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Contact marriage to the CEO (she's my savior)

Contact marriage to the CEO (she's my savior)



a young boy saved by a girl two years younger than him helped him secretly as she told him about her dreams of opening a fashion house one day she and her family moved from the US to Paris as she fulfill her dream meanwhile he promised to help her fullfil her dream,few years later they meet he recognized her but she couldn't.so he decided to marry her by contract and give her the fashion house he developed for her once they have divorced. Will she recognize him in time or once they have are not together.

Chapter 1 the betrayal

what the",I said as someone bumped into me.

"Are you blind"I said angryly but the person didn't answer.

"I'm late for work,my best outfits been ruined now and Alex's gonna be angry at me for being late what could possibly go wrong",I thought using a tissue to Clean the coffee stain on my dress.

I looked at the person angrily wanting to give him a piece of my mind when I saw the most handsome guy I've ever seen in my life.

"Sorry",I heard him say.

"No Jerry, why are you apologizing to this bitch,she most have seen how handsome you look and stood there so that you can bump into her",a lady besides him said bringing me back to reality.

"Excuse me who does this lady think she is",I thought

I looked back at him and got lost in his deep green eyes.

I was lost in thought thinking about who this demi-god in front of me was.

I was bought back out of my though when I heard a cold but calm voice said sorry to me.

"N..n..no it ok,it wasn't on purpose anyways",I stuttered as I blushed.

I raised my head to say something when I saw that he was gone,I turned around and saw him walking away with that rude lady besides him.

I was still thinking about his looks when my eyes fell on my wrist watch.

"Oh shoot,I'm late for work",I said as I quickly ran twords the company.

"Alex is so going to kill me",I thought.

Bella is a beautiful young girl with a curvy body,pink plump lips, bright blue eyes brown coily hair.

Sorry for not introducing my self earlier,my name is Bella,a graduate and a fashion designer,I contributed with Alex my fiance to open a fashion house here in Paris after our graduation.

Alex and I have been dating since our first year in college so we got engaged after we graduated so now we are the owners of glamor fashion house.

Although I'm a shear holder I'm being treated like a worker by Alex and I don't mind coz I love him.

Jerry turned back and saw her running twords the direction of a small fashion house.

"Ella,it's been years since you saved me ,I know you won't remember me now but in time you will",he said as he got into his car.

As Soon as I reached the office ,I went straight to Alex's office,but what I heard shocked me.

I heard moans coming from his office and what shoked me more was brinas voice coming from the office.

"What's bring doing in Alex's office",I said.

I got closer and the door tilted a little,I peeped through and saw the both of them making out.i felt a pain in my heart,I couldn't bear it,I wanted to go and stop them but then I heard Briana saying something.

"That bitch Ella is being all clingy on you",she said crasing his lips.

"I've been dating that good for nothing for five years now and I didn't even taste her,she's been telling me to wait after our marriage ,dose she think that I could hold on",he said angrily hitting his fist o the desk.

"Baby,you came to my Ade when I was in need giving me your body and I took your innocence from you,so in going to repay you by marrying you",Alex said.

"I'm just using her to make my company rise and after I'm done with her I'm going to dump her",he said with a wicked smile plastered on his face.

"Really baby", Briana asked.

"Yes baby,she's just a pown I'm our little game",he said as the both laughed.

I couldn't take it anymore so I barged into the office angrily with tears in my eyes.

"You adultrous couple",I said sniffing.

"How could you do this to me after everything I've done for you",I said subbing.

"Alex what have i not giving you for you to be cheating on me with my best friend",I said.

"I worked my butt off day and night just to get money for this fashion house a d you did nothing,I didn't say anything coz I loved you and didn't want you to suffer and even after establishing the fashion house you did nothing other than to oder me around like a worker,I still didn't complain send this is what you'll repay me with",I said angryly.

"And you bitch after what I did for you since from highschool up till this very moment,I took care of you,cared for you like a sister would,I made sure you lacked anything but no,you still wanted what I have right,you ever went ahead and stole my fiance",I said angryly.

"Ella it's not what you think,it just happened so quickly",I heard Briana shamelessly say.

"Ella, don't Blane Briana,blame me,I was the one who came after her",he said trying to defend her.

Hearing them defending each other so shamelessly made me chuckle,it was a sight to behold.

Since this is what he wants I'll let him go,I'll leave him and his life forever.

"Since you too love each other I might as well break off the engagement,and resign.ill send my resignation latter as soon as possible",I said turning to Leave.

"And you don't you ever call me,nor think of me as your friend because we ain't friends", I said turning to learn.

"What are you saying Ella,you are all I have",she said shading crocodile tears.

"Ella what are you saying,I told you it's not her fault but mine so leave her out of this",he said trying to protect her.

I chuckled as I looked at them in distain and left.

I reached home tired and heart broken,I cried my self to sleep but the sound of my phone vibrating indicating that I have a massage woke me up,I quickly sat upright upon seeing who the email was from.

"Global international fashion industry send me an email but why",I thought.

I read it and was shocked

"This most be the work of scammers",I thought as I deleted it.

Just as I dropped the phone, trying to process all what happened I received a phone call from an unknown number,I ignored it ,it ranged few more times before I picked up.

Hello, I said as I picked up

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Contact marriage to the CEO (she's my savior)

Chapter 1 the betrayal
