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Falling for my bodyguard

Falling for my bodyguard



Eros Moore a young actress and the daughter of a multi billionaire want to have fun, partying, coming home late etc. Her dad not liking how she's behaving decided to be strict on her and get her a bodyguard. What will the young actress do to regain her freedom?

Chapter 1 .1

The mansion was dark not a single light was on. Eros grin thinking that she wouldn't be caught. She sneak out and went partying with her boyfriend and his friends.

Eros took off her heels not wanting to make any clicking sound and end up getting caught. She open the door and silently close it. She then began tiptoeing all the way to her room.

As she made it to the staircase, a lamp was suddenly switch on making her froze in her spot.

"Eros Moore, explain yourself," a rough and stern voice ask.

Eros slowly turn around and smile sweetly. "Daddy, why arent you sleeping?"

The man, Eros's dad, look at his daughter flush cheeks and instantly know that she was out drinking.

His eyes darken. "Eros, you been out drinking again and what the hell are you wearing?" Kyle ask, his eyes darken even more as he took in his daughter appearance.

Eros glance down at her outfit. She was wearing a short jean and a white crop top her white heels was in her hand so. "Clothes," Eros answer looking at her dad confuse.

Kyle look at his daughter, her pretty face was cover with heavy makeup hidden her beauty, she look like a slut.

"Go, I can't see you right now," Kyle dismiss her. He couldn't stand seeing his daughter in this state.

Eros nod and run up the staircase grinning. She know that Kyle will scold her in the morning but she didn't pay it any mind. Kyle doesn't stay mad at her for long anyway.

Eros Moore it the only daughter of the multi billionaire Kyle Moore. Which is why he spoil her and never stay mad at her for long.

Eros took a bath and lay in bed wearing only her underwear she finds it most comfortable sleeping that way.


The next day


Eros yawn as she walk down stairs, hungover killing her.

Kyle had a maid take a painkiller and a glass of water to her room but that didn't stop the headache. On top of that Eros wake up with an empty stomach.

After going to the kitchen and got something to eat, Eros went to Kyle's study.

She knock on the door and enter when Kyle say to come in.

"Good morning daddy," Eros flash him an innocent smile.

Kyle face remain poker. He wasn't please with his daughter.

"Eros, I was just about to call you," Kyle say.

Eros press her lips together and gaze at her dad ready to be scolded only then did she notice the other person in the room. Her eyes turn to him.

She took in the view of the man in front of her. He was dress in a black tuxedo and look dashing. He was tall, just by seeing how the tux fit him one could tell he have a good body. His face was also attractive. From his almond shape blue eyes that stare back at her to his jaw line was attractive. His hair was gel back. Could imagine how he look with his hair messy.

"Who's this?" Eros ask not turning to her dad. She didn't bother hidding that she was cheeking the stranger out. Ten of ten she'll give him a full ten percent.

Kyle lips turn upward showing a smile, "I'm glad you ask." Kyle stood up and stood next to the handsome stranger. "This is Weston your bodyguard."

Silence fill the room as Kyle words rang in Eros ear. "I'm sorry. Can you say that again?"

"Weston is your bodyguard," Kyle say, his smile desappear.

Eros world crumble, hearing the word 'your bodyguard'. "Daddy, what are you?"

Kyle roll his eyes, "oh please Eros, you put this on yourself." Kyle had patience for Eros but Eros made his patience for her went up the roof.

"Just because I'm going out and having fun. You're looking to take away my freedom," Eros glare at her dad and at Weston who stood silently. "I'm tweety-three, I am an adult, daddy. I don't need a babysitter."

"My dear if you'd act like an mature adult, I wouldn't be doing this. Would I?" Kyle sigh, "your not only my daughter but also a public figure. If you're reputation ruin because of you're bad habits. I wouldn't the one fixing it."

Eros gasp and stare at her dad in disbelief, "are you cutting me off?"

Kyle smile, "even if I didn't say it you still manage to get it out from my words. Good job."

Eros couldn't believe it. Her dad got her a babysitter and turn around and cut her off.

"Eros, you have to focus more on your acting career," Kyle say, "You wouldn't be staying here either."

Eros narrow her eyebrows as she glare at her dad. "First you got me a babysitter, then you cut me off and now you're kicking me out. What's next, you're going to disown me?"

Kyle stare blankly at his daughter, "Eros, this is for your own good." Kyle turn to Weston, "Weston will be staying with you."

Eros face turn hot from anger. She shot a death glare at Weston before storming out of Kyle's study.

Fine if Kyle wants her to leave than she will.

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