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Behind The mask

Behind The mask



Isabella, the only child of her parents was a happy girl. Why wouldn't she be? She had great parents, a caring best friend and a rich, Handsome fiance. This was until she found out that her ever faithful fiance wasn't so faithful after all. With this discovery came many more. It seems everyone around her had secrets to hide. They all hid their true selves. What happens when secrets unfold? Is she strong enough to handle all the revelations? Will she be able to return to her normal life after everything blows over?

Chapter 1 Caught

It is the cool of the evening. The beach is almost empty save for the few lovers that stayed. The waters sang and the waves danced in sync with the evening breeze.

The torches made a romantic scene as they danced and glowed into the night like fireworks.

Every so often you could see a few couples gathered under the torches to bask in the warm glow of love.

Some couples simply took the liberty of getting naked and danced on the dark sandy beaches.

It was quite erotic. And as the sand gets damp, you can hear the ice cubes melt into a glass.

Most of the couples look in love and that's what mattered to them.

Isabel walks out of the cabin into the cool water. It lapped around her ankles. It felt warm and for a while soothed the pain she felt. But it didn't have any effect. She could still feel the pain inside of her.

She began walking across the shoreline letting out shuddering breaths as she allowed the air to seep through her. And all of a sudden a thunder of thoughts began to circulate through her mind.

Recollecting the events of the morning, she hugs herself and shakes as a powerful torrent of pain surge through her. She finally lets the tears fall.

She falls to the ground crying. The warm sand cushions her. It was familiar.

The pain ebbs. The shudders subside. She rises to her feet, tries to wipe her tears.


Isabel ran blindly, she couldn’t see through the tears. She had been a fool for a long time.

It has been rumored, she had been confronted, she had been told by her friends but she ignored them. She trusted and believed him until she caught him In the act. But she didn’t want to believe him because she knew he wouldn’t hurt her.

He had never shown so much affection to her before.

It was her greatest mistake.

Oh! What a fool she had been.

She crashed through the door into the waiting arms of her mother.

She wrapped her body around her mother’s. She let out a weak cry as she clung to her mother. Her mother held her tightly against her chest.

Isabel could feel her mother’s tears. “Oh my dear. I am so sorry” Mrs Edna said in a bid to console her daughter.

“I caught him mom. I caught Alex making love to another woman” Isabel said between sobs.

Mrs Edna’s face was stern as she looked into her daughter’s eyes. “Did you tell anyone? Is anyone going to believe you?”

At that moment, her father walked in, a look of displeasure crowds his face. “What is going on here?” He asked.

The only response he got were the sobs of his daughter.

His eyes fell on Isabel’s swollen face. “Can someone answer me?”

“Daddy. Alex cheated on me and I don’t think it’s the first time.” She said amidst sobs.

“What!” He shouted

As the information sinks in, a thick frown appears on his face causing his forehead to furrow. “That bastard!” He said throwing a fist punch in the air.

Mrs Edna and her husband looked on as Isabel sobbed and cried for a long while.

After a while, Isabel took a deep breath to compose herself. She finally found the words to speak. “I want to call off the engagement. I can’t continue with the relationship” she said.

“Oh no dear. You are hurt and in pain. Don’t make rash decisions. Allow your.....

The door opens to reveal a disoriented Alex. He rushes to her and tries to hold her but she slaps his hands off.

He steps away and stares at her with fury and sadness.

Isabel had changed her mind. And she wasn’t going to forgive him any time soon.

“Babe. I’m so sorry. I don’t know what came over me.” Alex said to Isabel in between sniffles and hiccups.

Mrs Edna quietly leads her husband, Jay Out, to give them privacy.

“Tell me the truth Alex. How many times?” Isabel asked

“It’s just this once baby....

“(Yells) you’re lying. You can’t even look me in the eye. Is this the first time Alex?”

He sighs in defeat.

“I’m sorry baby”

“That doesn’t answer the question”

“Two, possibly three times” he stammered. "There was the time I traveled to Ghana and Lagos and..

“Jesus Christ Alex. You’re a dog. You cheated on me. You are a scum. You’re going to hell.” She yelled.

Alex held her with an arm around her and was crying as he held her tightly against his chest.

“Please Isabel. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Please take me back” he pleaded.

Isabel looked up at him and glared. She couldn’t believe he still thought she was going to forgive him.

“NO!" She screamed back. “The engagement is off.”

Alex fell on his knees. He couldn’t believe she had done this. He had lied to her and he loved her too much to let her go so easily.

“Please, Isabel” he said bawling and crying. “I’ll do anything. Take me back.”

“To think I had fights with my best friend over this. I trusted you Alex. I trusted you so much.” She said crying.

Alex looked up at her with wet teary eyes and a shaking lip.

“I’m so sorry baby” He said between sobs. “I love you.”

Isabel tried to control her tears but her tears wouldn’t stop.

“NO!” She yelled with so much force. “I CAN’T TAKE YOU BACK. I’M TAKING THE ENGAGEMENT NOW. Get out!"

“What!” Alex stammered and tried to stay calm.

“DON’T! GET OUT! I’M CALLING THE POLICE. Get out right NOW.” She shouted.

“I said get out. I never want to see you again”

He suddenly began to laugh, confusing Isabel. He got off his knees and sat down comfortably.

“So that’s how it is. Huh? You think you can get rid of me so easily? Oh wait, I get it. You met someone new and you want to get me out of the picture?” Alex said. “You probably slept with the dude you met.” Alex was fuming.

“SLEAZY ASSHOLE” She yelled and slammed her hand on the couch. “How can you say that? I love you and would never hurt you like that. You know it”

“Bullshit! Issy. you don’t let me touch you. You never speak to me when we’re not together and yet you see me everywhere and why? Ohh, to be closer to your new man” He said trying to figure out her motives.

“This is not true Alex” she said. “That’s because I’m against sex before marriage.”


He stands up and walks menacingly towards her with a mischievous smile on his face.

“OH MY GOD” Isabel screamed and ran towards the door but Alex had already caught her by the arm and took her outside into the living room.

“Where do you think you’re going?!” He shouts. “This engagement stands unless you have the one billion dollars to pay back. I can send him to prison. I’m just saying” he said with arms akimbo.

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