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The Vampire

The difference is not always difficult, because the difference has completely drowned you. The whole world was telling me that I would meet you one day and I would deny it until you came and all my words and talk went in the wind. Love creates in the heart without having authority over it, so the heart has no power but itself. But how does a heart that does not beat and does not move to feel and love even. But I am not really surprised, and whoever does not have his heart falls to you while you are hijacking the soul since looking at your face. My heart and destiny chose you together without my intervention and what a good choice. My heart chose you to be his last trip and the only refuge after a lot of fatigue، To be his only feminist and pampered, which made me swear that everyone before you were just people who made my heart prepare to receive you despite the limited time we spent together. You came to see a rigid heart with a lot of wounds and bruises over the years to heal it by just looking into your eyes.

Chapter 1 One

{ The vampire }

( Part One )

"The streets are empty, people are very few at this time, now it's five in the morning, and it's cold".

"Running fast on the road, trying to get into small side streets to mislead those running after him until he entered a small street، He stood breathing, feeling heavy in his breathing and his feet unable to continue running".

"Move carefully and slowly to see if the man is still around or not. He pulled his head out from the side of the wall, and no one saw the sigh of relief to stand and turn to move, but he shouted strongly when he found a man standing next to him".

"He was standing and putting his hand on his chest and eyes very open, now he cannot breathe regularly, feeling that his heart will come out of his chest from the speed of his throbbing".

- Man, you scared me.

"He said sighing when he noticed that he was a man other than the one running after him"

- Why are you hiding?

"Ask the person quietly while he is looking coldly"

- A man is running after me that I think wants to steal my money.

"The other person looked at him from top to bottom, approached him smelling his scent"

- I doubt you have money to steal.

"The man swallowed the lump in his throat, to make a sound behind him"

- Here you go, why are you running away from me?

"A third person who was running behind the man said it, approaching the man who became short among them to notice that someone stood behind the man to follow his speech with irony"

Oh John here, the king is here, welcome, king.

"Bend quietly and continue"

-: But this is my food, I signed it before you.

"The so-called John looked at him sharply, then looked at the man standing in the middle"

John: You're forbidden to fish here. What the hell are you doing, Tyler؟

"John spoke sharply and angrily"

Tyler sarcastically: Yes, yes, I understand that we are forbidden to fish here because it is your region, but you do not feed on humans so I decided to have fun with each other, you know there is an increase in the population.

"Tyler said it quietly, " he said"

-: What are you talking about and damn, am I food for you, any human being؟

"The man standing between them said it with fear "

John approached the man to hold his head and look into his eyes"

John: Go home, forget everything that happened. You did not see us and did not hear our dialogue.

"The man moved his head and moved without turning"

Tyler angrily: John this was my food.

John: Learn the laws Tyler, he will not kill people on my land.

John moved and Tyler left and saw him.

( Jongkook, or as they call him John, a pure vampire, who is over a thousand years old, is considered king over all the vampires on earth، He is the strongest, fastest, oldest, and purest of them. He is born to a father and mother of vampires.

John looks like he is 30 years old, no more, with his black hair and black eyes that if he looks at it carefully you see as dark red, tall, white skin، Body full of muscles, and some sporadic tattoos).

Tyler: One day I will kill you, John.

"Tyler said it spitefully as he looked at John's back, who was moving away from him"

( Tyler, from a werewolf clan who lives close to the city limits, a city that everyone knows is under the hand and protection of John and his followers.

One of John's most hated people was Tyler because he was the cause of his only brother's death. ( as Tyler sees )

Tyler is 25 years old, with white skin, blonde hair, green eyes, and a strong sports body ).


He was moving quietly in the cold forest, knowing, hearing, and seeing everything around him, as he heard and saw thousands of miles away.

- It's King John.

"A wolf standing on top of a rock said it"

-: What does this arrogant do here?

" another wolf asks, and he is looking carefully at John"

Will the war take place again?

asked someone with a concern

What war and why?

"Ask a little wolf to explain to the girl"

-: The last time John was here, she then fought a war between us and them that almost annihilated our species, until the Charter of Honor, Truce, and Land Division.

John was walking quietly while hearing this conversation, feeling proud of himself and his bloody accomplishments with his worst enemies ( Prof. ).

John stood in his place looking in a straight line, looking away to see who was standing above his rock high and looking at him too.

What brought you to our land, John?

John: What is this welcome, man? Is this how you receive your guests?

"John said it sarcastically as he stood putting his hands in the pockets of his classic black pants"

John's irony, what happens?

"The one standing on the other side said it impatiently"

John: There are followers for you that do not abide by the Sai Charter.

Sai: Follow me! From?

"Sai said it anxiously as his features changed"

John: Today I found Tyler on my land following a victim, and he was about to kill her.

Sai: But Tyler has not been here for a while.

