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My dear employee

Gisele is a rich and beautiful woman who lives in the big city and works in one of the biggest companies in the city, born in a golden cradle she grew up having everything she wanted and became a luxurious and structured woman. But when she has a problem in her house, she is forced to make a huge renovation, thus hiring a mason, a friend of her son, a man of trust. Gisele then meets Ricardo, a humble, poor, but handsome, attractive and good-hearted man, so handsome that it was impossible for Gisele not to want him, but what was meant to be just a thing, becomes more than a passion, but a love willing to break barriers and prejudices.


It was early when Ricardo, the mason hired by Gisele, called the company, she got up sleepily and went to open the gate still in her nightgown, going to open it on purpose so that he would see her like that, saying he had forgotten to open it using the automatic button, he worked in the her house for almost a month and Gisele really enjoyed seducing him, Ricardo made her feel like the sexiest and hottest woman in the world, since he had started this endeavor his self-esteem was elevated by the way he wanted and wanted her, since the two of them started being together her heart was happy and sh

e looked forward to his arrival every morning.

Ricardo looked at her ass feeling a slight excitement and agony, probably that would be the last week of work and until then she hadn't touched on the subject if they would continue together or not. He believed that since she had started all of this, he had to be the person responsible for a statement, thinking that she as the powerful woman that she was would have a better way with words, however he feared that once that work was finished, that too would end. what they were living, not quite sure if it was a serious relationship or not, or if it was at least a kind of relationship outside of bed, outside of the sex and moaning they had together.

Ricardo had never been involved with a mistress, even though in almost all the jobs he did someone flirted with him, he always resisted seductions, being made by all kinds of women and ages, however Gisele invested heavily in seduction, driving him crazy physically and mentally, even before it happened, making him even dream about her several times before giving in; until after a while he managed to take him to bed, she was beautiful, sexy and powerful, different from all the women he had ever been involved with, she was also very intelligent and determined, a young woman but with a mature and different mind of the types of women who lived in the community, not just for the fortune, but her mind was unlike anything he had ever accessed.

He put the bread he'd brought to have breakfast together on the table, not knowing why he kept taking it, even though he knew she wasn't going to eat it, because she followed a balanced diet, her coffee was with things he didn't know and didn't even make a point of eating. know, because he found the appearance horrible, as well as the smell, already repudiating the taste, he sat down and watched her prepare the coffee.

Gisele was an attractive woman with a sexy nature, even the most naive smile and look she gave was attractive and irresistible, he liked being with her, but the independence and social level so different scared him, he knew he didn't earn enough to not even going out to buy her a snack, but I liked what I was living with her, who besides being rich and beautiful was pleasant to be around, so much so that sometimes I forgot that he was her employee and not her boyfriend or anything like that, he he was another kind of sexual "toy" of his boss, sometimes he cared about the title he gave himself, but sometimes he just enjoyed every moment next to her, because he believed he would never again have a woman of that level in his arms . Ricardo had never lived next to a woman so independent and detached from everything, he couldn't distinguish if that was loneliness or freedom, but he knew that he would never be able to live without his family like Gisele did, sometimes he thought she was alone, but sometimes looking at it made him feel childish for being so dependent on the company of his own.

The smell of coffee filled the air as it was brewed by itself in the coffee pot, Gisele didn't drink coffee, but she made it because it was the only thing in the house that Ricardo drank besides water, that coffee was what he had in her life that he knew in him, as I had already observed his resistance to discovering a new cuisine.

