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Mated to guardian angels

Mated to guardian angels



Decades ago, the moon goddess created the first living creatures on Earth, they are, "the Lycans". The lycans were the oldest and strongest living creatures. But there was a change in nature's order after the creation of another Immortals, "the Devils clan". The dawn of the Devils, is the beginning of deceit, fear, and calamity. Both the lycans and devils leave in peace for centuries, until the devils started a war. The war continues for two centuries, putting the Lycans in the state of disarray and fear. Living almost their lives in hiding. There was a change of events and power control, "The guardian angels were created". They were created as a weapon to be used against the devils, the war kept on going until the Universe helped the Lycans by creating more Immortal beings , "Witches and other creatures were created inorder to conquer the Devils clan" . The Donovan's, who in centuries developed there packs and had three sons, they were killed by Lucifer and died during the war or so people believed. The Devil's clan were conquered after years of causing terror to Mother Universe. The war was over but it cost them the entire generation of "the Guardian Angels". The three brothers that are the last Donovan's are said to have been cursed because of that and that they'll be mated to re-encarnated guardian angels. Will they accept then and finnal get rid of Lucifer or will they kill them.. Find out in the exciting novel: mated to guardian angels.


🌹In another world 🌹

The weather was rather harsh today , everyone took shelter as the weather became unbearable.

In a villa up the hill lives three sacred beasts,the first lycans to ever been created they are the Donovan,the first born is a tall muscular, godlike body, with ocean blue eyes and gold tan skin and Raven black hair, ,he never smiles causing the aura around him to be so stuffy and scary,the middle child is tall has a well build godlike body with deep ocean blue eyes,olive coloured skin and blonde hair he doesn't smiles,but when he doesn't, there's always bloodshed which made the aura around him mysterious the last child who also has the perfect well built body and light ocean blue eyes and Black hair and fair skin,he's always cheerful and has an inviting aura around him.they lost there parents in the battle against demons, which was found by the lycans with the help of guardian angels,this battle helped them seal the demons of hell but weren't able to put Lucifer and the seven deadly sins back in hell, which resulted in the extinction of the guardian angels,so the three brothers are the last of the royal family.the three we're summoned by Emily the royal witch as she informed them that as the prophecy has stated,there mates will be born today, and they are neither werewolf nor witch but a guardian angel.kace was happy about having a mate but his brothers were not happy, especially Theodore,he coursed the moon goddess for giving them a week being as there mate's,Alex said nothing as he wasn't interested,kevin on the other hand tried to calm Theodore down they are seen in a room conversing and arguing.

"Brother you can't do that",the youngest one said.

"Brother talk to him" ,he said looking at the middle one.

"Don't drag me into this Kevin,you know how he is,once he's made a decision then it's final".alex said still going through the file he's holding.

"Brother just because sera broke your heart doesn't mean you have to kill that innocent child".

Kevin said trying to convince his brother the king.

"Emma gave us a great news about us finally getting a mate today,but you want to get rid of her", Kevin yelled at him Theodore angrily.

"How dere you shout at me Kate.

I'm letting you go because you my brother,if it were someone else,I would have sliced them into pieces by now.so you better leave my place at once".Michel said

Alex was listening to everything but didn't say anything.

Kevin left for his room in rage as he shot the door angrily.

"Really michel,do you have to make him angry",Alex asked still going through his file.

"Well he asked for it.you know that sera is my one and only love and I've not gotten over her and I don't want any mate,expecially not a guardian angel,so I'm going to kill her",he said with a serious tone.

"Well both off you shouldn't put me in the middle of all this coz I have better things to do than to get involved with you two fighting",Alex said closing his file.

"I'm going back to the human world just in case you kill her don't you dare touch mine because I'm not Killing nor pursuing her",Alex said.

"Since my pack is there and also my company,I might as well not waste my time arguing with the both off you".he added getting up.

"So you not going to find nor kill her", Theodore said raising a brow looking at Alex.

Alex brought down his long legs as he stood up, looking right at Theodore he said,

"like I said i don't give a fuck about finding my mate because I have other matters that I need to deal with and besides everyone knows that the Donovan brothers can never find there mate's,so I'll let the rumors be the way it is".he said as he reached the door handle.

