems God heard her prayers cause she successfully stood up. Only to find herself in another predicament. The papers she had arranged carefully before coming in were no longer in order.

Anna decided to take her time arranging time before beginning to speak. After all, she was already in deep soup and could not escape the punishment.

On his end, Lucas decided to be a little patient fully knowing three things. One could still continue with his search of the stolen merchandise after a few minutes. Two girl was still new, and scaring her won't be productive in the long run. Lastly, Benta hated dealing with him when he was in a pissy mood.

After what felt like a century, Lucas heard a velvety voice and had to take a double take to clearly see the girl speaking. She observed her freckled hair, smooth face and wondered the kind of products she used before proceeding to her curves.

Out of the blue, Anna heard "Is that your natural hair?"

"Excuse me sir?" Anna asked. "Your hair, is it natural?" Lucas asked.

Blushing, Anna said, "yes, sir. As I was saying, your meeting with...."

"That's it, I won't be available from 4 pm day. Reschedule the rest." Lucas cut her off.

Leaving the papers on the desk, Anna said thank you before bending to pick up her shoes and leaving.

She had just walked out of the door when she met the CEO's brother Max heading to Lucas' office.

Without knocking, he opened the door and before it was fully locked and Lucas could register who had walked in while asking loudly, "I heard something was stolen from you. Are you alright? Do you know who did it?

Hearing this, Lucas stopped typing and said coldly, "News has already traveled so fast."

To this, Max answered, "Not really, it is just that my niece came to me scared that you might kill someone. All she said was that she didn't even get to see the doctor when you pulled her out of the hospital cause something of yours was stolen."

Looking straight into Lucas' eyes, Max asked, "what exactly did you lose in the hospital nonetheless?"

Seeing that Lucas was trying to avoid eye contact he continued, "Cuz, you know there is nothing to hide between us. You even know about my last escapade. I also know that you have been waiting for your one and only before losing your...."

"My Sperm" Lucas cut Max off midway with an answer.

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