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The Crazy Dancer

The Crazy Dancer

Asanji Wilson


THE CRAZY DANCER •[Dance of a Lifetime ]• Written by Wilson Library PROLOGUE Since I was a little girl I've always dreamt of being the best dancer the world would ever know, a fascinating one at that. I want to perform on the world's biggest stage of them all, I want people to shout my name and wail at me. I want the world to know me as the best. but I don't think this dream of mine can ever be realistic. My parents keep on pressurising me to quit dancing and focus more on my education but they want my sister to continue dancing. why should I when I have a version, A version that I want to make come true? Since my birth, I've believed that dancing is what I was brought into this world to do. To entertain and perform for people and brought cast my talent to the world but my parents are against it. why? why me?. Why must I be treated unfairly? Why can't they let me be a dancer? Why do they choose my sister over me? Why must I always be left behind?... said with tears in my eyes as they roll down my smooth and soft chicks. This is a story of my life of how I became a crazy dancer, my name is Mires Louisa and I'm a countryside girl who lives with her parents. I have an elder sister who is two years older than me. Our parents aren't so rich so knowing the difficulties in life, we both assisted them while going to school. Life was really tough for us but we always make sure to keep a smile and a happy united family no matter how bad the situation looked. My sister was enrolled in a dancing school after she finished her education but I was left behind, I told my parents I also wanted to be a dancer and that it had always been my dream but they turned me down. They refused to send me to learn dancing like my sister and instead made me run around to sell groceries and supplies to people. I hated them for this and decided to secretly learn dancing. Every evening when I was back from work I'll go spy on my sister while she dances, I watch her dance and copy her dance styles and moves and will secretly practice while I'm out for business. I wasn't as good as her but I gave in my best to learn. Years passed and my sister was becoming a famous dancer. she was even receiving contracts and lots of enrollments. It reached a point she relocated and also opened up a big shop for my mother which I started working there. she was climbing up to the top to become what I've always dreamt of becoming, not until an incident happened. She got into an accident and almost lost her all, we did everything to make sure she could wake up but my sister remained in a coma. A week just after her accident, we received a bigger contract this time which will fetch her billions. she was to go out of the country and perform on the world's biggest stage of them all but where was she. She was still in a coma and couldn't wake up. my mother then decided to force me to go since I looked more like her. I couldn't believe she wanted me to do such a thing, me that wasn't even able to dance like an amateur. She tried all possible ways and successfully convinced me and I decided to represent my sister in the world's biggest contest. I later traveled out of the country and left my parents to take care of my sister still she wakes up from a coma. I thought going out of the country and helping represent my sister was the right thing to do not until I met him. He was perfection to be described, his stunning looks and amazing smile were just so good that I couldn't stop staring at him but when I got to know the real man behind those devilish looks I wanted to go back home, I didn't want to learn or stay anymore. He... he... he made me a crazy dancer. How did he do it, I don't know but all I can tell you is never mess with Garros Rolando. He will use his dance moves to turn you into his puppet, he will make you fall for him and lose your self-consciousness. He is a true definition of an algo para To be continued. Just hold on with this prologue.... I'll be right back... see you in the comment section. ©Wilson library Extraordinary every day.

Chapter 1 Travelling to Prussia

Mires Louisa***

"we'll be landing shortly, please all passengers should fasten their seat belts and remain sitting" the plane attendant announced as the plane was about to land.

It had been a long-hour flight from Cebu to Prussia and I was so tired from sitting down for hours.

Immediately the plane landed I walked out and collected my luggage then rushed to the restroom to free myself.

After I was done I walked out and started looking for the person who was coming to pick me up from the airport.

"Hey! miss are you, Mires Emilia," a guy asked immediately he walked up to me.

"Yes, I am. Are you the one who is supposed to pick me up from the airport? " I answered bearing my sister's name. The name Mires Emilia is my sister's name and I think I'll have to get used to being called her name now that I'm pretending to be her.

"This way miss Emilia," he says taking over my luggage and walking me towards where he had parked the car.

"Thank you," I said and walked into the car while he puts my luggage on the stumps.

He later walks into the car and drives off to where I'll meet and talk with his boss, I guest.

As he drives, I decided to look out the window and see the magnificent beauty of the city of Prussia.