John: So he's messing around with Sai's land. I came to tell you about a commitment to the charter between us. If I find him messing around again around me or on land, I'll send it to you with some of my men's dead bodies.

John spoke sharply, with his eyes fixed on Sai, to swallow the other, trying to stand firm and speak with unity"

Sai: Are you threatening me, John?

John: You know this is not a threat, but it is just a warning to you and to follow you, Sai. I don't want a second war to be enough for you what you lost.

The other's face is red because of the bitterness of humiliation in John's speech because he knows that he always deliberately reminds him of their permanent loss in front of him.

Sai's face change was not hidden from the one who stood far away from him, with many meters smiling, half a smile overwhelmed by victory, and shook his head as lightly as his greeting, then he disappeared as if he was not there.

Sai: Let someone come to me, Tyler, turn the whole earth. You will not appear before me except when he is with you, whether alive or dead.

The conversation was directed at two Sai followers.

They ran away, their body started to smoke as if it was burning and their skin color turned red and their bodies enlarged greatly and their limbs expanded to form huge wolves، All this while they are running to run faster when their transformation is complete.

Sai despair and confusion: Tyler, you idiot with those who mess around now.

( Sai, the chief werewolf of his clan and responsible for them after his father died in the war between him and John, Sai, who is 55 years old، appears as a young man in the third decade and he maintains his health by training young werewolves.

Sai with a bright length, hair filled with gray hair, brown skin, and a medium body with brown eyes.

Sai knows that his clan started messing with John and they are the basis of the war, so John does not hate much but he hates John's permanent style of reminding him that he is always the victor ).


Where's John?

"A girl asks while she is standing in front of another girl to answer the other without looking at her"

-: Not yet.

-: Why? Did something happen tonight?

I don't know anything, don't you know?

Alice: You don't go out, but you know everything, Joyo.

( Alice, a mutant but powerful vampire, one of John's followers around him always, isn't she 300 years old but looks like a 20-year-old girl, medium in length, slim body, hard hair ، Blue eyes often turn dark red )

Joyo: For the love of God, don't you leave me alone now? I have many things to do.

( Joyo, is a pure text vampire sister of John but she is not from the same mother as their father married Joyo's mother after the death of John's mother and she was human, Joyo short girl with white skin, and black hair، Brown eyes turn red too, 600 years old but formed by an 18th girl )

Alice was about to protest, but she saw who appeared in the middle of the foyer, his brilliant length and his overwhelming prestige, his white skin, the charcoal black hair, and his very black eyes, this was only John.

John: Joyo, I want you.

" John said it walking without looking at them"

Alice: And me؟

"Alice asked, smiling at him lightly"

John with a slight sharpness: said, joy, I know your name, Alice, and I can call you.

"John and Joyo followed him to the top, Alice's looks followed them quietly and sadly until they disappeared"

Alice: He won't forgive me. I know this, but I still love him, George

"Alice was addressing her behind"

George: Stop, aren't you just consuming yourself, the leader will not come back in his speech again, skip it.

( George, a transformed vampire, who always follows John, George a young brown skin, light black hair, black eyes, tall, 400 years old, and 27 years old)

Alice: I know George, but I can't forget or skip it, I'm still.....I still love him honestly and I want nothing but his proximity to me.

"Alice was speaking with sadness and her tears shining in her eyes"

George approached her and hugged him with tenderness as he patted her head and back.

George with sadness similar to her sadness: One day you will feel who loves you twice as much as he loves you and weakens your love for him, one day Alice.


Above, Joyo stood in front of John, who sat on his bed comfortably.

Joyo: They accompanied her, John, knowing that she had not skipped it yet.

John: I know, Joyo, I know, so do this. It's been 50 years for his eye, and it's the same as if nothing happens to her. Don't her look around ?

Joyo: Look but don't see his love for her.

John: I am tired of this, I feel guilty for her condition and she is wrong.

Joyo: Do you still love her, John?

John: Of course not, but I just don't want her to keep following me like this forever. I heard her asking you about me as usual and this made me angry.

Joyo: They accompanied her one day, my brother will wake up.

John: I hope so, Joyo.

"John said it sighing and closing his eyes"

Joyo: Where were you now 9 am, did something happen?

Ask Joyo to try to change the atmosphere.

"John opened his eyes ironically to speak"

John: Joyo, this talk to them is not mine, you already know what happened before you set foot here.

Joyo: You know, I always prefer to hear from you what I did.

"Joyo said to her smiling with love, Ray John said some threads of sadness decorating her eyes as he kept her eyes by heart"

John: Come close, Joyo.

Joyo came close to holding her hand and accepting her with tenderness and love.

John: You know I love you, don't you?

Joyo: I know my brother and I love you too.

John: Do you want my little girl to go out shopping today?


By Alaa Abu Al-Ezz

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