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The Vampire's good girl

The Vampire's good girl



Genesis Jamarion moves into a new town with her newly divorced mother , June Jamarion now Gerald. A new school where she knows no one and nothing of , getting there an event occurs making her the school new target as she is been bullied. Accidentally she stumbles upon a diary containing things that left her intrigued when she finds herself catching feelings for one of the popular boys that is a vampire , who saves her in school that saves her, she gets compelled by the words of the diary that she wished to live up to, but the words of the diary is more ugly than it seems and this words could either make or break her.

Chapter 1 Morning Bloom

Chapter one - Morning Bloom

"Good bye Dad "Genesis hugs her father as tight as she could, letting it linger for few seconds as she knew she wouldn't be able to see him till the coming Christmas which was approximately eight months away. Eight month felt like eternity to her , an eternity she wished to avoid.

"Bye Honey! , Dad loves you and remember I am always here and available whenever you need me. Okay "her dad George Jamarion kissed her forehead.

He was dressed in plain white button up shirt and a black jeans paired up with a black trainers.

The six feet and four inches height still towered over Genesis five feet ten inches height.

What they mostly shared in common was the color of their hair which was dark brown and their hazel eyes while the rest of her features she got from her mother, probably also the height since her mom was a five eight .

Her father genes in her had been a boosting to her height

She pulls away from him , she wasn't going to cry she had promised herself, she wasn't going to make it harder for them.

The divorce between her parent was like a whirlwind , a quickie divorce,like both couldn't wait to be apart from each other. Taking her into no consideration as she hadn't said a word about it and still they didn't even bother to ask if she was actually okay with it.

Their marriage had been failing she knew that, but she thought they would eventually work it out but she thought wrong, they had ended up in a divorce, a marriage ending in shambles.

She imagined how the judge would have been jumping for joy in his glorious seat since he had little or no case to stress himself about.

The judge , Aaron Dexter , a name she heard a couple of times whilst her mother talked to her lawyers on phone.

A fifty one year old renowned judge, also divorced fortunately, fit for the job, Genesis opinion about him and a blessed father of three children.

The terms was laid out and the two both agreed, no looking back, no turning back. Her mother been jejune what could she have expected.

"Gen it's time "her mother , June Jamarion now June Gerald called as she leans on the driver seat door of her blue minivan , dressed in a simple blue jean trouser and a yellow floral offs shoulder long sleeve top. Her hair packed up in a tight and neat ponytail, her face almost void of makeup except for the lip balm she had applied to prevent for lips from getting chapped, she was beautiful ,still is , everyone admitted even she herself did , her mother looked so young almost like her , her mother,June had blonde hair and blue eyes, eyes that were found to be quite hypnotizing probably what caught her dad attention.

Her mother could easily pass as her eldest sister without sweating a bit. She'd always thought

"Okay" Genesis lowly replied dropping her shoulders as she made her way to the minivan with slow and heavy steps.

She could feel the tears fighting to come out but she fought back as she blinked hardly stopping the tears from dropping

Her mother got into the minivan.

"Bye again Dad"she said, she slowly pull her hands away from him like it was the last time , for her it felt like it , eight months was too long.

"We don't have all day!" Her mother yelled from inside the car.

"Coming!"she replied , as she walk into passenger seat next to mom adjust her black lace dress , today she was dressed in all black , black sweater , black dress , black boots , she could pass as a young lady attending a funeral , as someone mourning, she felt that way but neither the less black was also her favorite colour . Her mom put on her eye glasses as she adjust her rearview mirror using it as a face mirror.

Her father still stood by as he much them pull out of the drive way.

With both hands in the front pocket of the black jeans he wore resting his weight on one foot.

He waved at them as he see them pulling away. June only scoffed , Genesis waved back as she settled back in her seat her seat unconsciously folding her arms.

"Put on your seat belt!"her mother scolded, Genesis didn't bother arguing as she knew it was the right thing to do, she did as she was told.

They pulled farther away until Genesis couldn't even easily spot her dad through the wing mirror that she stared right through like she was a laser beam cutting right through it watching as his figure disappears from sight

She sighs as she now turned straight viewing what was in front.

She wished she stayed with her dad but she chose not to ,knowing how jejune her mother was, her mother could easily fall for something she knew nothing of. She felt the need to protect her.

How her parent had even gotten married in the first place still puzzled her, a mystery that still went unsolved.