I was amazed by the big and creative works of art right before my eyes, it's were so good that I didn't want to take my eyes off the window.

"Is it your first time going out of your country miss?" the driver asked as he noticed the way my eyes were fixed outside the car window.

"Not really, I've been to America before," I said squatting probably in the car.

"Wow, that's a hell of a place I want to visit someday," he says and I smile at him.

"America is good, but if you're looking to visit a country with infrastructural development then I'll suggest you visit china because it has a repetition of some of the world's biggest infrastructures," I said and he nodded then I smiled knowing that he must have believed everything I've just told him.

Well, I've never been to America nor have I ever seen the infrastructures in China but since I heard some rumors that China has the Paris towel, I concluded and use it to fool him in other for him to believe me.

"How long are we going to take to reach our destination?" I asked noticing that he has been driving for quite a while now.

"It's a one-hour journey miss," he said and I widen my eyes.

"It takes that long?" I asked.

"Yes miss, sometimes one hour thirty minutes if there's traffic. The company is quite far from the airport " he says and I nod tiredly.

"Okay, wake me up when you get there, I want to take a nap, I'm exhausted from the long plane ride," I say and doze off.

Garros Rolando***

"One step forward, move your right foot forward and extend it towards your left side, continue doing so," I said to the girls I was training to do a Plié dance.

"Alright everyone back to position," I said and they all returned to their respective positions.

"Today we are going to talk about what an assemblé is and how to practice it," I said as they all stayed focused and kept staring at me.

"An assemblé begins in the fifth position. It is a jump in which the front leg extends out to the side and up off the floor while the supporting leg hops. The extended leg then lands behind the supporting leg in the fifth position" I said explaining and demonstrating how the moves are practiced.

"Mr. Garros, someone's here to see you" my assistant waddled into the room telling me and I nodded.

"Benita, come forward and show them what I just demonstrated," I said and she nodded and walked forward.

"You all should Keep practicing with her, I'll be right back," I said walking out with my assistant.

"Mr. Garros, I'm amazed you never asked about who wants to see you," he said and I smirked.

Harris has always been talkative but due to his high skill and professionalism in his work, I keep him around.

"Has miss Mires Emilia already arrived?" I asked as we both walk to my office

"No, but I called the driver, he said there will soon be arriving," he said and I nodded.

"I hope everything is ready to welcome her and one more thing make sure my cousin doesn't learn about her arrival or anything that will make him suspect me," I said and he nodded.

"Miss Emilia is a very important guest, make sure, she's treated well," I said and he nods

"I'm afraid he has already learned of her coming," he says and I stop walking.

"I guess I'll have to face him then," I said to Harris and then walk forward and opened my office door.

"Hey, Garros how are you my brother?" another talkative monster of mine said as I walked into my office.

"Harris you may leave us," I said and he nods before going away.

"Why are you here, didn't I tell you we'll meet at the bar?" I questioned and he smirked.

"C'mon cousin, are you restricting me from coming to your office now? " he asked sitting on my favorite chair.

" It's not so, I'm just too busy to accommodate anyone at the moment," I say and he looks at me in a very deadly way.

He kept silent looking at me in an expressional way but I couldn't say anything as he was a bigger boss in the company than me. All I could do was stare at him in silence.

"I heard you invited a beauty over for the upcoming dance competition?" he finally asked the question and I nodded.

"Yes, I did. She's going to be our main leader for the competition and she will feature in the Romance bullet" I said and he gazed at me with a little smile popping from the side of his cheek.

"When she arrives, Arrange a meeting between me and her," He says as he wakes up from the chair and walks away.

I let out a heavy breath as he closes the office door, knowing that my cousin doesn't joke when he wants to take away something from me.

He has been the one bossing and controlling the company ever since my dancing career was ruined.

On the outside, everyone believes I work with my cousin to build and take this company higher but that was not the real situation. I'm just his stooge that he orders and uses anyhow.

I don't even have a good apartment of my own nor am I financially stable as my cousin controls everything. I just come to the company sometimes to train and lecture the girls as he is completely taking over the company from me.

Now that he has ordered me to bring Miss Emilia, I'm quite sure this is the end of my stay in the company because he will never let me dance again after taking my place as Garros Rolando, the clandestine and most magnificent dancer that the world had seen during the world dance competition in Paris.

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