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TANGLED IN HIS WORLD: A Steamy Billionaire Romance

TANGLED IN HIS WORLD: A Steamy Billionaire Romance

Herry Wood


Meet Prisca, a driven and independent journalist who is tasked with interviewing the reclusive and enigmatic billionaire, Nicholas. Initially, Prisca is skeptical of Nicholas and his imposing presence, but as she spends more time with him, she finds herself drawn to his magnetic charisma. However, Nicholas is not interested in Prisca romantically and views their relationship as strictly professional. Despite their differences, Nicholas proposes a contract marriage to Prisca in order to acquire a family fortune that he cannot inherit as a bachelor. Prisca agrees, hoping that the arrangement will lead to a real relationship with Nicholas. But when she discovers that Nicholas has children from a previous marriage, Prisca's heart is shattered. Though Nicholas insists that their marriage was only a business arrangement, Prisca is devastated. As Prisca delves deeper into Nicholas's world, she uncovers shocking secrets and dangerous enemies. Nicholas becomes increasingly cold and distant towards Prisca, frustrated by her relentless pursuit of his past. But as they confront their own personal demons and navigate the treacherous waters of high society, Prisca and Nicholas begin to develop a deeper connection. Will their love survive the trials and tribulations of a billionaire romance, or will their differences prove insurmountable? Only time will tell.



I left Nicholas' office, still lost in thought about what had just happened back inside his private office. As I walked down the hallway towards the lobby, I suddenly felt myself being pulled back into the room by Nicholas. He closed the door behind us and pushed me up against the wall. His intense gaze locked onto mine and my heart raced as I felt his strong hands grip my waist. "Sir, what are you doing?" I asked, unsure of what was happening. "I don't know," he growled, his voice low and primal. "I've never felt this way before." The intensity of his gaze was almost too much to bear, and I felt a flutter in my stomach. However, before I could say anything, Nicholas pressed his lips hard against mine, his tongue pushing past my lips as he deepened the kiss. I was taken aback at first but soon found myself melting into the kiss, my hands wandering up to his broad shoulders. Nicholas pulled away briefly, his breath hot against my cheek. "I don't do this, Prisca," he whispered, his eyes burning into mine. "I don't usually let anyone get this close to me." I could feel the intensity of his gaze, and something inside me told her that I was safe with him. "It's okay, Mr. Nicholas,"I whispered back softly, my hand reaching up to brush back a strand of his dark hair. "I trust you." He got hold of my lips in another searing kiss. His hands roamed over my body, exploring every inch of me as if he couldn't get enough. I responded in kind, my body on fire with desire as I pressed myself against him. I pushed him to the wall close to where we stood and ran my hand through his hairy and wide chest down to his hard cock, i squeezed his cock into my palm and unbuckled his pants, took the massive length out, and went down on my knees to lick his wet tip with my tongue and flickered my tongue around his hole before i slowly took in his dick and swallowed the whole strong 8 inches sucking him out aggressively. Nicholas gave a soft moan obviously filled with pleasure. He pulled me up with my hair softly when he reached climax and his legs were shaking, “you’re really very good at this Prisca”, he said softly whispering to my ears as she stood up. I chuckled softly standing half naked and went for his inviting lips while Nicholas grabbed my wide and soft ass right from my short skirt which initially revealed a sexy and fleshy amount of my fair thigh. He covered my round ass with his large venous palm and pressed it aggressively with all the strength in his arms as if his life depended on it. I let out a soft moan and was lost in this heated and intense mood that I found myself with the no-nonsense billionaire who had never given the media a chance. Nicholas was obviously the dominating type, he took me to the sofa in his office and claimed his lips with mine. I felt electric sensations explode from my lips to the depth of her stomach. He moved his kisses away from my lips and started trailing them down my neck. I let out moans as he took advantage of my body. I was lost and all I wanted at that moment was him as his touch was messing with my senses. He reached for the shirt I was wearing which was acting as a barrier all along because he could only see my fresh and robust cleavage capable of turning a healthy man crazy at first sight. I wasn’t wearing a bra as I have sturdy and perky round big boobs that Nicholas is now resting on after exposing my chest. I was still in that laid-down position when Nicholas got on top of me and started to suck on my breasts. The more he sucked, the wetter I became. So much that I had an orgasm from him sucking my titties. He was amazed that I came from him doing that. He ran his hand down into my waistline and as he was giving my breasts such great care with his lips, he lowered his hand down between my thighs and slipped his hand to my panties where his forefinger slowly traced the outline of my ripe vulva, causing my large clitoris to harden and point out through my pant. He removed the pants, smelled it, and threw it away. My pussy opened up in the desire for his touch. He stopped sucking my breast as he felt the softness and wetness of my ripe and big pussy. He started circling my vulva with the orgasm which gave a glossy sound. I said softly “Fuck me please”. He went down, looked at my pussy, and said, “Oh my! you’re so wet. You’re soaked,” before placing his tongue right into the inner passage of my vagina and licked it out, eating the clitoris intensely. My breath seized the moment his warm tongue entered my softness and he sucked it mercilessly. I tightened my leg onto his head using one hand to stimulate my nipple which was making me cum harder the more. He took his cock and rubbed it against my pussy. Finally, he stood over me and told me to lick my juice from the tip of his cock. I did, and he kissed me afterward. After that, he put his cock in my pussy and looked me dead in the eyes, and said “You want me to go deep?”. Already lost in Nicholas' world, i answered “Yes please fuck me hard”. Then he asked “You want it fast and rough?” Yes, again. When he started, I began to cry from being so emotional. I came several times and finally, he nutted on my face. —————————————————— Nicholas stood up and walked over to the window, peering out at something that caught his attention. Suddenly, I turned my head towards the sound of shattering glass and the loud commotion that followed. My heart was racing as I quickly scanned the room for the source of the disturbance. And then, I saw them – a group of men in black suits who had a rugged appearance with sharp, rugged looks and a hardened demeanor that suggested they were not to be trifled with. They were walking towards us in Nicholas’ corner of the exotic eatery which was a luxurious haven, filled only with billionaires and high-profile people who indulged in the finest cuisine and exquisite atmosphere. Before I could react, Nicholas was already on his feet, his imposing figure pacing towards me. His face was set in a fierce expression as he grabbed my arm and dragged me towards the exit. "Prisca, we need to leave now," he said, grabbing my arm and pulling me in the direction of where his car was parked. My heart pounded as I stumbled to keep up with him. "What's going on? Is everything okay?" I asked, my voice shaking. Nicholas didn't answer, his grip on my arm tightened as we burst out of the building towards the car park. We walked up to his black SUV, and Nicholas pushed me into the back seat before jumping in after me. He started the vehicle as the engines roared to life. As we sped away from the building, I could hear some unsettling sounds of chaos in the lounge. I turned to Nicholas, my eyes wide with fear. "What's happening? Who are these people?" Nicholas looked at me, his eyes blazing with fierce determination. "I don’t know, Prisca," he said, frowning and concentrating on the steering as he navigated the vehicle roughly, "but we might not be safe." I felt a surge of adrenaline as Nicholas' words sunk in, and my heart continued to race with fear as we drove away from the scene of the commotion.

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