"Don't bother looking for me or calling me because i am not going to respond",he said strictly as he left.

Theodore didn't care what his brother think but he has to find his mate and get rid of her,so that she wouldn't be the course of his downfall.

How can a guardian angel be my mate the weekest amongst all being,he thought.

"The moon goddess is trying to play a game with me the alpha King",he said as he contacted his trusted guard.

"Don't let anyone Disturbed me",he said as he sat down thinking of how to find his mate.

Kevin was still in his room when a thought came into his head,he quickly grabbed his car keys as he headed to Sara's place.

Soon he arrived and saw her sitting on in her leaving room.

Sara is the last of the pure blooded witch with her curvy body, busty and plumped lips which is covered in red lipstick and red eyes making her look dangerous,she doesn't smile and has red long hair,the aura around her is dark yet mysterious.

"I know why your here and I'm not going to help you".she said before he even came in.

"But sera you didn't hear what I wanted to say".kevin said

"You want me to help you find your mate right",she said raising a brow looking at him

"Ye..yeah"he said.

How does she know,he thought

"but..but..why wouldn't you help me",he asked.

"I won't,and even if I would your brother wouldn't because he thinks that I ran away and don't love him", sera said with sadness in her eyes.

In a blink of an eye sera changed back to her old self.

"So I'm not helping you and that's final",she said standing up.

"If you help me find her I won't bug you ever again",he said in a pleading tone.

She looked at him and her heart softened a little,but she didn't show it.

"Fine,I'll help you,and besides,I have a business to finish with the moon goddess",she mumbled.

"You said", he asked.

Nothing,she quickly answered

"I could have sworn I heard you talk",he said as he sat down waiting for her to get ready.

Soon sera came out with her luggages and gestured to kevin

"So , what are you waiting for,I don't have all the time in the world you know",she said sarcastically

Back in the villa, Theodore was pacing up and down thinking of how to look for her when a guard contacted him through mind link.

"What",he shouted angrily.

"I'm sorry sire but his highness kevin is together with sera and I think he sorted her help to look for both your mate and his",the guard said through mind link

"Interesting",Theodore said.

"Follow them ,I know they'll first try to find my mate before I do do follow them ,once they find her take some people to distract them while you finish the job.i can't allow a week being like that stay by my side",he said as he cut off the connection.

On there way to the human world, kevin told sera what Theodore wants to do to his mate

She was shocked

I wasn't expecting him to be this cruile.she thought.

Can we find her first before we find mine,he asked looking at sera.

She gave him a deadly glare."I have to even if you don't tell me to",she said.

"We need all three guardian angels to defeat Lucifer",she said.

Alright then lead the way he said as he speed up.

🌹In the human world 🌹

Three babies are born the same time but different places.

The first baby has a lovely dark green eyes with a hint of golden and brown hair.

The second baby has a lovely Black eyes also with a hint of golden and brown hair.

The third baby has a lovely silver colored eyes with hint of golden.

All three babies look alike but have different personalities.

Everyone was happy as the first baby was born,her parents were without the fruit of the womb for ten years.

"My baby",her mother said taking her from the doctor ,

"she's so beautiful",a nurse said.

"Thank you",she said,

"My love what do you think we should name her",her dad Mr fogger asked.

"I'm going to name her heaven".,she said kissing little heavens hands.

"Heaven,I like it" , said Mr fogger kissing his wife on her four head.

Everyone was happy when the second baby was born.

Her mother took her from the doctor as her brothers, stood by the side admiring there little sister.

"My dears what shall I name her", there mother asked them .

"mom how about Vivian",the youngest said.

"Why did you choose vivian son",Mrs Williams asked amazed.

"Well i don't know and because and I've always wanted a little sister",he said smiling reveling his pearly white teeth's.

"Yes mom, Ethan is right", Jorge said also smiling.

"Then Vivian it is",Mr Williams said smiling happily.

After the third baby was born her mom died and her dad fainted causing him to die of heart attack,so she couldn't be named by her parents and with no relative,the little girl was sent to an orphanage.

Kevin and sera arrived right in front of a huge villa Which was filled with joy.

