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"Celestine", it's the very first time of hearing my name in a husky tone. My heart skipped a beat, I can't deny. Searching for the voice, I regret I didn't pretend that I didn't hear anything. Walking towards me is Crimson Flores. I hear my heart beating louder. "In Spanish it means heaven or heavenly. Such a beautiful name", he said looking at me intently, maybe looking for some proof of heaven in me, and will surely be disappointed because I don't look angelic. "It is", I said when I was able to gasp some air. ” If not with my last name”, I continued "Really?” he faced me eagerly. I got him wondering "Falta. It means lacking or missing” I said like blurting out an ugly truth "Oh, missing heaven. I see. Nevertheless, a beautiful lady” he said, giving me that broad heart-melting smile, left me with the deafening beat of my heart and reddening cheeks. Such a beautiful dream. It's actually a heart-pounding memory from the past, realizing how bittersweet it is when tears fell down Celestine's face. The BS Commerce Batch 2010 will be having a reunion which will be held at Certeza Solidario, now run by the new CEO, Crimson Flores. And the rest is history...

Chapter 1 Starting In Here

Chapter 1

Twenty more minutes. I’m looking at the bottom right side of the computer. Silence starts to rule the place as computers start to dim. The city library closes at five and this cover letter is like taking forever. I don’t know why clicking here and there did not bring me yet to cover letter samples. The sight of this piece of paper where I listed the requirements is sickening, and my new coat stained with latte is starting to give me that sticky feeling. Just the thought of not being hired with all of these is honestly annoying.

Five minutes left after clicking SEND and my application is done. I turned off the computer, packed my things then left the E-library area. When I reached the door, I smiled and waved Miss Annie goodbye. She is the librarian on duty that time, and definitely the most kind-hearted one. She is in her late fifties, a bona fide of the hundred-year-old library of Clover City. Her gray hair in a perfect bun and old school eyeglasses remind me so much of my grandmother. Her warm greetings to the library goers are heartwarming, and it tears me apart to ignore such a kindred soul. She instantly smiled and waved in return.

Beside the post office across the Municipal Hall, there is a department store. I dropped by to grab something for supper and midnight snack, and then went home, just a ride away from the town proper. I had put the paper bags on the table, took off my coat and shoes, and then threw my sling bag on the headboard. I opened the window as I pull the chair and there you go, instant air condition. I loosened up my ponytail for my head to breathe as well. It’s been tough since my one-year contract at Pluma Publishing had ended. Seven active applications since the start of the workweek. I turned down one due to the location, two interviews yesterday that I didn’t see leading to contract signing, and another one this morning that might just end up the same as the two. Instantly, I called Becky and Hero who are in the freelancing jobs for tips. But it’s such an inopportune time. Becky’s Gucci was snatched and she was in a police station somewhere in Makati. Hero is in a private resort somewhere he doesn’t want to let me know. Obviously, that doesn’t sound good because it’s quite opposite to what I usually know about names Becky and Hero.

“Hello”, I heard a voice from outside, followed by several knocks on the door.

Puzzled, I put my slippers on and headed to the door. It doesn’t sound like Mrs. Fujiwara, my landlady and I’m not expecting anyone either. When I opened the door, a beautiful lady is standing in front of me.

“Yes?” I asked, wondering.

“Miss Celestine?” she answered my question with another question

“Yes, that’s me” I confirmed with a smile

“Oh, thank God, I got it right this time” she sighed in relief

I knew it. Last week, a delivery boy came knocking at my door about an order I didn’t order. I don’t order online. A woman about my age on another unit across mine was calling out. Silver gate, white door. Then I snapped and the delivery boy will receive his paycheck with a smile.

I see a resemblance with my landlady, but I doubt if she’s one of her daughters because Mrs. Fujiwara said her two daughters are studying abroad. So maybe she’s a relative. I honestly don’t know if I will ask her or will just wait for her to introduce herself.

“By the way, I’m Hikari, Mrs. Fujiwara’s niece. She left yesterday for a sudden business meeting out of town and it will take her days before going home, that’s why she told me to come over for some errands. It’s about the 3-month deposit for the rent Miss Celestine ---” she stated but stopped because I interrupted.

“Oh I’m so sorry! It must be the other way around, me going there instead of you coming here” I said, really embarrassed

“No, I didn’t mean coming to collect the payment” she explained. She’s about to say something again but stopped when I’ve already spoken.

“I understand, but since you are here already, would it be okay to give you my payment now because I’m afraid I might spend it for my other expenses.” I said a bit worried.

“Oh yes sure, Miss Celestine” she said. “Oh excuse me for a while, I have to answer my call” said she when her phone rang.

“Yes, please. Take your time” I said then hurried inside to get my money.

After a while, I came back with the money I had put in an envelope. She’s there standing smiling at me. I handed her the envelope.

“Thank you. I’m afraid I have to go, Miss Celestine. It’s auntie who called and I have to leave,” she said apologetically.

“No problem, you need to go then. Some other time for coffee?”

“Sure. I do love that,” she said then she went.

I locked the door, went inside and tossed my tired body on the bed to give it a rest before I’ll have my supper later on. This is really a very tiring week. My nape and back are starting to ache. This interview this morning is really making me feel bad and embarrassing up until now, I can’t get it off my mind. I’ve got few more applications and I think I could lay low this week and just wait for calls.

Stretching my hands and feet like the way people in the gym do, I dream of a one-hour bath, a regular sleep and a real, real, meal. I feel so afraid and pathetic listening to my bones cracking because it doesn’t seem to be some kind of exercise or relaxation anymore. I couldn’t imagine it would reach this point.

It’s getting dark but I can’t seem to get up to close the window and turn on the lights. It’s getting cold as well even in summer nights. I thought of just letting the window open for a little longer. The air in the evening is even more soothing and calming in the mind. I hope to feel better.

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