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Sassy hothead, Debbie meets pompous boss, Cato. Debbie's always getting into trouble, she has to work under Cato to repay him. Who will give in first? It's love at first sight as Dorathy saw Mr Ralph at a business meeting at Boldoz Events, will she give love a chance or will she remain blinded by the assault that still haunts her? Hayman, Cato's brother finds himself falling deep for innocent Ella, will his arrogance finally drive her away?

Chapter 1 Crap

'You bloody, daft, maniac!' Debbie screamed, in her head though. She wasn't ready just yet to loose this job. After all her elder sister begged Mrs Sandra, her boss to accept her for the fourth time this month.

'Derby, table 10 have been waiting for hours for someone to take their order!', Sandra yelled

'I hired bloody humans to work not to stare around at my fascinating collection of furniture' Sandra added with an unmissable flick of her hair.

'It's Debbie you witch!' Debbie screamed once again in her head.

'Yes ma'am, I'll be right with them' she managed to say with a painted on smile.

'Hey, welcome to Sassy Crib what can I get you tonight?' Debbie said in her routine voice, notepad in hand.

'Oh missy I would love to get some sparkling water for a start...

'Oh I need wine...

'Ah maybe just water would be ok...

'But you guys' famous fruit drink combo doesn't sound that bad...'

The girlfriend trio kept going on and on.

'No I can't handle this nomore, fuck it!'

'Ehm missy maybe you and your toothpick build of friends can take your fucking indecisive party and hop outta here before I shove this notebook up your throats!'

Debbie woke up in cold sweat, of course she was cold, her blanket had been kicked out of the bed.

'The hell' she thought as she walked to the bathroom to splash her face.

'This job is definitely testing my mental balance' she lamented. She came back to bed, it was just past two in the morning.

She lay in bed unblinking. She picked up her phone and dialed the only person that won't choke her for disturbance.

'It's getting worse' 'I might become a serial killer soon' she lamented to Jason, her best friend through the phone.

'Good morning to you, Deb' he said dryly.

'I'm loosing it' she cried

'Ughh, I was working you know' he said

'You can't desert me, you love me' she said cheekily

'Love doesn't exist, it's just an infatuation between two lifeforms' Jason said matter-of-factly. They both laughed. She had known Jason for years, he was the most boring book worm she had ever met. He's quite handsome and has a good body build, such a shame he can't get his head out of the books to have fun.

'What about Hannah, don't you love her?' Debbie questioned cheerily

'This isn't the reason you called is it? If it is, goodbye have a nice rest' he retorted

'Awwwwwww, so you do have feelings for her' she cooed.

'Ending the call now, see you' he said

'Love you too' she continued to tease him. He ended the call and she laughed heartily. Just like that the nightmare was forgotten and replaced by hunger.

'Dorathy will so kill me when she finds out' Debbie whispered to her self as she tiptoed into the kitchen.

'Mmmh' she groaned in contentment as she dug into a side of the chocolate cake her sister made for her girls get together later in the day.

'When you do eat this cake because I know you can't just help yourself, I will throw you out into the streets!' Debbie recalled as she put the remaining cake back into the fridge.

'I only took a small piece' she wondered in her head as she tiptoed back to bed.

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