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The End Of Us

The End Of Us

Leeyah kim


Their love is very beautiful, All the days are the best for them... Since they had each other. Samantha Cruz and Ryan Erwin. They are two incompatible souls that met and slowly got attracted to each other and then, fell in love even after facing opposition from each other family. The burning desire between them would never let them split apart no matter what. They overcome all odds and were about to get married when, "A secret surfaced!" A secret that should never be known, no matter what! A secret that shook up the whole family, A secret that eventually split them apart, A secret then turned their four years of love into total hatred.... What's that secret? Samantha was born a princess, her younger days were spent in abundance wealth but, what happened when she lose her father at a very young age loosing all their wealth? Her father didn't just passed away but, he was murdered in cold blood. She was left alone with her mother and kid sis in the lonely world. No matter how she tried, she could never forget seeing her father laying in a pool of his own blood with a huge and wide cut on his neck. That had always tormented her and she vowed to take revenge no matter how long it takes. Her hardened and vengeful heart got softened and, she almost forgot her revenge when she met Ryan Cruz. She was so happy with him and the vengeful spirit slowly faded away from her. However, After three years of neglecting her father murder case, the true killer came to light. A killer she never expected! A killer that she had hoped never to be true. The killer turned her melted heart back to a rock and, the door to her heart got shut again! Who is the killer? What does that have to do with Ryan Cruz? What will happen to their broken relationship? Will they stay enemy forever despite their undiluted love for each other? The mystery stays unknown!

Chapter 1 I found the killer

"What wedding gown did you think look more better?"

"I like the long one laced with diamonds better!" Samantha Cruz said to her mother in a house with just the two of them.

She was laying on the sofa with her head placed on her mother's lap. One can tell the mother and daughter had a really tight bond.

"Why are you even asking me? You look like you made your decision already." Her mother Ema Cruz replied and she chuckled widely.

"Even so, you should still make some guesses." she shrugged as she scrolled through her gallery with varieties of wedding gown images on them.

"You're really excited, Mrs Cruz or should I say Erwin?" Her mother teased.

"That'll be in a week's time. You can call me that in a week's time, for now... Let me hear "Cruz" all I can!" Samantha said and her mom nodded.

"Come to think of it, who buys their wedding gown a week before the wedding?" Her mother suddenly brought up making her seat up instantly.

"If you're that concerned then, you should have bought it. That's why I have a mom! If I am busy you should take care of that. It's not like I have a friend to take care of that for me", she snapped at her mom who smacked her head immediately.

"What for mom?" She whined and held on to her head with pouty lips.

"Then get yourself a friend, I'm not your errand girl, you know!" Her mother snapped in return.

They were in that position for a while staring into each other's face and they both bursted into sudden laughter.

"It's so nice seeing you smile again, Sam. I'm so worried about you all this time, I thought you'll never break out of your shell because of your father cold murder."

"You suddenly turn dark hearted back then, you rarely eat, you don't even laugh, you rarely talk! Same as your sister."

"I thought I was going to lose both of my daughters, thanks for coming back to me Samantha! Mom is really grateful!" Ema Cruz, who suddenly got emotional after seeing her daughter's happy smile, said to Samantha.

"Katrina will come back to us as well. She indulged herself in the investigation days and nights, that was why she took up the cop profession."

"She's not letting go of her resentment and she keeps on losing herself every day. I lost my cute daughter to researching of violent crime and cold murder case... So, this mother feels aggravated! However... I have you Samantha."

"I would have ended my life, if you two grew up the same way. Thank you!" Her mother added and Samantha dived into her arms immediately.

"Mom, sometimes I feel like a bad daughter for neglecting my own father's murder case. But seeing how Katrina is really indulged in it, I feel like that's more than enough. Katrina will be fine... She's gonna be okay! I'll never leave you again so, worry not!" She soothed her mother.

Ema felt the sincerity in her daughter's hug and a joyful tear escaped her eyes which she wiped immediately as they disengaged from the hug.

"How's Ryan? I haven't seen him in a while." Ema suddenly brought up trying to brush the painful topic behind.

"He's fine, he asked_ _

Samantha was about to say when her phone started ringing.

"Speak of the devil!" She smiled and waved the phone at her mother's face as the caller turned out to be Ryan.

..... "My bride!" Ryan screamed as soon as Samantha picked up which made her blushed embarrassingly.

..... "What's this? You can't call me that already, Mr Erwin!" Samantha scoffed jokingly.

..... "So , you have no idea we're married already? We're just trying to make it official so, stop playing hard!" Ryan teased and she scoffed again.

..... "Yes, I get you Mr Erwin!" She drawled.

..... "Why did you prefer the Erwin a lot? You can call me, Ryan, Baby, Honey, like every other couple Sam! You're always screaming Erwin, Erwin!" Ryan sucked and Samantha smirked.

..... "Mr Erwin, stop trying to pick up a fight this early in the morning!" She teased harder.

..... "Again ! Again!" He screamed loudly.

..... "Bye , Mr Erwin, I love you!" Samantha cooed and hung up Immediately.

"That big baby!" She muttered staring at her phone with love.

"As expected, youngsters' love is always interesting. I felt like I'm watching a movie just now", Ema who had been staring at her daughter all this while exclaimed and Samantha looked totally embarrassed.

"Mom, you shouldn't be looking!" She whined.

"So what? I should head upstairs just because you're on a call with your fiancee." Ema scoffed unbelievably.

Their happy chit chat continued for a long time, but their beautiful days suddenly turned dark and cloudy as soon as Katrina barged Inside the house while panting heavily.

"What is Katrina?" Ema sprang up and rushed to her daughter.

"Mom...! Mom...! Mom...! This is a disaster!" She panted and regrettable tears rolled down her face.

"What is it? You're scaring us" Samantha said walking closer to them.

"I wish I had stopped the investigation, I wish I had let it go! The outcome of the two years investigation turned out to be something I can't handle!" She ranted while sobbing bitterly.

"I have vowed not to forgive whoever did that to my dad and I'm never gonna do! I'm sorry, sis!" She stated decisively and her face turned icy cold again.

"Why are you apologizing to me? What exactly did you find out?!" Samantha screamed, losing her patience.

"I found the killer, big sis... What are you going to do now?" Katrina dropped the bombshell leaving her family in confusion.

"What? You did what?" Samantha inquired unbelievably!


"Then, who is it? Who is the goddamn monster that slaughtered my father?" She yelled and rapid change occurred to the joyful Samantha.

Her eyes turned bloodshot red and her veins popped out, she suddenly turned to her younger self again and the dissipating revenge solidified again.

The killer is.....

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