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One Man's Trash is Another's Treasure; they say but, what if his Trash Becomes Treasure in a matter of time? --- The Royals were the proudest but never the richest in Shanghai. The Guo Family were regarded as the most respected among the richest Five Families in Shanghai while amongst the Royals, the Feng Family were the most respected. The Young Master of the Guo, Shiwen Guo popularly known as Mr. Imperfect in all of Shanghai but also the richest in all of Shanghai has agreed to get married to whomever his family deems fit. Being disable due to an accident that was planned, he lost his pride along with his ability to walk and see. Previous ladies were brought to him to take as wives but, he refused giving lame excuses. He had finally accepted to die a bachelor and adopt two kids to call his own until She came. Lusi, Dilraba, Le Qi and Guli are the four daughters of King Feng and his Queen. Lusi, the heiress and successor of the Feng. She's stoic and almost as heartless as a Mafia. She's tagged the Male amongst the four of them. Dilraba, the beauty and Pride of the Feng House. Everyman so desires her. Le Qi, the weakest in the house. No one outside the Feng Mansion has ever seen her. She was rumoured to be ugly and sick. She never attended events and was pampered by her parents though disliked by the netizens. And Guli, the baby and assumed smartest of them all. Mr Feng loved his family despite not having a son. Though there was Rong Zhang who was Mr Feng Sister's adopted son who was close to the them and some times assisted in the business. Le Qi's condition gets worse at a point and she was sent over seas when she was younger to heal and came back after some years only to be sold to Mr Imperfect. As a quiet person, she sadly accepted but, it seemed to her like it was for the best after meeting him personally. What becomes of their Union? ~~~~ "I want to pee, Mrs Shiwen." Shiwen said making Le Qi blush instantly. She was thankful he couldn't see how she looked right now. "ok." She replied turning to excuse herself from the room. "Mrs Shiwen..." "mmm?" "I can not see!" He pouted his mouth. Le Qi face palmed herself. 'I'm such a fool.' she said to herself wheeling him all the way to the bathroom. On getting there, she stopped by the door. Looking around the bathroom which had the Water Closet by the left. It would be easy for a blind person to locate from the door. It was so close. "Here you go." Le Qi said as she stepped back from the door and closed it with Shiwen inside. "Mrs Shiwen." He called softly from inside the bathroom. "mmm?" she mumbled to his hearing from outside the bathroom. "I can not walk." "Shao!" She cursed herself under her breathe. She felt really stupid now. She felt like beating herself to a pulp. Shiwen who heard her curse herself clearly smiled to himself.

Chapter 1 Had Lost All Hope

He had lost all hope of ever being capable of walking and seeing again. He had also lost the Pride of being the richest man in Shanghai. He changed completely. No longer bold and fearless, he was timid and fearful. No longer cold and ruthless, he became warm and easygoing. Nevertheless, he was falling into the hands of Depression. He felt miserable and weak. He lost the courage to be in the mist of people even his own family. He didn't want to be in a place full of negative rumours that would only kill him slowly, so he fled China to Australia where his old time Australian friend, Migo lived.

Shiwen told Migo how he had been disabled for two years, how everyone who used to pray to be with him fled his presence and how he has given up on himself planning to adopt two kids to carry on his name. Migo had asked if he wanted to see again and walk again but Shiwen gave a negative reply. He didn't want to see or walk again. He had already made up his mind to remain how he was. Not until that Day....


"Hello.." A tiny sweet voice had said immediately Shiwen held her hand.

He and Migo had gone for a meeting that day but, Migo left for some minutes to get some drinks from a store along the road while coming back. Shiwen was kept at he place he believed was not obstructing anyone from moving but, then he felt a hand brush his and quickly held on to it tightly. That was when he heard that angelic voice which he might never forget.

"Qiqi?" Shiwen called still holding on to her. Qiqi was a little girl he borrowed his umbrella when he was also a kid. The voice seemed a little similar to Qiqi's voice.

"Who? No, am not her." He heard the feminine voice said as she giggled. He felt like he was being tickled as she giggled.

"Aren't you supposed to have a guardian, huh?" She asked politely bending to his level and placed her hand on his cheek. He jolted the instant he felt soft flesh on his face.

"What is your name?" She asked. Anyone anywhere would know she was Chinese with the way she talked. At this moment he wished he could see so that he can be convinced if this was qiqi or not.


"Oh! You could tell I speak Chinese?" She asked and though he couldn't see, he felt she was smiling at this moment. He smiled as well. Now, he really wanted to see her face.

"Your Mother tongue." Shiwen answered curtly as she nodded in understanding.

"Ok! So I'm Richika." She said moving her hand from his face to his hands. She joined her hands with his and Shiwen felt the loud mighty thump in his heart. He had never felt so adored before.

"What is your birth name?" He asked covering the blissful expression with a stoic one.

"I'll tell you the next time we meet."

Shiwen frowned at her response and he heard her chuckled. He felt a ringing in his heart and he wondered if he was created with bells implanted in his heart.

"I can't see."

"You will by that time. Promise me you would see me next time..." She stated with a hallowed voice waiting for his reply. If this was someone else like Migo, Shiwen would have scoffed at his face but then...

"Ok, I promise I will see you next time we meet." Shiwen said gulping his own saliva and he heard her laugh a little.

"Bye then, Shiwen. I have to make sure I meet Allen." She said hurriedly and scurried away. His hand felt cold and empty. Hearing her call the name Allen, he smiled.

When him and Migo had gone home and after dinner, Shiwen told Migo he wanted to see and walk again.

In a month time, Shiwen could see again. They had done a surgery on his eyes replacing the his with someone else's who would die of cancer and decided to make a deal with Migo. Though Shiwen had to take some medications and he wasn't himself for two months. After that he began a therapy which will enable him walk, after all his legs weren't permanently useless.

With determination that one day he would meet Richika again who he had a feeling was Qiqi, he started walking slowly in an interval of a year and half a month. In between the other half of the year he was told that he no longer needed the wheelchair by the doctor. He became so happy. He spent one more year looking for Richika, visiting that place over and over again until his father passed an order for him to come back to China through Migo.



It's been nine months since Shiwen came back with Migo. He always remained indoors while Migo managed his business and related. A was a secret between him and Migo that he could see and walk. Not even his parents knew.

Different girls had been sent to Shiwen's house to stay with him and get married to him after three months but, no one was approved because Shiwen didn't accept any of them.

One of the girls who came to him had invited her boyfriends numerous times and fucked them in his face. All he has to do was watch them pretending his blind.

Another girl stole stuffs from his house all the time and he just had to act like he didn't know what was going on.

The third girl was such a foodie. All she did was eat, sleep and litter the house. She never even cared if he was hungry, pressed or whatever. She was a mad girl.

And now It's his betrothed, Shen Da Xia.

"We would just have to manage ourselves together, My love." She said putting on an act in front of Shiwen's parents as she knelt down and cuped Shiwen's face. It's a good thing he is a serious person. Just imagine acting like a blind person with your eyes wide open, No blindfold or shade on.

"Shiwen, Xiao Xia is on her knees." His mom said pitifully expecting Shiwen to become soft after hearing this.

"Mom, help her get up." He kept a sad face putting on his own act as well.

"Thank you, My love." Da Xia sniffed like she was actually crying but sadly, Shiwen could see through her.

"You're welcome. Just don't return here again." He released the bomb and Da Xia widened her eyes in shock. His parents knew this was going to happen anyway so they weren't so surprised. They didn't also expect him to reject Da Xia. She was every man's Dream Angel.


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