Just as they got out of the car, Kevin sighted Theodore guards in front of the house.

Just as planned, the three lycans transform into there form and attacked sera and kevin.

They were still fighting when leo sneaked into the house and killed heaven.

It was after he got out that sera realized something was wrong but they were late.

"What did you do", sera asked angrily.

"I carried out my Kings order",he said with a smirk.

"You",she said as she charged towards them but they used the vanishing posion she made and vanished into thin air before she could get to them.

Just then they heard an agonizing cry as a woman was shouting.

"No,no,no,my baby,she.. she can't just die like that",she said subbing.

"My love calm down please, we'll look for who deres to assassinate my precious child", Mr fogger said trying to hold back his tears.

Kevin was devastated, angry that he couldn't save her,as they drive away to look for a place to stay before they look for kevin mate.

🌹In another world 🌹

Theodore was sited waiting for good news when he felt a sharp pain in his chest,it was the mate bond breaking.

It was unbearable but he had to hold on a little while longer.

Few minutes later leo contacted Theodore and said

"Sire,the deeds been done",he said.

"You did great", Theodore said trying to compose himself, after the pain has subdued.

"Finally,that week creature is out of my life",he said

But somewhere within him he felt incomplete,and he new why but didn't allow that to get in his way.

🌹 Back in the human world🌹

Kevin and sera just checked out of the hotel as sera informed kevin of his mate being close.

Kevin was down because of yesterday's incident but upon hearing this news he was back to his usual carefree self.

"Really, then what are we still waiting for, let's go'.he said dragging her.

"Don't touch me", he said making him stop in his track.sounding apologetic he said.

"Sorry sera, out of excitement I touched you",he said.

She glared at him before saying,"it's already night time Kevin,we can't just go to an orphanage in the middle of the night saying we want to adopt a baby".

"But I can't wait",he said

"Well you'll have to wait till morning",she said going into her room.

Kevin was so excited that he couldn't even sleep.

Soon it was morning ,he got up,took his bath and got dressed

He quickly went to Sarah's room and knocked.

"Can't you at least allow me to sleep for some time",she shouted.

"I can't,my wolf is eager to meet his mate",he said sounding excited.

"Your such a pain in the ass,give me some moment ok",she said through the door

"Alright",he said as he waited for her.

Soon she was done as they checked out of the hotel and left for the orphanage.

Soon they arrived in front of an orphanage.

Kevin was still confused s to why his mate was there but didn't asked any questions.

They went in and asked to see the person in charge.

They were led to an office in which they describe the like baby and they were taking to where babies are kept.

As Soon as they reached Kevin's sense was clouded with the most powerful scent he's been searching for.the scent of wood mix with rose and a little bit rain,his wolf growled and asked to be freed so that he could claim what was there's.just then he saw her ,a beautiful baby with silver eyes and a touch of golden with brown eyes.he carried her as though he was holding an egg.

He took her out as they filled in the form of adoption and paid the necessary fees

Now that he has her what was left was a roof over there heads,so he called Caleb, Alex's gamma and asked if he can purchase a house for them hell send the money to him.

Few minutes later Caleb came and gave kevin his house keys,and documents.

He was surprised to see Kevin with a newborn baby.

Kevin noticed the look and said she my mate.

Caleb was shocked but also happy for kevin.

Soon sera kevin and little baby reached there new home.everything they needed was provided but the baby doesn't have anything.

"I can't keep on calling you baby I'll call you hope",he said.

"Because you are my hope", he said as he gently keep her down.

He called max his friend who already had a family of his own with his mate and asked if he could help him with everything a baby needs.

Soon he brought it as he heard a shocking news.

Baby hope is Kevin mate.

Soon they were settled as sera picked a room and set some rules.

"If you want me to stay then obey my rules", she said.

"No one,do not enter my room without my permission".

"Number two in every month there's this day that I don't wanna be distributed even If it's important,it has to wait".

"And lastly you'll be the one cooking" ,she said as she retired to her room.

"I'm tired so I don't wanna be Disturbed",she said and left.

Kevin was left alone with baby hope as he played with her,changed her and feed her according to the instructions max gave him.

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