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The Devil's Gates

The Devil's Gates

Asanji Wilson


A story of Adonis and his sister who find themselves in a multiverse world after going into an abandon building in their village. Separated from each other when they land in the new world. Eden finds herself more in a dangerous situation as being hunted down by a wolf which seemed abnormal from an actual wolf. Adonis on his path gets caught in a net trap and is helped by a young and powerful girl. After which he hears her make mention of sending a massage to a princess named Princess Eden. He goes on the mission with her trying to find his sister and return home but yet discovers a lot about the multiverse. A world full of dangerous monsters and mysterious creatures with some humans transforming into venom. Adonis is left to find his sister among all these happenings and also has to make sure he doesn't die before he gets to his sister.

Chapter 1 Adonis and Eden

"Adonis has mother not forbidden us from coming to this place, why choose to come here after all mother's warnings?" his sister enunciated with all her strength and pulled away from him.

"There's something about this place I just can't forget, something in here that draws my attention and mother doesn't want us to know about" he exclaimed "You must have seen the girl who walked through this house the other day, she must be in there" he uttered.

"But that doesn't concern us, Adonis, while not listen to mother and let's go back home. This is just an abandoned building with no one living in it" she explained " if we were to go in and something bad happens to us, what will mother say, what will we even tell her we came here for, Adonis let us turn back before it is too late" she rehearsed moving now from the gates and wanting nothing to do with the abandoned building.

"Eden you are just scared, nothing bad can happen to us when I'm around. Only cowards will run away from their fear, let's just take a look before we return home," he explained not wanting to go in alone.

"Why must we go in there, Adonis?

"what is in there that triggers you so badly?" she asked not willing to let him go.

"Sister, you must have read about the book of Navy, the abandoned building with golds" he continued " I just want to ease my curiosity and maybe see the girl whose voice I heard in there a few days ago, she might be in danger and needs help" Adonis uttered not giving her sister any more space to question him.

"But Adonis-" she uttered to ask more but was cut short by her brother who believes in what he says and wants it to be respected.

"We will be fine, come with me Eden and I promise to protect you all along the way," he says and slowly takes his sister's hand.

They were now entering the gates of the abandoned building which at the up stands read " HOUSE OF ANNAPOLIS" a house which had been abandoned for over twenty-five years.

Adonis did not know what pushed him to make this decision and go against his mother but if it was for his curiosity about what people said about the house of Annapolis then it wasn't a wise decision he made.

The house of Annapolis as it is called is set to be a place for the death and the witches of Oscar. People further say that when one enters there he never comes back out. Stories and books trek around the streets of the village condemning the house for the souls and witches who have taken the lives of so many young boys and girls in the village.

Their king even passed an order that the house should be demolished but no one was able to do the job because of how scary the place looked. No one was willing to sacrifice his life to go into the gates and bring down the house just after they had witnessed the death of Granville, the village contractor who was in charge of demolition and construction.

"Adonis I see something," Eden said holding her brother's hand so tied and wanting not to go any further.

"What do you see? we haven't gotten anywhere near the door yet you are already this scared. you don't have to be scared? " he questioned " fight your fear and believe that you're somewhere save and nothing will happen" he explained.

"Believe I'm somewhere save?" she repeated " this doesn't look like any place save at all," she says as they walk slowly to the door.

"What a very large and old door," Adonis said touching it with his hand. " Don't touch it, we might be condemned" Eden screeched and whack away his hand from the door.

"You don't have to tell me what to do," he says and pushes open the door.

With sensitivity, the door went open and a large amount of light outshines the whole door, and all that was seen was their shadows on the ground.

"Adonis what is this, the light is too bright I can't see anything" his sister complained as her both hands covered her whole face.

"It magnificent to see such an amount of light coming from the inside when the outside of the house is so dark and dormant," Adonis says and takes his sister's hand "Come let's walk right in," Adonis said without fear and drags her sister into the house.

"The ray of light wasn't coming to an end as they proceeded with walking. Fear had gotten hold of his little sister who was facing such a situation at just the tender age of sixteen. Adonis who had let his sister into this was also just turning eighteen but yet had the heart of a lion.

"Adonis, look at what you have brought us into, I don't know my front nor my back. We are just walking in the ray of light, " she said " light so bright that nothing can be seen"

"Keep quiet, I see something, " Adonis says and focuses his notoriety towards the end shadows he was seeing.

"What is it?" Eden asked looking forward just as he was but wasn't seeing the thing her brother saw.

They moved forward, walking very slowly in between the ray of light and Adonis himself was getting scared for sounds that they heard weren't ordinary. Someone or something was making sounds and they could not see anything. It then transferred from sounds to voices, voices of ghosts, and souls of the dead.

Voices that spoke as such

"Come to me````"

"They are mine```"

"Welcome hmmmm```"

"Death awaits you on the other side"

"Turn back now before it is too late"

These voices enthralled making screams and moan all around the ray of light. Adonis and Eden became very frightened, Eden's lips were shaking and her body shelves for fear of the unknown.

"Run, let's run," Adonis said taking on Eden's hands once again and they began running around in the ray of light.

"aaaaah!!!" Eden screamed for what she saw as they went out the ray light wasn't any human being but something she never saw before.

Something she only saw in horror movies. something that looked human but scary like a ghost.

"Adonis" she screamed but couldn't find her brother anywhere and the now scary-looking human being was walking right to her.

Trying to run, she fell to the ground and began crying as it reach out to hold her legs.

"You're mine," said the scary-looking human being with a deep but sturdy voice.

Right before it touched her, a young boy throw a spear at it and all attention was now drowned from the girl to him. Eden felt like passing out because of fear of what her eyes were seeing.

She now yawns for her brother who she didn't know his whereabouts for the world she was in looked strange with strange-looking things.

Eden watched the young boy fight with the strange-looking creature.

"This place is dangerous, I must run to safety," Eden told herself and ticked up the courage that her brother wasn't with her and she needed to find him.

She turned to the other side of the forest, which stood slum-furrowed, and began running through the huge trees.

Not so far from where the boy was fighting the strange-looking creature, she stopped, having come across another scary-looking creature. This time around was an animal with legs like that of a wolf but then in its eyes and mug yawned for blood.

The dripping of blood from the animal's mug and the gigantic of its teeth made her even more startled when she faced it.

Eden hadn't time to think as its prey was already on her. Groaning and gawking at her, it sauntered on how it will fest its perpetrator who was stratum on one of the huge Iroko trees. Eden was statute as she thought about which direction to take and had no time left before the wolf-like animal bounced on her.

she ran back towards where she woke up and found herself, the now wolf-like animal was chasing her with its teeth like that of a snake ready to feast on her if it got anywhere near its perpetrator.

Eden screamed for help once she was approaching the area for she believed the boy who now was done with killing the beast could help in also killing the wolf-like animal.

Eden had no time to look behind or on the ground as she rummage through the hole area for the boy but then shove down by a tree's roots.

The wolf-like animal de-stress the run and moved now slowly to the helpless Eden who couldn't stand back to her feet.

"Please don't eat me, I beg you, don't... " she cried out, watching the animal's funks go down on her.

Eden could feel and hear her heart beating at a very fast rate, she thought about her brother who now she hadn't seen since she found herself in this hazardous place. Was this how she was going to end, not having to enjoy the essence of life and getting to see her mother and brother who she yawn to tell about her experience?

Eden having to watch the animal mount on her, knew it was over as its tray went down to her stomach. Just an inch close to devouring her, a spear went through the animal's body and almost got through to her. Eden close down her eyes not opening them again. she was now into another phase of life, that of survival of the fittest.


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