She approached him from behind, caressed his hair, kissed his neck, hugged him tightly, stayed for a while feeling the delicious smell of his hair, went around, sat on his lap with open feathers and kissed him, starting to suck her neck, giving light bites, he went with his mouth to the tip of the ear and sucked her, Ricardo without delay began to squeeze her breasts, lowering his lips to them to suck them while she placed kisses on his face, letting out sighs, she got up and opened his pants, putting his penis out, then knelt on the floor and started licking him, masturbating with her hand while sucking his balls, then she started to hold them and sucked for a moment just the head, lowering her mouth slowly, until swallowing it whole, sucking faster and jerking off at the same time, soon she started to feel the penis pulsating, she got up quickly and sat inserted the penis in her vagina. Ricardo couldn't think, he just felt Gisele's hot pussy enveloping his nerve as she jumped and he held onto her breasts. The heat consumed Gisele's body, feeling dominating when softening a man of that size, she jumped even more, moaned and bit her lips, started to roll around feeling that cock widening and filling it with Ricardo's hot pleasure, driving her crazy , increasing your excitement and reaching ecstasy.

Gisele remained on his lap, kissing him, caressing him, she thought Ricardo was the most handsome and hottest man she had ever had in her bed, she thought he was beautiful and valued every inch of his defined body, just looking at him was enough to excite her. She, he was the figure of sensuality women would kill for, and he was there inside her pussy pumping her hard.

She hurried to the bathroom without being called, took a quick shower and walked around the house getting ready. She got up, took the cup from the coffee maker and put it on the table, she couldn't accompany him for coffee, she had just returned from vacation and had to go to work. He happily got ready, passed by him already working, gave him a peck, and eating a bar, got in the car and left for work.

Gisele liked to stay with him, but she found it strange that she was being the boss of her own “case”, but he was an irresistible type, whose body was perfect, and his character was kind, his only problem was his financial condition, on the way for the service, she reflected on the work she was finishing, she wasn't sure if she would accept the profession he practiced if she would have the courage to expose him by presenting him as her boyfriend in all places, she was jealous and afraid that he would have more clients like her, but he didn't know what to do about the two, "maybe continuing to make out without commitment would be the best thing". She thought as she showed her badge to enter the company she worked for.

She worked in a multinational as an administrator, she knew the responsibility of her position, but the high salary rewarded her, she really liked what she did, not only at work but also in life, she loved traveling for work, she always did everything to make the most of it the places I went. She was a mature woman at thirty-two, sure of herself and her actions. Gisele took advantage of the fruits of her studies and professional qualification that she gave up her adolescence and the partying of that time to continue her studies paid for by her father, always at the best universities, she liked the luxury that her salary brought, the expensive trips, the best hotels , the sophisticated foods, the most expensive clothes. She liked the best and squandered it without a second thought, believing that this was what she worked so hard for and carried such heavy burdens of responsibility in her life.

As soon as she finished her studies, she entered one of the best colleges in Brazil, with the course paid for by her parents, as soon as she finished the course, she only got good places to work traveling, she always decided to live alone and has been doing it forever; his dedication and effort highlighted his name grew considerably in the field, doing his post abroad and growing a lot in knowledge and name.

It was the end of the afternoon, Ricardo was putting away the materials he had used that day, he was tired, but he took the time to see Gisele, kiss her before going home to shower and go to the gym. Ricardo was twenty-seven years old, he never liked studying, and when his father died he dropped out of school to work, like his older brother he saw the responsibility of being the man of the house fall on his shoulders, his first job was the work he did. the father could not complete it due to his death, it was a matter of honor for him to work as his uncle's helper in this work. After that he evolved, making an effort and learning more about the neglected art of building for others, he was proud of the service of his hands and was known in the region for his whim. But seeing Gisele with a mind and in a universe so different from his made him doubtful about the choices he had made in his life, he recognized that he was good in bed, that he left Gisele with soft legs, he was sure that he satisfied her completely , but I didn't know what it would be like out of bed and that week I was going crazy waiting for her to take the lead on a relationship or not.

He lived with his mother, his sister and two brothers in a simple house, his income was the only one in the family, because the benefits that his mother received from the social, he didn't even pay the light bill. His father always worked autonomously and when he died, his mother was denied a pension. Despite the painful history Ricardo considered himself a happy person, he liked the man that life had made him, even though he missed his father a lot. And every time he got sad, he sang the song Marvin by the band Titas, as a consolation.

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