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Our Sanctuary: The Valley book 1

Our Sanctuary: The Valley book 1

Alex Isaacs


Our sanctuary a book to read but may not be able to because of problems put in complete, nothing happening

Chapter 1 Prologue

Our Sanctuary

The Valley

By Alex Isaacs


We had not been back to school that long when the University got the students together to tell us that all the classes have stopped, and we should go home until further notice; we would get a call when they would start up again. We looked at the news; there were just partial broadcasts of a bad virus going around. I took out my computer and went to the army website; it still had it on regular status.

I got everyone together, asking, "what should we do; there is no sense panicking for nothing right yet."

Beth and Scott said, "we haven't heard from anyone on the committee yet." I know they do have their inside people. We decided to keep running the business here and running loads to the valley. I needed to get this last trip in and make sure this special cargo was safe in case something did happen.

We headed out to the valley with four trucks filled with fruits, vegetables, other canned foods, and water. We left a little behind in the yard; it saved us a lot in paying out grocery bills. Jake knew what to do if anything was to happen. We drove up to the valley, stopping just for fuel, taking the food we bought with us. We got to the valley in two days, just as we always did, and unloaded the trailers. I talked with my parents about what was going on. I also let the rest of the people that were here in the valley the same information. I let them know what was going on and hoping it would all get back to normal.

My dad came to get me to look at the news; it was not looking very good now. The news people were still not showing everything, but that was usual with them. We went online and saw some of the mayhem that was going on. I was glad I had made the correct decision, and now I saw how the others in our group were willing to do anything with me. As we got ready, I started to go through my mind a list of things we needed to do.

My dad said, "he and the others had everything under control here," my dad also said, "I had to do what I had to do. They will harvest the fields, and have the food and grain brought in, he will see to the other fields later." I could see my brother David and Rocky, heading out with two girls to help them. My dad came up to me and said, "he would have the first batch of homemade wine ready for us to sample when we had time."

I looked at my mom and gave her a big hug; she enjoyed all the work she was doing; she liked being in charge of things. My mother kept everyone in line, she set out rules, and everyone did not mind following them. I got the others ready to go on this trip back to the yard. It sits outside the University that some of us were attending. It should only take us two days to get back unless we ran into a bad storm or any accidents.

Before getting into my truck with Beth as my third driver, I took another look over our sanctuary that we have built over the last three years. I said my goodbyes to my family and friends that were staying here, waiting for our return.

My name is Alex, and I should tell you how we got to this point in time. It all started as I was finishing my last year of high school.

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