She wouldn't be any bit surprised if she woke up one day been told their marriage had been a forced one or they both had a bet any obviously her dad lost making him stuck with her mother or they had had a drunken marriage at Las Vegas.

Still she was more surprised that their relationship hadn't end up in a jilt.

Seventeen years of their marriage and the only thing they had to show was a seventeen year old teenager, no love, no affection towards each other.

She wished she didn't have to be caught up in their divorce , she was the most affected.

Having to be a child of divorced parent didn't fit well with her.

She wished she was old enough already an adult before they at least separated.

They had been moving for hours, no stops, the need to use the bathroom gradually rising but she feared to ask, Her mother was now different she knew it, The divorce was quick and they both accepted the terms but she knew her mother , she might have easily accepted divorce like it didn't matter but she knew that to her, her mother it did matter.


Genesis bladder was planning on bursting out and there was no way she could hold any longer, she knew if she did she would probably be dead.

Headlines reading in the local newspaper.

"Teenage girl dies due to bladder destruction and inflammation because she feared her mother's reaction if she asked for permission to use the rest room since they had been on a road trip"

"Mom. I need to use the restroom" she spoke ,sounding like she was pleading.

"Genesis don't bug me, I don't have time for this , you are no longer a child so quit whining " June sternly replied not sparing a glancing towards her direction.

"Mom!"she whined the more , hoping her mother would at least glance at her and see the great discomfort she was currently in.

"Fine "June replied almost pissed, as she spots a gas station which she parked in.

The sign board painted in red that stood in front read FRENZY but to Genesis and to any other person as a matter of fact there was nothing frenzy about the place, the place that looked almost deserted.

Just three almost identical black motorbikes was parked at the side.

She stepped into the restaurant that was there mother stayed behind in the car.

She walked up to the lady that stood behind the counter that has a bored expression drawn all over her face, the lady wasn't to blame for her dull expression see how not so parked the place was.

The lady wore a grey blouse and her blonde hair was parked in a bun , a middle aged lady.

"Excuse me?"Genesis politely spoke out

"How may I help you?"The cashier said reluctantly her voice almost as dull as her face, sounding bored her country accent well heard in her words.

"Wondering where the restroom is, please " she said hoping the lady would answer her quickly

"Okay, first door to the left" the Lady pointed in direction.

"Thanks"Genesis greeted as she walked in the direction she was pointed in.

As she had expected the restroom was horrible at least what she had seen so far was nothing to be reckon with.

It shouldn't even be called a restroom she thought.

The rusty sinks that looks almost falling apart or was it the water that coursed out of some of the toilet doors.

The place was simply a total mess.

Why had she given a slight hope to the restroom judging from the restaurant standing almost empty apart from the bored looking lady behind the counter or three middle age men which she had guessed where the owners of the motorcycles parked in front.

Since the restroom was barely used , they didn't bother in keeping it clean or at least make it tidy.

She settled for the one at the farther end that seemed at least clean.

She got in did her business and got out as fast a lightning, she walked up to one of the barely alive sink hoping to wash her hands if at least the water was flowing.

The sight that greets her when she looked into the sink wasn't pleasant.

"Seriously a condom, used filthy one" she said out loud totally irritated by the sight, what disgusted her the most was that someone would even think of having sexual meetings in this kind of filth.

She scrunch her nose up in irritation as she manages to wash her hands in the other sink keeping note to do so again when she got out of this place in fact use a hand sanitizer or maybe a disinfectant.

"Thank you " she waved at the counter lady who only shunned her but Genesis didn't care she just left.

"Took you long enough" her mother, June, voice greeted her as she stepped out of the restaurant , June head stuck out the car window of the driver seat where she sat.

"Sorry"Genesis apologizes and she turned round and got in. She settles in as she buckled the seat belt.

"You didn't get anything "June inquired.

"No , I couldn't the restroom was well detailed enough "

"Oh, okay "June said as she drove off not asking any more details about her restroom journey.


A signboard that read Morning Bloom caught Genesis attention making adjust herself up in her seat.

This was it they were finally here after much hours on the road.

Genesis couldn't help but almost stick out her head out the window as she watch the place.

"A small town" she thought.

It was not like she was expecting to move to a major place like New York for example that had pullulating mass of people.

"This place was small, maybe too small " she thought again after all her mother was simple, too simple.

She was sure she could easily count the number of people that lived here.

Hopefully her school would be the same and she wouldn't even be bothered about crowd but what bothered her the most was that small people meant that she would easily be spotted out among them as she was new.

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